Ash Hollywood Day One
So I picked up Ash Hollywood from the airport in Albuquerque but her plane was delayed because of a crazy storm so we got a late start. We managed to get lost on several frontage roads, dead ending on one and having to back track a couple miles, but we made the best of it, shooting under Interstate 40 and next to a Cracker Barrel billboard. It was pretty awesome.
By the time we got to Galup, NM it was really too dark to take photos, but there wasn’t much I wanted to see between Galup and Holbrook, AZ so we booked it to Arizona and crashed at a HoJo. Holbrook is home to the famous Rainbow Rock Shop and has more fiberglass dinosaurs per capita than any place on earth. I was so excited to see the Rock Shop on the way into town that I drove over to it and in the dark backed my rental car into a giant geode. I can’t wait to explain that to the rental car place. The HoJo was pretty awesome because it had a hot tub and a coupon for a free half pound of petrified wood from a petrified wood store down the road.
Tomorrow is going to be a much busier day and amazingly awesome because we are going to get to explore Holbrook and hang out with plastic dinosaurs and see the famous “Here It Is!” sign. Oh yeah, and we are also going to the Grand Canyon… but it’s not quite as exciting as dinosaurs!
Below are a couple NSFW shots of Ash on the I-40 frontage roads that we accidentally got on while trying to find Route 66.
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