Dylan Moore

Okay, this post was supposed to go up in January. I had it all ready to go and then I just ran out of time before I went to the AVN Awards. And then when I was in Vegas I ran into Dylan again and we did this mini shoot in a parking garage that I posted in my last update and so I didn’t want to post her back to back but then this move happened and I have been swamped and don’t have a working office and long story short I just needed to get something up and this was the next in line. As I mention below, we did a second shoot on the same day as this one, but we also did a third shoot in Vegas that is probably great but honestly I haven’t even looked at the photos because my life has been a mess since I got back. Give me two more weeks an I should be back in business. My desk comes this week so that’s a start… anyway, here is your post from January:

Back in October a model named Dylan Moore reached out to me. She was coming to NYC and wanted to shoot. We had a mutual friend who connected us but she apparently followed me back in the Tumblr days. I was down of course and I showed up at her hotel and we did a pretty quick shoot on the bed in her I <3 NY shirt.

When we were done shooting in the hotel room we went out on the balcony area and took a few more photos. She seemed comfortable with public nudity but I didn’t want to get her kicked out of her hotel room. I did have an idea… I had wanted to shoot at this secret spot in my neighborhood since I found it in 2016 but for whatever reason I had never done it. I also had a second spot in mind but you had to be crazy to do it. Dylan was down for both and we got on the train and headed to Brooklyn… but that’s for another post….

Anyway, Dylan is a great model and she really liked the photos we took so I hope we get to shoot again soon (Spoiler alert: we did). Honestly I don’t have a ton more to say because I have a whole second part to this day and I am about to head to Vegas for the AVN Awards and I want to get this up before I leave (Editor’s note: lol). 

All these photos are paywalled cause that is the world we live in now, so the link below will take you to Girls of Driven By Boredom which has probably over 100k photos on it so you might as well sign up for decades worth of NSFW photos. 

Now click here to see all the photos of Dylan Moore.

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

Dylan Moore

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2023 Exxxotica NJ Part One – 11.3.23

Exxxotica Expo New Jersey just celebrated their 15th anniversary. The company does events all over the place but the very first one was in NJ and I was there so of course I had to show up for the big anniversary. My plan originally was just to go for a few hours but they actually reached out to me and asked me to shoot the first two days for them and I was more than happy to take their money. My buddy Steve Prue is their staff photographer and every few years he spends the weekend shooting portraits and they ask me to fill in for him. So glad it worked out.

Over the weekend I shot nearly 2000 photos which edited down to nearly 500, so I figured we should break this up in to two posts. The first one you are looking at right now and the second post should be up Wednesday. I got too much to do tomorrow. Also, a lot of these photos will be exclusive to Girls of Driven By Boredom, but we will get to that in a minute.

This is the first adult event I have photographed since AVN in 2020 just a couple months before the world ended. I missed Exxxotica last year because my girlfriend’s car was in the shop and I missed AVN because I got the dates wrong and when I started looking at flights and hotels it wasn’t worth it. Between that and my LA trips recently being more about my 1 year old nephew than photographing sex workers I feel a little bit out of the adult world. I knew only a handful of the girls so it felt less like a family reunion than normal, but I still got a bunch of good shots. Plus it was great to see my friends who were there. 

After the show ended I hit the after party for a bit. I shot two burlesque performances including one from Vonka Romanov who I actually photographed way back in 2015. But my bad back was killing me so I wasn’t there long and went up to my hotel room to get a jump start on editing these photos. It’s so wild how old I have gotten in just a few short years. I guess a global pandemic, a severe back injury and getting wifed up will do that to a person. Hey, we had a good run. 

Okay, so let’s get to that other thing… If you are a regular here you will know that my website is broken and I cannot fix it. I have been using Flickr to host my galleries which has a lot of drawbacks, but the main one is that if you post adult content the photos will get marked as such and you can’t see them without having a Flickr account and then updating your settings to be able to see adult content. Because of this over 100 of the photos I shot on Friday are only going to be posted on Girls of Driven By Boredom. I realize that sucks, but maybe a few of you will actually sign up which will help my life since OnlyFans disabled my account last week. That being said, if I took your photo at the convention and you don’t see it in the free gallery, contact me, and I will try and find your photo for you. 

Okay, here are a ton of photos and there will be a ton more in a couple of days. Thanks so much to everyone at Exxxotica for having me out. Can’t wait to photograph the 20th anniversary!

Click here to see all of the vaguely safe for work photos from day 1 of the 2023 Exxxotica NJ Expo!

Click here to see all of the uncensored photos from day 1 of the 2023 Exxxotica NJ Expo!

Exxxotica Ribbon Cutting

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary

Alexis Texas Twerk Contest

Exxxotica Seminars

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary

Exxxotica 15th Anniversary


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Aiden Ashley Returns

I have known Aiden Ashley for years and this is either the third or fourth time we have taken photos depending if you count photos of her getting into a trashcan on the roof of the Hard Rock a photoshoot. Our first shoot was at her apartment years ago and then right before the world ended we did a big two part shoot in some former military base and then on the beach, both with Leda Bear. She’s always great to hang out with and even better to take photos of. I am sure I will take many more photos of her in the future. 

With this shoot we once again returned to her place, although a different place, and she has moved again since I believe. So maybe next time we can shoot at a third home of hers. I don’t even know why I am talking about this, but look, there is a crossbow involved. Also some Shake Shack, and some beer, and some puppies. It’s a well rounded photo shoot. 

There are also a bunch of more explicit shots on Girls of Driven By Boredom if you are interested in that kind of thing, plus a bunch of short videos of her from over the years on my OnlyFans including a new longer, real sexy video of her with a crossbow that I am posting as soon as I finish writing this post. 

Speaking of, I am going to make this a short one because I have a colonoscopy tomorrow which is super fun and I have to “prep my bowels” today which means I need to finish this post before I spend the rest of the day on the toilet. Too much info? Sorry, you are just going to have to deal with the results of me getting older and older by the moment. Did I mention I have a hurt back too? Okay, moving on. 

Click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of Aiden Ashley!

Aiden Ashely

Aiden Ashely

Aiden Ashely



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Khloe Kapri Is Back

Last time I posted photos of Khloe Kapri she was just hanging out on her bed smoking weed and listening to music on her computer and guess what? We got more of that for you today. It feels like a lifetime has passed between the two shoots, she has a new apartment, new braces, a new fish (shout out to Juicy) and a whole pandemic happened. It was great to see Khloe again cause she’s rad to hang out with and great to take photos of, it’s a good time.

Last time we shot I jokingly told her she should come to the Gathering of the Juggalos with me, and she just did it. She called her agent to block off a few days and just a couple weeks later met me at the Louisville airport as we rented a car and drove to the middle of nowhere Indiana for four days of Insane Clown madness. She actually ended up getting her betta fish Juicy because when we were at the Gathering I made her watch YouTube videos about fish because I was just starting my fishkeeping midlife crisis. I might have talked about this last time I posted her photos but honestly I am not going to look at the old post to check, that is up to you.

You should also look at the first time we shot, or the time we shot with some other people, or the time we took a few photos at AVN with Jane Wilde. Hell, there’s even a chance I might take more photos of her this week…

I am actually headed to LA tomorrow but it’s only for a few days and it’s a trip to visit my family so I haven’t actually told anyone about it. I hope to do some shoots while I am there but it’s not the priority this time. My brother lives out there and my parents are going to see them since they haven’t seen him in over a year and I am gonna go meet them. My parents go to bed early though so hoping to do some night time shoots if possible.

Okay, time to promote pay stuff. First off, these photos have been on Girls of DBB for a few days and there are a bunch of more explicit shots on there and as always the photos are a much higher resolution. Secondly I have posted a few BTS videos from hanging out with Khloe on my OnlyFans including one of her in the shower that I posted on Saturday. Today, to promote this post I am going to post a video of us discussing regional pronunciation of words like “caramel”. That sounds boring but she’s hot and naked so it’s fine I promise. By the time you read this it will probably be up because that’s the next thing I do after hitting publish on this post. 

Alight, that’s all I got, time to look at some photos… 

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Khloe Kapri.

Khloe Kapri

Khloe Kapri

Khloe Kapri

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I have been back from my West Coast trip for a few days now and I am finally getting my shit together to bring you new content. On my 10 day trip I did 12 full shoots, plus I shot a dozen rolls of film which include some other mini shoots like my friend Selina who wanted me to take a photo of her topless in front of a Scientology building in LA which I was happy to oblige. It was a very productive trip, but the only problem with it was that of the 12 shoots I did, only two of them were with people I have never photographed before, on the plus side I got to photograph some of my favorite humans on this trip, but I was hoping to shoot a few more new people, but sadly those shoots didn’t work out. 

One of the shoots that did work out was Kittycamtime (AKA Fetish Kitten who we will now refer to as Kitten because that seems way easier than typing Kittycamtime over and over again), a cam girl I met at AVN last year. I actually met her in a very cool way. I was eating food with a friend when she walked by and I told the girl I was eating with that I thought Kitten looked really cool. Later they met at a party and she told Kitten that I thought she looked really cool and she immediately DMed me about shooting while we were in Vegas. We met briefly but the shoot didn’t happen, but she was planning on coming to NYC soon so we would do it in a couple of months, and then that whole Covid thing happened so we had to wait a year, but we finally made it happen.

I spent my first day in LA hanging out with Carter Cruise because she lives right by the airport, but my second shoot was at Kitten’s place. She was about to move out but for now she lives in a rad house with a pool and I am glad I got to take advantage of the very LA vibes of the place. She was super tired and once she got naked, super cold, so we didn’t shoot a ton, but I think we got some really nice stuff anyway. I think I took some more 35mm stuff of her inside too but honestly I don’t remember but I will find out soon. What I do remember is that she needed food so we went to a Trader Joe’s that happened to be right near a pet store so I got to go look at fish which as you probably know by now is my weird midlife crisis. It was very exciting. 

Okay, it’s time to plug all the things. While I was in LA I posted a BTS video from the shoot on my OnlyFans and just yesterday I posted a longer fairly explicit video of her on there as well. The video is also on Girls of DBB but it costs $10 there because their video upload system is broken and I can’t change the price so you should just sign up for OnlyFans because it’s only $5 a month. That being said, you should also sign up for Girls of DBB because all these photos have been on there for two days and they are in high resolution and feature a handful of extra explicit shots. I also should plug my “Sponsor A Roll” thing where you can pay for one of my rolls of film to get developed and you get to see all the shots on that roll and pick your favorite to get an 8″x10″ print of all for $30. It’s a pretty good deal. I am very bad at making money.

Okay that’s enough promotion. Next stop on my “I get to leave NYC finally” tour is Cleveland where I am going to the NFL Draft. Each NFL team is allowed 12 fans in their “Inner Circle” and I am one of them for some reason so look for me on TV when the Dolphins pick if you happen to watch that. My next update should be pictures from that event. Okay now it’s time to go look at photos.

Click here to see a bunch of photos of the very adorable Kittycamtime! 




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“Best” Of 2020

2020 was a fucking disaster and I am pretty sure we don’t need to go into all of that but I like to organize all my photos and pull selects every year so that I can make it easier to find stuff in the future and these throwback posts are a good way to go over some highlights and link to my favorite shoots of the year and 2020 is no exception. 

When I first picked up a camera when I was 15 for a photo class I didn’t really care about it so I only took photos for class and I think I got a C in it. A year later I took photo 2 and I started shooting punk shows and protests and got hooked on photography and it changed my life forever. I never really put down a camera after that… until 2020.

2020 was already slow for me. My roommate died at the end of November and December and most of January were spent just dealing with that shit until I went on my yearly AVN trip. I shot a lot of photos there but between the start of the pandemic last March up until the Black Lives Matter protests that rocked the country at the end of May I took almost no photos at all. I had this very weird mix of feelings. I felt this responsibility to my elderly neighbors and my community to stay inside, but I also felt this massive guilt for not being out in the streets documenting the end of the world as we knew it. For months I pretty much only left the house for essential stuff and I would bring my camera with me whenever I left the house but I didn’t shoot a lot. I tried to document the grafiti and the signage and capture some of the moment (see my zine Sign of the Times) but I didn’t do nearly enough to make me feel productive.

After George Floyd was murdered I felt like I had to hit the streets. This was too important not to be apart of and a video I captured of horrible police violence ended up going viral and being purchased by the NY Times, NY Post and Full Frontal With Samantha Bee. Ironically this awful moment ended up being the only paid work I did for most of 2020. I went to a bunch of protests over the summer and documented most of them, but I am embarrassed to admit that I eventually stopped going as the protests started getting smaller and smaller. I did hit the streets again a few months later when TV networks called the presidential race for Biden. It was one of the few highlights of a disastrous year.

I did do some shoots during the pandemic, including this socially distanced shoot, but the vast majority of the stuff I shot in 2020 happened on a less than two week trip in January to LA and Las Vegas when I went out to shoot the AVN Week madness. Heading home from Vegas from that trip was actually the last time I got on a plane after canceling trips to SXSW, the NFL Draft and two tattoo conventions I was supposed to shoot for Monster.

A year ago I shot Carmen when she visited NYC and Phoenix Marie literally the day before lockdown in NYC and over the summer when cases were low I did a day road trip with Nina and Kirra which ended up with some great shots (that you still haven’t seen all of), I did a weird late night shoot with Alex F and of course this shoot with the very flexible Amanda Whip. As far as the LA/Vegas stuff some highlights include the Aiden & Leda photos, my latest shoot with Carter and the super quick shoot I did with Alex Grey right before I came back to NYC forever. 

Right before the world ended I had booked a bunch of the work I mentioned earlier and I bought some bitcoin when it crashed right before the pandemic. I regretted it when I lost the jobs and it took me way too long to get unemployment, but I survived thanks to you guys. I started my OnlyFans and you guys bought my books and zines and had Girls of Driven By Boredom already going (I uploaded a NSFW “Best of” gallery including a bunch of shots not in this gallery). I had someone who supports my work just send me some cash and told me I could pay him in photos later. That shit meant so much to me. 

But things are looking up. That bitcoin I regretted buying is now worth more than 10 times what I paid for it. My unemployment is still going strong while my bills have pretty much decreased to just food, shelter and the cost to host this damn website. I paid off my credit card, got my first vaccine shot, I am finally headed back to LA and Vegas to shoot next month, and amazingly my NFT test run did really well. (I did manage to spent all that money on other people’s NFTs but I got some new stuff coming.) I still haven’t shot much in 2021, but my guess is the last 9 months of this year I am gonna be shooting a lot more than the first three  and I can’t fucking wait wait.

Thank you guys for everything and I hope that all of our 2021s are so much fucking better than 2020. 

In the meantime, click here to see a huge gallery of my favorite shots from the least prolific year of my career. 

Black Lives Matter



Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Angela White & Jules Jordan

Black Lives Matter

Carter Cruise

Biden Wins!

Gia DeMarco & Paige Owens

Defund The Police

Kirra & Nina 



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Over a year ago one of my favorite humans, Carter Cruise, was DJing a party in Vegas. It was not an AVN party but it was the same week as the AVNs so she was around and brought her friend Natalie. We all hung out a bunch and Natalie and I hit it off and we planned a shoot while we were all still in town and it was great. 

Since then, the world has obviously changed a ton and during the pandemic Natalie and Carter seemed to be living the best life because they have a pool and live with another hot friend and they started a clothing line together (which I will plug in a minute) and I just wish I was quarantining with them and just taking all the photos of them for the internets. 

Anyway, I planned on posting these photos a long time ago but there was that whole pandemic thing happening and Natalie decided if she had to find a new job when the world collapsed then maybe she didn’t want her nudes floating around out there, but good news is that her job is secure and presumably psyched about her nudes because she told me I could post them and I am 100% sure you guys are going to love that life decision because she is unreasonably pretty. (She also has an absolutely incredible laugh.)

Because of this delay, these photos have already been on Girls of DBB for months (she was cool with them being paywalled) but now you get to look at them for free… (at least some of them, I posted a ton of the 35mm photos on Girls of DBB too which you don’t get because I want your money).  And now that my plug is out of the way, it’s of course time to plug Carter and Natalie’s clothing line After Dark LA. I have already taken some photo of babes in them (check my Instagram) and I still have another shirt to shoot someone in soon and I will keep supporting their stuff because they are both amazing.

I can’t wait to visit Carter & Natalie soon cause I just got my first vaccine shot (thanks dangerously high blood pressure!) and as soon as this sweet Pfizer juice kicks in I am headed to LA so I can hang out in their pool and take their photo and probably some other stuff I can’t think about right now. It’s gonna be great. Honestly, just leaving Brooklyn would be a nice start, but I owe you guys some new photos.

Speaking of, next post on my website is gonna be the “Best” of 2020 post and then I only really have one nude shoot left and I am out of photos. I should probably get to fucking work huh? Soon!

Now click here to check out all of these photos of the incredible Natalie (and some bonus Carter cameos)!




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Rocky Emerson

A year ago I did my annual trip to Vegas and LA to shoot a bunch of stuff and then do the AVN Awards week madness and I don’t get to drive living in NYC and I love being on the road so I decided I would come to Vegas for one day and rent a car there and then drive to LA for a week, come back and drop off the car and then just be in Vegas for the rest of the time. It was a perfect plan and it gave me a chance to shoot someone I had been wanting to shoot for ages, Rocky Emerson.

When I landed in Vegas I had another shoot planned but that model couldn’t end up doing it and I sort of didn’t really know what to do and spent like an hour at the airport before I could check into my hotel trying to figure out a plan. Eventually I just went and tried to check in early and when I got there it had this huge window that was perfect for shooting photos in. I hit up Rocky and she was super busy because she had just returned to town herself and was planning for her brother to visit and she was like “come by and you can take photos of me building an Ikea bed for him”. This seemed like the perfect idea for the shoot so I went over to her place but the room she was building the bed in was super dark and there was no way we were gonna be able to make that work.

There was good light in her living room but her neighbors could easily see in so that wasn’t ideal either so we decided to go back to the hotel. She decide just to put the mattress on the floor and made the bed and I actually saw her fold a fitted she which was honestly incredible and we finally took off to head back to my hotel. Unfortunately by the time we got there it was too dark anyway because it was fucking January and daylight doesn’t exist and so we had to use this horrible lamp to shoot with. This is the pain of not being a real photographer… if the light sucks I just have to deal with it because I am not fucking bringing lights anywhere with me.

Anyway Rocky is real hot so it’s fine, and we shot some really nice 35mm stuff that was less reliant on good lighting cause it was either black and white or shot with flash. And we got a few really nice shots digitally too, but I think we were both a bit disappointed with the photos which is a bummer, but again, Rocky is very hot so it’s fine but it probably explains why I haven’t posted these for a year. But I am running out of content so here we are. I hope we get to try again one of these days.

After the shoot we went out with her friends and her brother and honestly it was a blast and thinking about it now makes me really miss fun. Okay, let’s get slightly less depressing and slightly more commercial. If you want to see some extras from this set that are more R rated, make sure you check Girls of Driven By Boredom and I should plug my OnlyFans too. I put a preview of this up on there yesterday and I recently edited together a video of a bunch of old Snapchats of “porn stars doing things” which is just a way of me saying it’s a bunch of hot girls who are not actually naked and it features a two second video clip of Rocky and her friend Sam dancing like those inflatable things outside of used car dealerships. It’s not up yet but honestly I just needed some sort of reason to plug my OnlyFans so let me live.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of the amazing Rocky Emerson.

Rocky Emerson

Rocky Emerson

Rocky Emerson

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Olive Glass

When I first met Olive Glass I squished her head for some reason. I have no explanation for how that came to be but here we are. A couple years later I finally got to take photos of Olive and I feel like we got some good ones and you can now look at them. 

These were taken at her place in LA which is pretty much the last time I left NYC for more than a couple of days on my way to the AVN Awards last year which would be happening this month if it weren’t for the apocalypse which means I am going to miss AVN for the first time in over a decade and also that these photos are nearly a year old which is honestly far too long but what are you gonna do? The world ended, don’t blame me.

What makes me very happy about these photos is that Olive liked them. She does a lot of very fancy pretty fashion modeling and whenever I see her photos on the internets they are always retouched and glamourous and things and obviously my photos are not like that. She still appreciated my raw look which is awesome. Instead of having her pose we just hung out drinking coffee and taking photos and telling stories and all that stuff and as you probably know by now that’s my favorite kinda shoot. Can’t wait to get back out to LA one day so we can do it again.

And now it’s time to pay the rent… These photos, plus a bonus mini set shot in Olive’s kitchen, plus some bonus explicit shots are all on Girls of Driven By Boredom in high resolution. I also posted a teaser to this set on my OnlyFans. There’s also a pretty funny video of Olive and some mylar balloons that I posted to my OnlyFans a while ago. Lastly, unrelated to Olive, a photo I took of Nicolette Shea went viral on Twitter the other day so I released it as a print in order to raise some money for the Bowery Mission so if you have ever wanted to own one of my photos this seems like a pretty good time. 

Okay, done with the promotion, time to look at some pretty photos.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Olive Glass!

Olive Glass

Olive Glass

Olive Glass

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