New Project: Vacation Photos Album

More than a month ago I had this idea. I wanted to go to Vegas to photograph a few models there and I couldn’t really afford the trip. I remembered a few years ago I made this “What Happens in Vegas” photo album to pay for a trip to Vegas and I thought maybe I should do a second edition of it. And then I started thinking about other ideas and I ended up with the idea of doing a “Vacation Photos” photo album, but we will get to that in a second. I organized a good edit of photos, put it for sale in my Etsy store, and was getting ready to release it when my life fell apart. If you don’t want to be guilt tripped into buying stuff, feel free to skip a paragraph. 

First my website got hacked and I was dealing with that for weeks. People suggested I should do a GoFundMe to pay for fixing it, but I always want people to get more than they pay for, even when just trying to support my work, and so I figured this Vacation Album would be a perfect way to pay for my website fees, so the project was still a go, and maybe I could just go to AVN in January a few days early. I was all ready to post about this when my roommate died. Aside from the trauma and depression from all of that I currently don’t have a roommate and the place is nowhere near ready to show. All her stuff is still here. Long story short, is that for all the people who wanted to help out with my website being fucked, or help with my other horrible situation, this is your chance. This album is fairly expensive, but buying anything from my store right now (or signing up for Girls of DBB) would help a lot. 

Anyway, let’s talk about the “Vacation Photos” album. The album will be an actual old school photo album, one of the cheap corny looking ones that you would get at a 1 Hour Photo lab. I bought 10 of them already and they are a mix of different colors so each color will be super rare. Each album will contain 64 actual 4″x6″ prints of my 35mm road trip work. It will be a good mix of nudity and roadside attractions and landscapes. The idea is that you would put it on your coffee table and people would pick it up thinking it’s an actual photo album from a vacation, only it will have a bunch of porn stars getting naked in public in it. Each album will be hand titled and signed on the inside back cover. There will be a VERY limited number of these. The Vegas album ended up being an edition of only 15 and my plan is to do 10 of these unless I sell a bunch this week, but at $150 each I cannot imagine I am going to sell a ton. But they make one hell of an Xmas present. Oh, and they come with a free postcard!

Speaking of Christmas, my plan was to get these to people before Christmas and I am still going to try but it somewhat depends on my photo lab. I am going to finish the edit this weekend and send them to print Monday, so hopefully they will all go out on the 20th, but if not I will ship them on the 30th when I get back from seeing my family for the holidays.

Below I am going to post some examples of the type of photos you will see in this photo album, but keep in mind this isn’t the final edit. I would imagine most of these will make it in the album, but I haven’t made any decisions yet. There are a few more on Girls of DBB too. 

So click here to buy a copy of Vacation Photos.

And click here to see a gallery of examples of photos that will end up in my Vacation Photos album.

Kimberly Kane

Charlotte Stokely


Dana DeArmond

April O'Neil



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More Scout

The other day I posted some photos of Evelyn Claire that I shot back in January at the AVN Awards and when I was editing them I realized there was another shoot I hadn’t published either. I had a bunch of photos of Scout just sitting around that I had already edited and just never posted. It made my life very easy yesterday when I was publishing these on Girls of Driven By Boredom.

Scout is great. The first time we shot I got so many photos I loved including a photo that ended up in an art show. It didn’t sell but it’s a great shot and it’s sitting behind my couch right now all framed up and ready to go for the next show or in case you want to buy it. 

I don’t have a ton more to say but some things you should know, 1) I can’t wait to shoot Scout again 2) There are photos of her in here doing topless handstands in the hall of the Hard Rock Hotel and 3) Scout paid more for those socks than I did for the entire outfit I was wearing while taking the photos.

Now click here to see all the photos of Scout at the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas. 




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Evelyn Claire Returns

Hey I am going out of town for a week today so I figured I’d get you some more photos up before I left. I shot these photos of Evelyn Claire back in January at AVN. It was actually the second time I shot her there and you can go look at the first time over here if you feel like it.

I honestly don’t have much else for you and I got a ton of stuff to do before I get on this plane so I am just gonna keep typing this sentence a little bit longer so that I can make this post look a normal length just so when you are scrolling down my page it looks visually pleasing but in reality this site hasn’t had a redesign since 2008 so it looks like garbage anyway so who am I kidding. Okay let’s promote the pay site and get to the photos.

There are a few slightly more explicit photos of Evelyn on Girls of Driven By Boredom and as always they were posted a day early and are twice the resolution, etc. Give me your money. It’s like $2 a month or something.

Now click here to see the NSFW photos of Evelyn Claire. 

Evelyn Claire

Evelyn Claire

Evelyn Claire

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Khloe Kapri

You have seen a bunch of photographs of Khloe Kapri on my site. I posted photos of her and Kasey Warner and their friend Damia, and then at AVN last year her and Jane Wilde were part of that gallery, and then of course she came to the Gathering of the Juggalos with me this year because she is a crazy person, but I have never posted a gallery of just her photos even though I have two of them just sitting on my hard drive. That ends now. 

This gallery is from the first time that I shot her, the same day as the shoot we did with Kasey and Damia. She was living with Kasey at the time so I met her for a second in passing before the shoot, but this was pretty much our first time meeting. After the shoot was over I sent her some photos and of all the stuff I sent her the one she seemed to like the most was this 35mm shot of her eating pizza that wasn’t particularly pretty or sexy or anything, but she loved how much it captured her and honestly that is exactly what I am looking for. People often like my photos of other people a lot more than they like the shots I take of them. The lack of fancy lighting and retouching is a look some people dig, but then they see the bags under their eyes or a bruise or something and aren’t as into it. But Khloe seemed to really like the raw stuff and that made me want to shoot her again.

At AVN I ran into her and Jane Wilde and they both were waiting to get their makeup done and we had about 10 minutes to shoot. They both let me shoot them without makeup just hanging out in a hotel smoking weed and we got exactly the type of shots I want and they even ended up in my last book. So of course last time I went to LA they were two of the first people I hit up and I think Jane was actually the second person I shot on the trip. Khloe was one of the last because she was out of town, but we got some great stuff which you guys will see eventually. 

Anyway, Khloe rules and we make great stuff together. I found out we are going to be in Miami at the same time next month so hopefully I will get some new stuff of her with some palm trees and shit. Plus she just got braces so that’s a fully new look. Long story short is I am super glad I ran into her in Kasey’s kitchen and you can expect to see more photos of her on here pretty soon.

Before I get out of here, I should mention a couple things. 1) These photos have been on Girls of DBB for a few days. There are a bunch of extra more explicit shots on there and they are in twice the resolution. Plus it helps me not have to get a real job so I can keep doing this. 2) The other thing that helps me continue to create content for you guys, is buying stuff from my store. This weekend I have a 10% off sale on all books, zines, prints and everything else I have in the DBB shop, so go get yourself something already

Now that that is out of the way, click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of the outstanding Khloe Kapri.

Khloe Kapri

Khloe Kapri

Khloe Kapri


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Bunny Colby & Sammie Six

I am headed out of town this weekend and then I am back for two days and then I am off to LA for a couple of weeks. I have no idea when I am gonna have time to update over the next few weeks (don’t worry, I will get something up) so I figured I would give you guys not one, but TWO galleries to gawk at while I am busy traveling: Sammie Six and Bunny Colby.

These shoots have a lot in common anyway. I shot them both in Vegas in January during AVN Awards week, they both feature rad girls with rad “enhancements” and the photos happen to be unusually tame for photos of porn stars. They were also two of the earliest shoots I did with my new camera and were a little bit underexposed because I wasn’t used to the digital viewfinder on my camera. I realize that is completely boring but if I don’t make excuses for my mediocre photography is it even a proper Driven By Boredom post?

Bunny Colby seems really great from the short time we spent together. I have followed her on Twitter for a while and she has a couple of those amazing Wilford Brimley cats and when she’s not making dirty movies she rescues cats for a living. It was fun hanging out while we were shooting, but unfortunately I think we were talking too much because we didn’t finish the shoot. Unfortunately in the middle of the shoot I got an urgent text and had to run out which was a total bummer. Hopefully we will get to finish the shoot one of these days.

Sammie Six is not Sammie Sixx another model I photographed many years ago. She is however a skateboarder who I really want to shoot skating nude one day. We had been trying to shoot for a few years but didn’t get the chance until we had a few minutes of free time in Vegas. She had access to a suite at the Hard Rock that had these great stairs that we shot on. The lighting wasn’t great but we managed and she told me the photos were some of the best images she’s taken as far as capturing who she really is, which is about the best possible compliment I could be given. She’s only a few hours from LA so maybe I can convince her to finally shoot those skateboarding photos with me in a week or two…

As per always, let me promote Girls of Driven By Boredom. These photos have been up there, in high resolution for a couple days. No exclusive shots from these shoots, but there’s always a ton of exclusive stuff on there and the site is only $2.50 a month which keeps me from having to get a real job. So if you like what I’m doing, sign up. Now for some photos…

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Bunny Colby.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Sammie Six.

Sammie Six

Bunny Colby

Sammie Six

Bunny Colby

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Jade Baker

I met Jade Baker on Twitter because I kept seeing her liking my Tweets and then I would go lurk her profile and I did this like 5 times before I realized that I had lurked the exact same person 5 times and clearly she was someone I should be following because if just her Twitter avatar got my attention, clearly she had something going for her.

A few months later I was in LA and she was one of the first people I hit up. I had to shoot her and I am super glad I did because we took a ton of great photos. She ended up in my last book and then I randomly ran into her in Vegas and we took some nice photos in all of 5 minutes while she was going to grab something from her hotel room.

Long story short is that she is real pretty and I am psyched she exists because we keep taking good photos and hopefully we will continue to do so in the future. I got a big list of people to bother next time I am in LA and she is real high on it. 

Oh, I should probably mention that there are a number of extra explicit photos of her on Girls of Driven By Boredom that you could look at if you were inclined. All the photos are in much higher resolution and they’ve been on there for more than 24 hours. Girls of DBB always gets the photos first. Go sign up. It’s cheap and keeps me from having to get a real job. 

Now click here to look at a bunch of NSFW photos of Jade Baker!

Jade Baker

Jade Baker

Jade Baker


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Heidi V

I don’t use lights very often in my photography. Studio lighting is pretty boring to me. I get it, my work suffers because of it. Sometimes I am using just completely garbage light to get shots that I could set up in 10 minutes with lighting or even something as simple as a little bounce light would be enough, but it’s just not for me. I am looking for the spontaneous moments and it’s a lot harder to capture real life when you have a bunch of gear set up. Or maybe I am just lazy, I’m not sure.

That being said, I do occasionally use lights. I needed lights to shoot a bunch of puppies and celebrities very quickly for Fox Searchlight last year and I ended up putting a cheap LED lighting kit into the budget because my real light setup is so unnecessarily huge and honestly I never want to deal with it. I wanted to practice with it before the shoot and luckily Heidi V was in town.

I photographed Heidi V at AVN or some other adult convention years ago. She’s an Australian cam girl and I just remembered her from a random shot of her at the convention. I didn’t talk to her or anything, but I sort of knew who she was. Meanwhile, my friend was in town and she told me that I should come get food with her and her cam girl friend Heidi. Turns out it was the same girl that I had photographed way back when. We got some food and I showed em around the city a bit and then we talked about taking some photos. I ran home to get my lights so I could practice with em and headed over to the Air BNB that Heidi had rented.

The only problem was that I didn’t have a bag for my lights since I had just bought them. I just grabbed one light and one stand and headed out the door. If you know anything about lighting you know that you really need a second light to get rid of the harsh shadow caused by the first light, but my hatred of carrying gear struck again and I figured I could wing it. That was stupid.

So since I hate doing studio photography, and since I only used one light for some reason I didn’t even bother looking at these photos for a full as year. Still, as I was looking at my list of photo shoots I have yet to publish, this one kept jumping out at me because it’s now the oldest shoot I haven’t put up. 

So last night I finally sucked it up and went through these photos. Fortunately Hedi is adorable enough and we took enough photos that we ended up getting a bunch of stuff worth looking at. We also shot a second mini shoot that ended up on Girls of DBB a long as time ago. And there a few photos of her butt from this shoot that are exclusive to Girls of DBB too. So like, if you wanna see her butt you gotta pay up, or just google her or something. 

Lastly, I just wanted to shout out Hedi cause she rules. Back in January I got to Vegas for the AVN Awards hours before my girlfriend did and she’s the one who booked our hotel room so I had no way of checking in until she got to town. I started Tweeting at people and Hedi told me I could leave my stuff in her room and even trusted me to have a key so I could grab my stuff when I needed it. I really appreciated it, plus we took some random photos with her friend Kristie Bish, so that was cool. Thanks Heidi!

Okay, now click here to see all the poorly lit nudes of the adorable Heidi V!

Heidi V

Heidi V

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Hey, I Have A Portfolio Now

For several years I have been posting these throwback posts with the best of whatever year as I slowly went through my archives in order to organize every single photo I have ever taken. I finished that a few months ago and and started working on my first photo portfolio since 2009. Seriously look at this thing… Snooki is on it. I have never really needed a portfolio, but I also have missed out on some jobs over the years because I send people to this site or my Instagram and there’a ton of mediocre nudes and that’s not exactly ideal as far as getting corporate work. So I needed something with less nudity, and more commercial work and here we are.

After months of working on this thing I finally have a rough draft to show you guys. It’s not finished by any means, I haven’t shown it to anyone yet so I want to get some feedback. I also want to add a tear sheet section and some more 35mm stuff (although I do have a massively out of date 35mm portfolio). I still can’t write a bio for the life of me and the photo of me is a year and a half old and I don’t really like what I look like it in, but it’s the only vaguely professional looking photo I have since I grew out my hair (Thanks Chris King!) I also am thinking about hiring a retoucher to clean the shit up. I hate photoshop and I don’t really want my work to be photoshopped, but I also like getting paid so maybe cleaning some stuff up wouldn’t hurt… We shall see.

I might clean up my Instagram too. My Instagram is 70% random iPhone shots from photoshoots and it’s probably not a great way of looking at my work, but I have to assume most people are checking out my work on Instagram at this point. Then again I always tell myself I am going to do this and then I post some photo I like and it gets 40 likes and I just go back to posting random iPhone shots of girls. This is how social media is breaking my brain. I guess we will see how it goes. But don’t worry, I am not going to stop taking sexy photos any time soon, I just need to make more of an effort to show off my other work.

Okay, enough of this hemming and hawing about the future of my photography career. It’s time to go look at my portfolio. Let me know what you guys think. Leave a comment below or reach out via email or social media or something. Thanks a bunch for the feedback.

Now click here to see my new portfolio!

Jeff Goldblum

Crowd Surfing To Slayer

Kentucky Derby

Childish Gambino

Coathangers Get Tattooed By Oliver Peck

Miley Cyrus



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Stoya Camera Test

I am going to Las Vegas for the AVN Awards tomorrow so I wanted to get up some new photos before I left. For updates from my AVN Week trip, make sure you follow me on Twitter and Instagram and think about backing my new limited edition book on Kickstarter… 

One of the nice things about living in Brooklyn is that there are always a bunch of great people just a few stops away on the subway, so when I got a new camera I texted my friend Stoya and a few minutes later I was in her office trying to figure to work a digital viewfinder. 

I have known Stoya for more than a decade but we have actually only done one proper shoot. I’ve taken her photo a million times but it’s always just some random thing and it has always come out well. Stoya has been a big feature of two of my books including being a main inspiration for my book Dinner With Igor (I took a photo of her drinking a milkshake that somehow went viral) and being the first reward to sell out for my Instaxxx book Kickstarter.

So when I hit up Stoya she had been shooting all day for her new digital magazine Zero Spaces and was pretty exhausted but she was down to take some photos as long as she didn’t have to get up from her desk. I was fully down. When I got there I realized how dark it was in her apartment but this was a perfect test of the crazy ISO of my new Nikon Z6. I started out shooting at 10,000 (if you don’t know about cameras please ignore this part) which looked great before bumping it down to 5000 ISO which is still way higher than I would go on my Nikon D810 which cost nearly double what the Z6 did. When I got the photos home I realized 10,000 ISO looked great and I can’t wait to see how high I can push it. 

There’s some stuff I don’t like about the camera, but maybe it’s just stuff I am not used to yet (like the digital viewfinder), but I got this thing to shoot some video, so I guess the real test will be when (or if) I start shooting video. Still I really like the camera for portraits and I haven’t quite given up using it to shoot for events. I think I just need to get used to it.

Anyway, these photos were just a test and there aren’t a ton of them and they aren’t that exciting, I was just playing with stuff, but Stoya is great and people seem to love photos of her so I figured I would post these photos while I am out of town for a week and you can check them out in the meantime.

Speaking of the meantime, while I am gone you should totally sign up for Girls of Driven By Boredom (these photos have been there in high resolution for 24 hours or so) and back my new book’s Kickstarter. Only 50 books are left!

Now click here to see all the NSFW photos from my camera test with Stoya.




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