Jenna J. Ross

I had this idea to put up a bunch of old sets this week, but then my girlfriend came to visit and I didn’t get anything done so this is the only one I am dropping. I am shooting this amazing Wayne’s World party tomorrow so that should be up this weekend and then I will get some more throwback sets up next week. Sorry.

Anyway, when I was organizing old photos from 2015 I found a handful of lost sets. I already posted a set of Vonka Romanov & Kaya Lin and I uploaded all of them to Girls of Driven By Boredom already. But, today I bring you this set of Jenna J. Ross.

I don’t really know how I lost this set but it seems to be the only shoot I did on that trip to LA which might explain how I lost it. I am honestly not even sure why I was in LA or why I only did one set, but it’s a pretty fun one. I was introduced to Jenna by my friend (and super weird porn director (the porn is weird, he’s honestly surprisingly normal for a guy who turns beloved cartoons into X-rated nightmares)) Lee Roy Meyers. He is based in Vegas and I was asking him about people to shoot in Vegas at some point. He said I should hit up Jenna, but we didn’t actually shoot in Vegas so I don’t even know how that happened. 

I also don’t even remember where exactly we shot these photos, but it was some sort of state park in or around LA. It is some sort of hiking trail around some sort of body of water and I remembered we were never very far from the road. We weren’t visible to passing cars or anything, but the trail wasn’t that long and honestly any second people could have come around a corner and caught us. We did a pretty good job of shooting most of the set with at least some of her clothes on so we could have covered her up if people appeared, but we got brave and did some full nude stuff as well. We are champions or something. 

After the shoot we went to some sort of chain restaurant that I had never been to before but I don’t remember what it was or what we had. Honestly I don’t remember much, but I do remember that the roll of film I shot during the day got fucked up and  some of the funnier stuff we shot didn’t come out tragically. 

I hope you enjoyed a recap about a day I barely remember from three years ago. It was very well informed and interesting. Sorry I never posted these before, Jenna I hope you forgive me although I am sure I sent you and/or posted a handful of these right after because that’s usually what I do before forgetting a shoot for three years. Lastly, I should plug Girls of Driven By Boredom again because these photos have been on there for a week and the photos there are in higher resolution and there’s a few more explicit shots on there that are exclusive to the Girls of DBB. Go sign up already

Now click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of Jenna J. Ross getting naked in public back in 2015.

Jenna J. Ross

Jenna J. Ross

Jenna J. Ross

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Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer is pretty amazing. I met her back when she was living in Austin, TX over a year ago. We talked on Twitter and I ended up doing a photo shoot with her in her apartment. Photographically it was pretty mediocre but she was great to shoot and when I planned a trip into the woods with Holly Beth a few days later we brought Giselle with us. 

I am usually in here apologizing for my photography because I generally hate everything I do, but I actually like these photos a lot. We found some sort of abandoned mill and shot inside of it. I was pretty impressed Giselle was willing to climb the walls and pose inside the mill’s window frame. We had Holly on the look out and when people walked passed us (we were right next to a popular hiking trail) we would hide behind the walls, but when Giselle was up there, not only did she have to climb a wall but she was also visible for anyone to see. Fortunately I think we made it without anyone noticing. 

A few months after we did this shoot Giselle moved to LA and became a super popular porn star and I assume lived happily ever after or something. I ran into her at AVN this past January and I hope we get to shoot again some day soon cause she was a damn pleasure to shoot.

For self promotional reasons I should mention that a bunch of photos from this trip are in my book Instaxxx and you should buy it – there’s some in my zine NOT SAFE as well and you can buy that with Instaxxx here.  Also usually I post a few exclusive shots just to Girls of Driven By Boredom, but the bonus shots were going to be of both Giselle and Holly, but I liked those too much so I just included them in this gallery too. That being said Girls of DBB had the photos 24 hours ago, has exclusive content of both girls and the photos are in high resolution. Just saying.

Now, click here to see all of the NSFW photos of Giselle Palmer in some sort of abandoned mill in Texas!

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

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Jillian Janson Under The Boardwalk

If you watched the 2017 AVN Awards on Showtime you saw this segment featuring Jillian Janson. You might also have noticed that I am in that segment. In fact we did a whole photo shoot for Showtime to film. In the segment Jillian talks about the first time we shot and a handful of the photos were featured in the video, but weirdly enough I never published those photos myself. This was clearly a mistake and I am making up for it now.

I actually met Jillian in an elevator I think. Someone else introduced us and I honestly don’t even remember what porn convention it was but I remember I brought her one of my zines on the floor the next day and told her I would love to shoot with her and at some point when I was in LA it actually happened. I met her in Santa Monica and shot her under the same boardwalk  where I had ended my epic Route 66 road trip that resulted in my first book. I got some good feelings about that place even if it’s also a complete tourist nightmare.

There are a ton of photos of Jillian in this gallery and most of them aren’t naked because people were watching us shoot and honestly it was a little too cold to be shooting and she was freezing. It was nice outside, but the wind under the boardwalk was fucking up her life. Still her bikini is one of the smaller articles of clothing I have photographed and I don’t think anyone is going to be too mad about these photos. She did get fully naked for a few minutes but most of the other nudity is just the random flash here in there, including a couple slightly too graphic shots that are available only on Girls of Driven By Boredom because I am a monster and want your money. 

Speaking of wanting your money, Jillian signed some original Instax photos for an award for the Kickstarter for my book Instaxxx. The Kickstarter is way over, but I found a few extra signed Instax that didn’t sell and I put them up for sale with the book for the same price as they were on Kickstarter. There’s only one Jillian Instax left so hurry and buy it!

Okay I am done trying to sell you stuff, just go look at these photos of Jillian because she is a babe. I can’t wait to shoot Jillian again when we aren’t in public so I finally have the time to catch her off guard and get some photos of her that aren’t super posed and fancy AF.  

Click here to see all the photos I shot of Jillian Janson under the Santa Monica pier!

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson


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Syd Vicious

My girlfriend is visiting today which means I am gonna not do anything for a week, so I just wanted to get this last update before I disappeared for a few days. She lives in Detroit so I don’t get to see her too often. I mostly mention Detroit because it’s a good segue into these photos of Syd Vicious who happens to live in Detroit. See? It all makes sense. 

Before I talk more about Sydney that I want to be clear that I tried to get her to go by Sydney instead of her absurd stage name “Syd Vicious” but she wouldn’t have it so here we are. So go look at her Facebook page so she doesn’t get mad at me for making fun of her name. 

I met Sydney at the Gathering of the Juggalos where she was performing with Mike Busey and the Busey Beauties. The first year we met we talked a handful of times, but after the Gathering we made plans to take photos one day. That didn’t happen until the following Gathering where we did this shoot behind a bunch of port-a-potties, which is the ideal Gathering location for any photo shoot.

I am posting these photos now because, hopefully to everyone’s great excitement, I am slowing working on my juggalo book and I found these. I think I had them saved for a pre-2017 Gathering post and then just forgot, but it’s one more old shoot that’s finally up on Driven By Boredom.

Oh, I should mention that because we were at a music festival tons of people were watching our shoot so Syd didn’t quite get fully naked, but I got a few shots that might appeal to people who enjoy such things as vaginas and just to be a dick about it, I put those shots exclusively on Girls of Driven By Boredom. I mean how else am I gonna get you creeps to pay for it?

Okay, time for me to go hang out with my girlfriend and you to enjoy a bunch of naked photos. Let’s do this.

Click here to see the photos of Syd Vicious naked at the Gathering of the Juggalos!

Syd Vicious

Syd Vicious

Syd Vicious

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Gia Paige

Earlier this year Gia Paige followed me on Twitter.  I lurked her Twitter and saw that she was a babe and had a ton of followers so I figured I would follow her back. We might have Tweeted back and forth a few times but I didn’t really think anything of it until I was in LA for my Instaxxx book release party. (Buy my book!) I was on Twitter looking for someone to shoot a few days before the party and I saw that she was in LA. I hit her up on Wednesday, the party was Friday, we planned our shoot for Sunday.

On Thursday night I went to a party at the AVN offices. It seemed like the perfect excuse to promote my book party and make a little money in the process since I knew the LA Weekly would want the photos. I had been there for a while when I saw the cutest girl I had ever seen. Almost everyone there was dressed scandalously as you would imagine at a porn party but this girl was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Her shirt said “I don’t dress up for boys”.

I took her photo and told her I liked her shirt. We talked for a second and I gave her my business card. She looked at it and screamed “You know me! I’m Gia Paige!” I have no idea how I didn’t recognize her since I was planning on shooting her in a few days, but I guess I somehow didn’t really look at her photos except for that first day when I followed her on Twitter.

I hugged her and we started talking about the shoot on Sunday and I told her about my party on Friday and she said she would come. The one thing I remembered from her Twitter was that she had a bunch of weiner dogs and we talked about them and  honestly I can’t remember much else. But at some point she scratched my beard with her nails and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I had known this girl for five minutes and she had me fucked up.

The next day at my party I was super stressed out like I am every time I throw a party but when Gia showed up I was really happy to see her. She brought one of her absurd dogs with her and I got to pet it for a second before I had to run off to deal with something. When I finally had a spare moment I went to look for her and I couldn’t find her anywhere. I texted her to see if she left and she said she had because it was too crowded for her dog but she would see me on Sunday. And then she sent me another text “Hey I don’t ever do this, but I just wanted to tell you that I think you are really handsome.” And that was it. It was all over for me.

After texting non stop for two days we finally met up for the shoot. She picked me up and we drove to Griffith Park. We didn’t really have a location but we figured we could just walk around until we found some place cool to take photos. She parked and before we even got out of the car we were just staring into eachother’s eyes like some sort of Disney cartoon. I barely even remember taking photos of her because all I can think about was the time we spent in the front seat of her car falling for eachother.

So anyway, we took some photos. I managed to drop my camera but it didn’t break and cut up my hand climbing up a hill but it healed. We didn’t get arrested and I feel like I have some photos you guys will want to look at so as far as photo shoots go it was as success, but meeting Gia was way better than the photos.

Since then Gia came with me to the Gathering of the Juggalos and visited me in NYC and we went to the Poconos together for a day. I went to Detroit to visit her and played with all her dogs (she has three plus she had three puppies at the time!) I was supposed to meet her in LA next week but a job fell through but hopefully I will see her soon. I don’t even know what else to say but I am sorry you had to read this sappy post but at least you get to see a bunch of photos of her naked.

Also, I should mention that because it is my ultimate goal to sell you things so I can pay my rent, I decided to take a bunch of the 35mm photos from all my adventures with Gia and post them exclusively to Girls of Driven By Boredom. There’s some real sexy stuff in there and some real adorable stuff in there and you can only see em on Girls of DBB. You can also give Gia your money too so she can afford to buy me more giant pizzas.

Now click here to see all the photos of Gia Paige naked in public at Griffith Park!

Gia Paige

Gia Paige

Gia Paige

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In The Woods With Holly Beth

Hey! I am in Detroit right now but I set this post up so you guys can read it even though I am probably doing something fun with Gia Paige. I hope we are exploring an abandoned car factory or eating hot dogs that are named after a neighborhood in Brooklyn and yet are only famous in Detroit. Whatever the case I have some photos for you.

Back in March after SXSW was over I hung out with Giselle Palmer and Holly Beth and we went for an adventure into the woods. I took a ton of photos of both of them and I figured I would post the Holly Beth ones first because I already posted some photos of Giselle Palmer and the only photos I have posted of Holly were these ones in Vegas that were part of a much bigger gallery.

Holly is great and she came to NYC and we hung out a bunch and for whatever reason didn’t really take any photos. I feel like that was a regrettable choice but whenever people come to visit I tend to forget to shoot like a proper set with them unless they have some fancy hotel. I always just shoot a bunch of random 35mm stuff and forget about the rest. I feel like she should come back soon.

We also shot a bunch of non nude photos for a magazine but then I got into an argument with them and they didn’t even send me a copy of the magazine so I haven’t even seen our spread. But if you want to see the photos I put them on Girls of Driven By Boredom. Usually I put like the secret explicit stuff on there, so making the non-nude stuff exclusive seems like radical twist. Or not. Whatever, there’s a lot of photos on there for you to lurk including the full set of the stuff we shot in Vegas.

Okay, I am going to get back to whatever totally fun thing I am doing right now and you guys should go look at these photos.

Click here to see a bunch of photos of Holly Beth naked in the woods!

Holly Beth

Holly Beth

Holly Beth

Holly Beth

Holly Beth



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Audrey Noir

I figured I needed to get some photos up before the long weekend and when I started looking for photos to edit I realized I still had the shots I recently took of Audrey Noir on my computer and I didn’t even have to walk into my livingroom to get a hard drive. Fantastic.

Audrey had talked to me on Twitter a few times over the years but recently she hit me up asking to shoot. I told her I would hit her up next time I was in LA because she is really cool looking. She looks like she belongs in a Tim Burton movie which is appropriate because she showed up wearing Beetlejuice underwear.

So yeah, I am in LA in July for my Instaxxx book release party (buy my book!) and I had to go over to Superchief LA to talk about the set up for the party and I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and shoot there. It’s a great space and I already shot Ivy Diamond there when they first opened and Raven Rockette on the roof.

Audrey and I went out back to where a building had been partially torn down and there was just an insane rubble pile. Audrey fucking rules and was all about it and just jumped into the ruins even though it smelled like human feces because we were in the middle of downtown LA and it was a hobo toilet as much as it was a rubble pile.

We took a ton of photos as quickly as we could because Audrey could be seen easily from the street and homeless people kept shouting things at her. She didn’t seem to mind and we got some really fun stuff. Plus we got milkshakes so that was cool too.

After the shoot we took some more photos in the back of Superchief (and in one of their bathrooms) but I figured I would save those for Girls of Driven By Boredom. Speaking of, all these photos have been on Girls of DBB in high resolution since yesterday. Just saying…

Click here to see the NSFW photos of Audrey Noir in a pile of rubble behind Superchief LA.

Audrey Noir

Audrey Noir

Audrey Noir


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Arya Fae

Arya Fae is great. We had been friends on Instagram for a while and we met in reality at the AVN Awards back in January, but it wasn’t until I was in LA for the LA Art Book Fair that we met in real life. The LAABF trip was a Kickstarter stretch goal for my Instaxxx book. The idea was I would go out there and try to find a good printer or maybe some distribution for my book, but nothing came of it and it just added to me spending way too much money on the book. On the positive side I took a lot of fucking rad photos that week and I think the best of them were of Arya Fae.

I met Arya at her place and we did a shoot in the alley behind her place. There were a ton of people coming in and out of the apartments that connect to the alley so we had to be pretty sneaky. We shot on her steps and in the parking garage and got some good stuff before heading back inside. The idea was to take a few quick photos outside and then shoot more in her bed but I took so many damn photos in both places that I am gonna split this up into two different posts. Sorry.

Anyway, after the shoot Arya and I got food and then we ended up having to drive all over town and then I got stuck at her place at rush hour and we ended up hanging out until I was supposed to shoot Jojo Kiss. Well, it turns out her and Jojo are tight so we went over to Jojo’s place together and met up with my friend Alondra and Arya’s friend Charlotte and we went in the hot tub and partied and we shot a ton of Instax for my book. There’s probably six or 7 pages in Instaxxx taken on this one day in February alone. BUY THE BOOK HERE!

So here’s what you get today. You get the photos from outside on this site. And then if you subscribe to Girls of Driven By Boredom you get all the photos in high resolution, PLUS you get a few more explicit shots from outside AND you get a bunch of random photos from that party we had after the shoot. They are not very good photos technically, but I have a feeling you are gonna really like them anyway.

Not sure when, but I will get up the rest of the shoot on here in the future. I feel like I should hold off a bit and spread out the Arya magic… oh, and did I mention I shot her again a couple weeks ago?

Now click here to see the first round of photos of the amazing Arya Fae!

Arya Fae

Arya Fae

Arya Fae

Arya Fae

Arya Fae


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Aneta At Hello Beautiful

First of all, I am back from my trip to LA. You may have noticed that because I am actually updating. I had this update all ready to go, but yet I couldn’t find 30 minutes to post it while I was in LA. Moving on…

Aneta is a fucking babe. I found her on an almost completely useless website and sent her a message but she didn’t get it because the unnamed site is almost completely useless. However, I did find a link to her Instagram and I followed her and she followed me back and a week later she was getting naked in front of the staff and customers of the Williamsburg Brooklyn salon, Hello Beautiful.

The shoot came about when I had just launched my Instaxxx Kickstarter. The day it launched I reached out to Nakid Magazine and offered them an exclusive instant film shoot in exchange for promoting my Kickstarter. They were all about it, so the next day Aneta and I met up at Hello Beautiful.

I had just shot Hello Beautiful’s owner Rebecca (and her girlfriend) for my Instaxxx project and she told me I could shoot at Hello Beautiful sometime. My thought was I would use it after work but Aneta and I went over there anyway because Rebecca mentioned their was a basement that we could use during business hours.

When we got there Rebecca convinced us that we should just shoot while customers were in the shop. She asked anyone if they minded and they didn’t so we got to work. We shot a ton of Instax and I also shot a handful of digital too because it was such a cool opportunity so I figured I would double down.

The photos ended up on Nakid Magazine a few days later.

Anyway, I uploaded all the digital images to Girls of Driven By Boredom over a week ago because I like to keep content on there fresh all the time so I figured I would throw it up on here too. Honestly the digital stuff was a second thought but I still think they are pretty fun.

And speaking of Girls of DBB and mediocre digital photos I threw up some random digital shots of Stevie Foxx and Cassidy Aka HookerProblemz hanging out in a hotel room doing weird shit mostly involving spitting on each other. I was shooting them for my Instaxxx book too but I figured I should just throw these up on Girls of DBB anyway.

Lastly, I should mention my trip to LA was pretty successful. I think I shot at least a half dozen Instax that will end up in my new book, I played a bunch with the Instax Mini camera which might end up in the introduction of the book and I shot about 10 rolls of 35mm film. On top of that I shot a half dozen digital sets and I think I may have even found a printer for the book so all and all a good trip.

Okay enough house keeping; let’s look at some photos….

Click here to see the photos of Aneta naked in public at Hello Beautiful Salon.






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