Adios 2018

The first post of the new year is about getting rid of a bunch of stuff from the old year. In what is becoming a tradition I am about to dump on you guys a bunch of photos that didn’t quite make it as a full set and then preview some upcoming new stuff. Did I mention all these photos that I’m talking about are nudes? Oh yeah, that’s a thing.

I am gonna go through these photos in the same order that they are in the gallery so you can try and figure out who’s who. First up is of my friend Heidi V. I actually have a full shoot with her that’s still coming, but I haven’t published it because I shot it with these cheap LED lights I bought and I just had one of them with me and they weren’t great. But Heidi is real cute so I am just gonna suck it up and post them at some point, but here’s some random stuff we shot after the shoot was over.

Next up are these pigeon photos that I cannot possibly explain. One of my friends asked me to shoot her topless in Times Square with a pigeon mask on and I wasn’t gonna say no. I should point out that these photos and the ones mentioned above have all been on Girls of Driven By Boredom for a minute now and if you paid for that site you would have seen them in HD by now.

Up next are some random photos from Exxxotica NJ this year of Pouty Kitty and Veda. I shot a ton of 35mm of them but gave up on digital real quickly when I realized the light was useless. Still there were a few photos worth lurking and there’s actually some more explicit shots from the shoot on Girls of DBB — hint hint.

The next group of photos is from my recent trip to LA. They are the photos that didn’t make it into any other sets. The first three are of this girl Lua Saturni. We got stuck in traffic and by the time we got to the place we were going to shoot it was too dark. I managed to get these three shots that look halfway decent if you lighten them in photoshop, but then I totally forgot to do that when I uploaded this gallery so enjoy these aggressively underexposed photos. Sorry. Next in the LA batch is a bunch of photos of Lil Brown Eyes. We just didn’t shoot a ton of stuff and there’s barely any nudity so I tossed them in here instead of doing a seperate post. And lastly in the LA group is a few photos of a girl who DMed me on Instagram at like 4am on my last night in LA and we just met up and shot in the middle of the night on the street. It was a pretty fun story even if we didn’t really get much.

You might have seen a couple of the photos of Syd Vicious that I shot at the Gathering of the Juggalos. I posted a few photos of her with those photos this year (and of course uploaded the full set to Girls of DBB) but now you get to see them all. She got naked in front of a bunch of people and rolled around in the grass. It was fun.

After that we have some non nude photos of Weed Slut that I shot for Playboy at the AVNs in Vegas last year. Not sure why they never ran them but they paid me and I’m not going to complain. I guess it’s still possible that they are going to publish them so I only uploaded a few of them to give you a taste for the set, but at least someone sees a few of theses photos.

Okay, from there we get to the previews of upcoming sets. Gonna go through these super quick because I am gonna publish them and talk about them in full later, but it’s a little taste for what’s coming. A lot of these I have posted on Twitter or whatever so you might have seen them already. 

The set I shot with this girl Sammy just needs to be color corrected but I am so lazy that it’s been like 10 months and I haven’t posted it. Same with the next shots of this girl Dina Michelle. Her and I got locked on a roof which was totally insane but we didn’t take many photos on the roof because we were freaking out about how to get down. The next three preview are of Sabby and a different Sammy and then Sabby and Sammy together with my friend Margot. I shot Sammy and Sabby back to back and they wanted to shoot together so I brought them to Margot’s place and we had a blonde, a brunette and a redhead all together and it was pretty fun. After that are photos of my friend Isabelle who I am going to be shooting again soon. And after that is a shoot I did with my friend Kirra and her friend who just randomly got topless in the middle of it. Kirra is one of my favorite models but this was the first time we ever did a full digital shoot. 

After that we have previews of the full shoots I did in LA with Alex DeLaFlour, my buddy Eddy, Nicki Hearts, Melina Mason’s return to being naked on the internet, and my first of hopefully many with a girl named Jade Baker. In between all that there are photos of Kasey Warner, Khloe Kapri and their friend Damia who isn’t a nude model or porn star or anything, she’s just real cute. Those three girls I shot a ton of content with including Damia and Khloe by themselves, all three of them together and then Kasey and Damia together which I have already uploaded exclusively to Girls of Driven By Boredom. So fucking sign up already.

Finally we have two shoots I did very recently. I shot some photos of Arabelle Raphael who I hadn’t shot in years and some photos of Stoya who I have been friends with for more than a decade and we’ve still really only done one proper shoot. The photos I shot of her the other day were just a test of my new camera, but more on that later… 

Okay that’s all I got. There are over 100 photos in this gallery so please enjoy the photos instead of complaining about the fact that a bunch of them are poorly lit or whatever. I just don’t have it in me to care when none of you care about anything but seeing nipples or whatever it is that keeps you coming back to this damn website.

Click here to see my massive 2018 NSFW photo dump!

Topless In Times Square


Jade Baker

Weed Slut

Melina Mason

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Evelyn Claire

I got some new photos for you that are new in that they are from this calendar year. I met Evelyn in Vegas which seems to be the place I meet most people I shoot because of that whole AVN Awards thing. It sort of works like this, some cute lady on the internets will follow me and I will lurk them and find out they get naked on the internet and I follow them back and then a few months later I find out they are going to be in Vegas in January for AVN and then I hit them up or run into them at the hotel and say “hey let’s go take photos upstairs for 20 minutes” and then 10 months later you get to see the photos because I am so backed up with content that I never get around to posting anything in a timely matter.

So yeah, this is Evelyn Claire. She’s real photogenic. We shot these photos in her hotel room and we finished the shoot so fast I shot her again in her AVN dress so she’d have some nice photos in that so it’s really two shoots in one, okay, that’s not really true given it’s in the exact same place in the exact same room and she looks exactly the same in both shoots. And also there’s some photos of her in a leather jacket too so like is that three different shoots? No, of course not. So, it’s been decided. One shoot, three outfits, plenty of photos for you to look at.

Also, I put these up on Girls of Driven By Boredom yesterday so that I would have a good reason to promote my paid site because the network that hosts it is having a 30% off sale. So go sign up and look at these photos in high resolution and you will get a bunch of bonus explicit photos because I need to give people that spend money on my photos to have nice things that the rest of you don’t get. It’s only fair. Use the coupon “MIDOCTOBERSALE” for the 30% off but honestly I don’t know when the sale ends so if you check this in a few days in the coupon doesn’t work don’t blame me. The site is like $25 for an entire year or something so stop complaining. 

You can probably tell from this post but I am way over caffeinated so I am going to go work on some projects while I still feel alive so go look at these photos and I am gonna go be productive and everyone wins.

Click here to see the NSFW photos of Evelyn Claire in Las Vegas.

Evelyn Claire

Evelyn Claire

Evelyn Claire

Evelyn Claire

Evelyn Claire

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Taurus Angel

Hey this is Taurus. I met her on the Internets ages ago when she was a Burning Angel. That link is very NSFW but it used to give me money if you signed up via the link but I have no idea if it works anymore. I still get random affiliate checks from different adult sites I used to plug when I posted about their girls back in the day but it’s like $25 every 6 months so I never bother looking into where that money is coming from. Anyway, none of that matters. What was I talking about? Oh right. Taurus. 

We became friends on the Internet and then we finally met in real life in Vegas at the AVN week and I took some photos of her with our mutual friend in a parking garage. I was supposed to do a real shoot with her on a road trip when I went to Seattle but she had to cancel at the last minute and it wasn’t until AVN 2017 that we finally took some photos. These are the oldest photos I haven’t posted except for one set that is so old I may never post it and then some stuff I shot at the Gathering of the Juggalos that I am gonna save to promote my juggalo book with whenever that comes out. None of this is important but I didn’t post them because this terrible hotel art that’s in the background makes these photos look fucking cheesey as hell, but at least Taurus is hot so fuck it here they are. 

They have been on Girls of DBB for a minute in HD and there’s some bonus shots on there so like sign up for that already because I am broke as fuck right now and am in one of those fun depression periods where I am too unmotivated to actually figure out how to get some more work so I can pay off my increasing credit card debt. Party forever.

Now click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of Taurus Angel in Vegas and may God have mercy on your soul.

Taurus Angel

Taurus Angel

Taurus Angel


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Raya Blade & Goldie Fawn

Back in January I was on the floor of the Adult Entertainment Expo in Vegas and I was looking at this girl trying to figure out how I knew her. She recognized me from the logo on my hat and introduced herself as Whiskey Kitten a cam girl I knew from Twitter. I was excited to meet her because we had talked about taking photos and she asked me if I had some time to shoot and I honestly didn’t but I found some time anyway and met up with her and her friend Goldie Fawn at the AirBNB they had rented. 

We took a ton of photos and there’s pretty much an entire set of them that I published already but we took to many photos that I have this second set which is totally different from the first photos. But before I get any further in this, we need to address the title of the post: Raya Blade & Goldie Fawn.

Who is Raya Blade you ask? Well apparently that’s Whiskey Kitten’s new name. Her name is constantly changing on Instagram too and I can never find her when I am trying to tag her in something. It’s really a branding nightmare and I really don’t know how to deal with any of it, but I promised her I would complain about it in the post so here we are.

Anyway, getting back to the pictures…  after we shot that first set I mentioned above, they asked me if I would take some photos of them out on the balcony that overlooked the city. I don’t usually use lights but it was pretty impossible to get both them and the skyline to show up without a little bit of light on them. They had a small light that they use for camming and that was all I needed. I cranked my ISO and put this little bit of light on them and we were good to go. I even was able to get some pretty cool shots of them in the reflection of the sliding glass door that looked out onto the balcony. It ended up being a really good shoot and I hope I get to shoot both of these girls again.

And as always make sure to sign up for Girls of Driven By Boredom to see these photos in high resolution and a ton of other exclusive content that only exists over there. With the death of media in this country I am running out of clients so I need Girls of DBB to make some more damn money so I can keep doing this shit for a living. Thanks. 

In other news I am going out of town for Labor Day so I will see you guys next week. Have fun with your holiday or whatever. 

Click here to see all the photos of Raya Blade & Whiskey Kitten in Las Vegas.

Raya Blade & Goldie Fawn

Raya Blade & Goldie Fawn

Raya Blade & Goldie Fawn


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Dahlia Sky

This is it! The last “lost” gallery! I have now gone through every photo I have taken up through June 2017 which means there are no more surprise galleries lurking out there! This one is of one of my favorite people Dahlia Sky. I met her at a party many years ago and then I finally took some photos of her at AVN with Samantha Bentley and then she ended up on my Christmas card at some point but we had never done a one on one shoot. 

I was out in LA at some point in 2016 and I went over to her apartment. Unfortunately I got there a bit late because LA and the light was pretty much all gone in her place. I had to break out my flash and I honestly hate the way that shit looks these days and so even though Dahlia is super pretty and real awesome I just didn’t really care for the photos so I guess I never posted them and then I just forgot about them and here we are.

I find myself apologizing for my work a lot, and I know I post a TON of photos I think are garbage, but I like making you guys happy and if I know anything about people who look at my work it’s that you guys can’t tell the difference between good photography and bad photography. Don’t take it personally, most people can’t and thanks to that I’ve had a successful career for the last decade. 

Anyway, yeah these photos are not good, BUT, Dahlia is attractive and naked so I know no one is complaining about it but me. Hopefully I will get to take better photos of her one day. Speaking of better photos, there are slightly more explicit photos of Dahlia on Girls of Driven By Boredom so you should go there if you like nudity and mediocre photography. I could use the money. Thanks. Now go look at photos.

Click here to see some lost NSFW photos of Dahlia Sky! 

Dahlia Sky

Dahlia Sky

Dahlia Sky

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Best Of 2016

Another year down! My photos from 2016 are properly organized and I have already moved on to 2017 although I am only a couple months in. Here is a gallery of a bunch of my favorite images from 2016 that you get to look at if you want. It’s over 200 images so it should last you a while as I travel to Ohio to take a bunch of photos of juggalos like I do every year. I will be back Sunday with far too many juggalo photos, so rejoice.

Meanwhile, let’s see how quickly I can write about an entire year worth of photos so that I can start packing for this trip. 

There are a ton of girl photos in here (even more than normal) because I had started working on my Instaxxx book towards the end of the year. There was also the release of my book Public and a topless bar crawl to promote it. Some of this girl stuff is unpublished even and I have two galleries from 2016 that still haven’t been posted. Coming soon. (One of them is already on Girls of Driven By Boredom!)

Update: I forgot to go through all the photos from my West Coast Road Trip so there’s a ton pics missing. Sorry.

One of the more impactful moments of 2016 was the night that Prince died. Spike Lee went threw a block party in his honor and I made my way to the front right as they played When Doves Cry and everyone was singing a long. It was a really amazing moment and I uploaded a video to my Instagram and somehow Good Morning America found it and bought it which made the day incredibly bittersweet. Just to keep it depressing, visiting Stonewall after the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting was incredibly moving for me, and the closing of the bar Jarome’s was another nail in the coffin of downtown NYC nightlife. 

Some events seem to have better photos than others: the Sailor Jerry Fleet Week party, the BBQ Films Ghostbusters party and Fool’s Gold Day Off all have more than their fair share of images in here. One of the weirder things I have covered in my life was the Kid Rock Fish Fry in Nashville (and that’s saying a lot) and even weirder news I got hired to shoot something for Teen Vogue. Oh, and I also shot a halloween party for babies. Seriously. And as always there are a ton of photos from my normal yearly gigs, AVN Awards, SXSW and of course the Gathering of the Juggalos.

Speaking of which, time to go back. See you guys in a few days.

Click here to see a bunch of my favorite photos from 2016.

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

Best Of 2016

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Best Of 2015

Apparently it’s Thursday so I guess this can be a “Throwback Thursday” post. Whatever the case it’s another addition of my “Best of” posts. I have spent way too much time of my life organizing every photo I’ve ever taken and I done with another yet. 2015 is in the books. Fortunately I’ve also pretty much finished 2016 too. I am getting dangerously closed to being organized.

2015 was a terrible year for me and it featured the single worst day of my life where I got served with a lawsuit on the way into my good friend DJ Jess’ funeral. On the way home I got into a car accident. A few weeks later I broke up with my girlfriend and got into a second car accident. Months of depression followed and honestly my photography suffered from it as well. My back has been fucked up from the (first) car accident as well. When I was going through some of these galleries I just kept thinking about how much worse they were than stuff I shot previously. It’s really weird how my personal state of being could impact my work so drastically.

That being said there are still some highlights. I am currently figuring out how I am going to make it to another Gathering of the Juggalos, and when going through that stuff from 2015 I realized it might have been some of my best ever juggalo coverage. I shot a record cover for one of my favorite bands. I shot some great portraits at SXSW. I had some work in an art show in LA. I got my head shaved my a 90’s teen icon at an Empire Records party. I covered some quality nerd stuff like NY Comic Con and a Bronies watch party. I shot my friend Eaddy’s band Ho99o9 a bunch of times. I shot some fun stuff for Sailor Jerry as always and the Fool’s Gold Day Off is always fun. Oh, and I had a book release party for my second book Dinner With Igor.

On the naked lady side I shot some decent stuff over the year. I really liked the shoot I did of Ava Dalush at AVN and these photos I took of Chanel Preston. I met Carter Cruise in 2015 and we did two photo shoots in LA and then she came to NYC and bought us matching NSFW tattoos for my birthday. I also met my friend January Seraph in 2015. She reached out to me when she read about my depression and after we shot together we became really close friends. Unfortunately we lost her to depression last year.  I shot my friend Lucy Everleigh for the first time in 2016 (it was her first ever shoot!) . I don’t love the photos we shot but she’s a good friend of mine now so that rules. And lastly I should mention the shoot I did with my friend Erica. It wasn’t naked but she is one of my favorite humans and I’ve known her forever and I love the photos we made. Plus she just had a baby a few days ago which is adorable. 

I also found a few unpublished shoots from 2015. I found a second shoot I did with Ava Dalush that I already edited and posted on Girls of Driven By Boredom over two years ago, but apparently forgot to post on here. I also found a really fun shoot I did with Jenna J. Ross (that I just posted on Girls of DBB today) that I have no idea how I lost. And of course I found the Kaya & Vonka shoot I posted in my last update. I am gonna try and get the Ava & Jenna shoots up this week and try and get rid of the old photos sets ASAP. I found a few when going through 2016 as well so I might make a whole week of it. 

There are a lot more photos in here this gallery but I don’t wanna keep typing this. Lot’s of nudity and madness and famous people and I need to eat. It’s a massive gallery of nearly 300 photos and a ton of links to keep you busy. Just a couple more of these posts and I am gonna have to come up with a new excuse for not having a proper portfolio site. Come back soon. There will be more photos…

Click here to see some of my best photos from 2015.


Jason Schwartzman

Gathering Of The Juggalos

Chanel Preston

Robert Duvall


Atrak & Joey Bada$$

Carter Cruise

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Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer is pretty amazing. I met her back when she was living in Austin, TX over a year ago. We talked on Twitter and I ended up doing a photo shoot with her in her apartment. Photographically it was pretty mediocre but she was great to shoot and when I planned a trip into the woods with Holly Beth a few days later we brought Giselle with us. 

I am usually in here apologizing for my photography because I generally hate everything I do, but I actually like these photos a lot. We found some sort of abandoned mill and shot inside of it. I was pretty impressed Giselle was willing to climb the walls and pose inside the mill’s window frame. We had Holly on the look out and when people walked passed us (we were right next to a popular hiking trail) we would hide behind the walls, but when Giselle was up there, not only did she have to climb a wall but she was also visible for anyone to see. Fortunately I think we made it without anyone noticing. 

A few months after we did this shoot Giselle moved to LA and became a super popular porn star and I assume lived happily ever after or something. I ran into her at AVN this past January and I hope we get to shoot again some day soon cause she was a damn pleasure to shoot.

For self promotional reasons I should mention that a bunch of photos from this trip are in my book Instaxxx and you should buy it – there’s some in my zine NOT SAFE as well and you can buy that with Instaxxx here.  Also usually I post a few exclusive shots just to Girls of Driven By Boredom, but the bonus shots were going to be of both Giselle and Holly, but I liked those too much so I just included them in this gallery too. That being said Girls of DBB had the photos 24 hours ago, has exclusive content of both girls and the photos are in high resolution. Just saying.

Now, click here to see all of the NSFW photos of Giselle Palmer in some sort of abandoned mill in Texas!

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

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Kasey Warner & Snacks

So remember those Jillian Janson photos I just posted? These photos of Kasey Warner came out of that same pile of lost 2016 photos. I am trying to get all the lost stuff up and I think there’s only one more gallery from that trip so we are making a pretty good dent in the recently discovered galleries. I still have a couple things from 2013 too which is insane, but none of that matters right now. Let’s get to Kasey!

I met Kasey Warner at an AVN Nomination party and we pretty much became friends instantly. The next day I went over to her place and photographed her in her backyard with her puppy Snacks. Since then, I have actually stayed with her in LA twice, and she crashed with me when she came to NYC. I have done multiple photo shoots at her place and I even met my girlfriend when I was hanging out with Kasey. She’s quickly become one of my favorite people. (I cannot say the same thing about Snacks… he peed on my couch and then bit me when I tried to move him off my couch. There was a wild amount of blood for such a tiny animal.)

Anyway, I don’t have much more to say and I gotta pack cause I am leaving the country tomorrow, but just know that Kasey rules. You can also buy a copy of my book signed by her and a bunch of other porn stars and if you want to see slightly more R rated photos from this shoot you should probably sign up for Girls of Driven By Boredom. And now go look at photos…

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Kasey Warner and Snacks!

Kasey Warner

Kasey Warner

Kasey Warner

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