Brooklyn Zombie Crawl After Party – 6.2.13

Another Brooklyn Zombie Crawl? You know what that means… Another insane Brooklyn Zombie Crawl after party! Last year the party was held at Public Assembly and my band played and it was a ton of fun. This year our drummer was out of town, but it was still a hell of a time. A half Misfits cover band called Skeletal Life played and that was awesome and later Bikini Carwash played and they were awesome and late night a singing pirate named Voltaire played and in between the bands there was just total madness.

My friend Lunchbox hosted the Disgraceland Family Freak show and the Disgraceland Hook Squad did some terrifying flesh pulls including one where Lunchbox attached a hook through his balls and my friend Sewer Sprite attached hooks to her throat and right above her vagina and it was extremely brutal.

Two things we learned from that: 1) Yes this gallery is extremely NSFW and 2) My friends have absurd names.

Scarlett Storm and Smurfasaur Suicide from the Rigormortis Review did burlesque and got naked a lot and Smurf was involved in the Disgraceland stuff and pretty much all of it was awesome. You can see them naked in places like Bombshell Brats and Suicide Girls if you are into that sort of thing. Personally I hope to shoot them for real for this site soon, but I have been saying that for a while now…

And to end the night Doug Sakmann hosted his infamous Strip for Pain which involved Scarlett and Smurf torturing guys and getting naked. Good times.

Anyway, it was totally insane and you need to look at the damn photos already…

Click here to see all the photos from the Brooklyn Zombie Crawl After party at Public Assembly!

Strip For Pain

Skeletal Life

Disgraceland Family Freakshow

Bikini Carwash

Zombie Crawl After Party

Aurelio Voltaire

Zombie Burlesque

Disgraceland Hook Squad

Zombie Crawl After Party


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Brooklyn Zombie Crawl After Party – 5.27.12

The Brooklyn Zombie Crawl after party at Public Assembly is always total madness so when I saw a Misfits cover band play last year and kill it I knew that my punk cover band Fucking Bullshit had to play this years. I begged king of the zombies Doug Sakmann to let us play and then I had to beg my band not to go out of town for Memorial Day. The whole thing was worth it as we played the best show of our short career. Of course I didn’t take any pictures of our set but Coach Mike did. You can see his shots here. I can proudly say we were the highlight of the evening even if we may not be ever asked back. It was a real shit show.

Before we played Andy Shaw’s awesome punk band Bikini Carwash opened up the night. They are fronted by this hot lady who sings in a bikini which is appropriate given the name and I fully support. Pretty sure I attacked her during our set.  Sorry.

After my band played things were a little questionable photographically. I hit my head badly during a stage dive and I was properly concussed. I also was pretty drunk on Sailor Jerry rum. They were a sponsor and it was my birthday and they kept pouring it in my face. I managed to shoot some of the rest of the festivities even though I was ruined and I managed to break my flash. I shot my pal Scarlett Storm get naked on stage. She is a Bombshell Brat and a member of the burlesque troupe Rigor Mortis Revue. I was too messed up to document the Smut Cave talk show or the Zombie Gilbert Gottfried but I did manage to shoot the insane Strip For Pain which as always involves naked Burning Angel girls beating the shit out of dudes. The guy who won was possible the best I have ever seen at taking the pain.  There was also a “Hot Zombie Contest” but it devolved pretty quickly into Scarlett getting naked and making out with some other girl who emailed me asking me not to post her tits on the internet so I did what I could. Either way the whole gallery is properly NSFW no matter what.  Enjoy.

Click here to see all the pics of the 2012 Brooklyn Zombie Crawl After Party.

Bonus Links: 2012 Brooklyn Zombie Crawl Pics and pics from last years Brooklyn Zombie Crawl after party.

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Bikini Carwash

Metal Vader & Dr. Grosz Of Fucking Bullshit

Scarlett Storm

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Strip For Pain

Smo K Dust Of Fucking Bullshit


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Brooklyn Zombie Crawl After Party – 5.29.11

So you saw all the pictures from the Brooklyn Zombie Crawl I posted yesterday, and now you get to see the madness that was the after party at Public Assembly.  The second half of these pictures are pretty bad because I got really really drunk.  It was my birthday and at some point I had about 7 shots in 20 minutes and I pretty much lost it after that. I woke up with a ton of bruises all over my right leg, a cut ankle and several bite marks. I have no idea how any of that happened but I am going to assume at least some of it had something to do with crowd surfing during the Misfits cover band Ghouls Night Out.

The whole thing was insane with blood wrestling, zombie comedians, a NSFW zombie beauty pageant and a much more NSFW edition of Doug Sakmann’s Strip For Pain (thanks to Sammi Sprinkles) and lots of PBR. But honestly as retarded as I was it’s probably best to just check out the NYC Zombie Crawl site for more info.

Let’s just get to it. Click here for the insane Brooklyn Zombie Crawl after party pictures from Public Assembly.

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

Brooklyn Zombie Crawl

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Strip For Pain Exxxotica 2010 Edition – 11.6.10

I am going to get Ronald Reagan tattooed to my leg in a few minutes so I gotta make this update quickly.  You guys know the deal anyway right? I have photographed a million Strip for Pain’s and they are all fucked up and crazy and they are all sort of the same.

As a quick refresher insane person and dear friend Doug Sakmann gets on stage and brings up several Burning Angels and several really stupid dudes. He then hurts them severely and if they can survive the pain then the Burning Angel’s get naked. Unfortunately (and sort of ironically) because this time they did it at a porn convention no one could actually get naked. They could however really hurt the guys.

They whipped them with cords, they tortured their nipples and they suffocated them. When that didn’t work they kicked them in the nuts and eventually electrocuted the winner with a dog collar. It was all very brutal and there are a bunch of nice shots from it.

Joanna Angel was supposed to host the whole thing but because of the car accident she couldn’t do it. Speaking of the car accident, I will have a special update tomorrow with never before seen shots of Jessie Lee in a bid to raise even more awareness about her injury. Remember to donate and help her get over this horrible incident.

What else?  These photos are NSFW and Strip For Pain is sponsored by And um… I think that’s it.

Click here to see all the photos from Strip For Pain at Exxxotica, NJ 2010!

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