Daisy Sparks

NSFW week as suffered some set backs.  First I skipped Monday and last night two girls I shot asked me not to post their pictures. I am hoping to redo one of those shoots soon, but who really knows. People are flakes. Fortunately, I found some older photos that I never got around to posting, so I think the week will continue after all!

Day two brings us the lovely Burning Angel Daisy Sparks.  I had talked to her on Twitter over the last several months but she lives in LA and we had never met. I recognized her in the Venetian Casino when we were in Vegas together and introduced myself. An hour later I was playing penny slots while everyone else was drinking and I asked her to press the button for good luck.  She hit all 7’s! I won $120 on a dollar bet. It was pretty fantastic. I told her I was going to buy her a present, but I never did.  Don’t worry Daisy, I still owe you…

After she helped me beat Vegas I clearly fell in love with her and we had to shoot.  She had an amazing hotel room that I thought we could shoot in, but when I got there about 9 porn stars were getting their make up done and the place was a mess. She sugested we shoot in the bathroom, but all I ever do is shoot in bathrooms so I was a bit dissapointed.  I had an idea though. There was a little room off to the side of the bathroom with just the toilet in it. I realized that if I sat on the toilet, I could shoot her against the wall and it wouldn’t look like a bathroom. I guess I am ruining any sort of illusion by telling you this, but come on, you guys are like family. I can tell you anything.

So yeah, we shot against this weird wall paper for a grand total of 10 minutes before I had to rush over and get in the press line for the AVN Red Carpet. I was hoping we would get a chance to do a real shoot later, but alas it was not meant to be. Still, come of the pictures are super cute and I hope you like them.

You can click here to see all my pictures of Ms. Daisy Sparks in the full nude! If you want to see her do a lot more than just be naked, click here.


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Circa – 11.14.09

Okay, we have to take a step away from the Vegas and LA stuff for a minute.  I shot Circa on Thursday and two galleries at Webster Hall last night so clearly I have to get that stuff up.  I also I have three more non naked girl galleries to go up from my trip.  One of those galleries was the AVN red carpet which is already on the Village Voice, so we will hold off on that.  That means I have three NYC galleries, and two west coast galleries to get up asap. I think my goal is to get up the NYC today and tomorrow, and then starting Monday post a naked girl gallery every day of the week. Still, I don’t know when I am going to manage to fit in the other two galleries, but I will figure it out somehow.  I should just post it all tomorrow hate posting too much content on the weekend when traffic is lowest.

Okay, moving on to Circa. As I have mentioned it is my new party on Thursdays. The party was still awesome despite some small issues.  The mixer was broken and I think we opened both sides of Darkroom too early.  There were a lot of people there, but the left side was a little bit empty.  I think it would have been better if just the right side was open until it got too packed. We shall see, it still was a really good party and I had a lot of fun.  A bunch of people I never see came out for it so that was awesome.  There is even some nudity thanks to this dope chick Julie B.  We did a mini bathroom shoot at like 4am with like 4 other people stuffed into the little Darkroom back bathroom. The pics sort of sucked so there are only a few, but I think Julie and I are going to shoot next week.

Oh yeah, I also forgot to change my flash batteries so I was basically shooting with an on camera flash so the photos aren’t up to my normal  incredibly high standards, but click right here to see all the shots from the new Thursday night party Darkroom anyway.  Long live Circa.






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Nyssa Nevers

I met this bondage model named Nyssa Nevers at the Exxxotica Convention in NJ and then I ran into her again in Vegas at the AEE.  We had talked online a number of times about shooting together but it just kept not happening.  I think I had sort of forgotten about it when she randomly appeared at the Black Dogs party at Angels & Kings the other day. We talked about how long she was going to be in town and we exchanged numbers and talked about ideas for the shoot… And then we blew that all off and got her naked in the bathroom.  Since we were at the Black Dogs book release we thought we should promote the book in the process.  I think Nyssa and I are going to shoot for real soon, but in the mean time check out the quick set we did in the bathroom of AK.  NSFW.




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Avry Heart

Okay, before we get started with this update to NSFW Week, I am sure some of you are wondering where the fuck the Cain photos are from Wednesday.  I am having severe issues with all three of my computers and it is driving me fucking nuts.  If anyone has a PC keyboard they want to give me, it only has to moderately work.  I only use it for image editing, I don’t need to type shit.  Anyway, the Cain photos will be up tonight, but like 5AM tonight.  Then Trash photos tomorrow and another naked girl.  Then the last naked girl Monday and then we start getting the rest of the Sundance shit up.  So now that you are updated, let’s move on to naked girls.

This is Avery Heart.  She’s a Vegas local I met at the AVN Weekend.  I asked her if I could take her photo on the floor of the AEE and she asked me to hold her purse while she posed. As soon as I started shooting 10 other photographers ran over and started shooting, then video cameras and this whole mad scene.  After I took my two shots I just stood there for 15 minutes holding her bag.  She felt pretty bad about this and offered to do a private photo shoot.  Unfortunately by the time we left the expo and got back to my hotel she was running late for something.  So we shot these in like 5 minutes and I shot them at some insanely high ISO and they kinda don’t look great.  But content is king, and you guys probably like cute naked girls more than you like my photography work, so check out these mediocre photos of the pretty adorable Avry Heart.




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Saturday At The AEE – 1.10.09

Day two in Vegas. I wake up and I can’t talk. My voice is gone, I feel like hell and I can’t stop coughing. I also slept until 3 PM because of all the cough syrup I drank. My lips are chapped because of the dry weather and the tap water sucks so I am completely dehydrated. Amazing. So I get my shit together quick and make it down to the Adult Entertainment Expo for the last hour and a half of the day. I didn’t get a lot of shots, but I met that dude Dennis from the Bunny Ranch who was pretty amusing. These photos are the worst of the trip. Day thee is a bit better. I just really wish I had my other computer with me. I will probably reedit these when I get home.

Anyway, after the AEE I decided to sleep through the Awards Show because I hear it is tediously boring. I took a nap at 8 and accidentally woke up at 1:30 AM. I went down to the Circle Bar at the Venetian and ran into Joanna Angel and James Deen. She was really sad because she didn’t win any awards after being nominated for a ton. Everyone was real upset for her. It sucked. Her boyfriend James however took home Male Performer of the Year which is a pretty big deal and we are all very proud of him, despite the fact that he is often a dick to me when he is drunk. After that I met up with Zui and we went to this Fetish party that DJ Jess was DJing. I went to it last year and it was fucking insane. This year I ended up staying much later and things got even crazier.

I saw many, many people having sex. Sex in every bathroom, in the shower, on the beds, on the floor. I only saw one person use a condom though. And that was a threesome on one of the beds. One of the rooms had this vacuum thing on it where you could go into it and they would suck out all the air and it would look like you are Han Solo when he got frozen in carbonite. Then girls rub on you and you breath through a tube. Everyone just watched everyone fuck. People were whipping everyone and there was a stripper pole where people would just take turns stripping. There was also a big spiderweb that people tied themselves too and got tortured for fun. It was pretty amazing. All sorts of fetishes were being carried out all over the place. I saw the biggest penis I have ever seen. These two black dudes were double teaming this older blonde chick with giant fake boobs. I stood around with like 5 people watching two people have anal sex in the shower. It was pretty out of control. You couldn’t take photos, and I respected that for the most part, but there was this girl who I wanted to shoot who I met the night before so we went into a bathroom and did a few shots. Then later I met this amazing girl named Tuesday who grabbed me and made out with me. An hour later she lost her phone, so I called it until someone answered it. She rewarded me with a pretty hot and drunken photo shoot that you will see later. Lastly, I saw this porn star fucking someone and then she just sort of stopped because she was so fucking wasted. She sat down next to me and tried to put on her latex outfit but she was in the shower earlier and it was wet and she couldn’t get it on. So me and like 4 other people tried to help her. I thought they had it under control so I left. 45 min later I came back and she still hadn’t put her pants on. She was so fucking wasted. Her friend brought her a water and she was like “Is this water? Because I want more booze.” This was like 7 AM. At noon that day I saw her signing autographs at the convention. That is fucking championship. She told me that she didn’t remember any of it, but evidently she ordered eggs for breakfast and evidently she is vegan. I think I sort of fell in love. I left the party at 830 AM and ate breakfast with Jess and Tre. Morgan Dayne was sitting next to us and we talked to her about her AVN Awards dress. Then I checked out, and went back to the AEE. Fun.

Okay, check out the shots from Saturday at the AEE here.






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Vegas Trip Day #3

My day started out really shitty. I couldn’t sleep and then there was some drama that put me in a horrible mood. I tried to take a nap but I just felt bad. I had to do some apologizing and I still don’t feel right about it. I just feel like a prick. Anyway, the people I was trying to get in touch with were clearly wasted and sending me weird texts and calls. I though about just going to sleep but Keith Crass called me and him and Joe Gallant and some kids from Seattle went back to the fetish party I was at last night. I am not a fetishist, so I felt slightly out of place, but I have to give that scene credit, it was fucking impressive. I have shot a few Byte’s before, and I think anyone who knows my site knows I am very into subculture, but this is a whole other level. I saw fisting, squirting and all sorts of unmentionable things and I met some amazing people. It is points like this in my life when I wish I wasn’t so desensitized, because I saw some crazy stuff that I sort of just took in very casually. There were no cameras allowed without a pass, but tons of people were pulling out little point and shoot digital cameras. I just really wanted to take pictures as I always do, and some people told me it would probably be alright if I just pulled some people to the side. So if I met a really cool or interesting person I pulled them off in the corner to take their picture. I wanted to respect the party. I met this amazing old school porn star named Cara Lott. She was so fresh. The unfortunate thing was at the end of the night I asked this most adorable girl if I could take her picture. She was one of the hosts and they told me I was not allowed to take any photos, so I decided to call it a night. I thought the people who asked me not to take pictures were very reasonable and I thought we had a nice talk. Then 10 min later five min before I was about to leave they asked me to leave, which really put a damper on what had been a pretty amazing night. I was feeling pretty bad about this, but then I went down stairs to the casino, had a really good talk with James Deen and found a 20 dollar bill. I put it into the first slot machine I saw and played the money till I was down to one dollar left. On the last spin I won the 25x jackpot and walked out of the casino with $25. I beat Vegas. Also on the way out I ran into Mystery again and got a picture of him and this amazingly adorable girl. He was doing is PUA shit and we took photos of them kissing and being fun… but then of all things she asked me for my number to hang out while I am in LA. I am sure she will never call me, and I feel like an asshole for not getting her number, but it was still a nice way to end a very weird night. I did not take many photos at all because of my camera restrictions, but there are some nice ones in this set.





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Vegas Trip Day #2

Three things I have learned about Vegas so far: The tap water tastes like shit, they don’t sell gum in Casinos and the classic rock station plays Prince.

Day two started off well with a Gods Girl named Toryn coming over for some creepy clown photos (you will get to see them when I get back) and we shot a really weird clown “porn” “music video”. And by porn I mean topless and by music video I mean she was dancing to a song. I will try to get that up before I get back….

Anyway, after that the day was pretty much disappointing. I went to the Burning Angel event at Minxx strip club. The club was trying to rotate things with strippers so none of the stuff I wanted to shoot was happening on time. Strip clubs make me uncomfortable, it was actually the first time I had been in one. I don’t really like the idea of paying people to get naked. None of the porn folks I was with seemed to be paying too much attention to the strippers, and the strippers looked pretty bored. I eventually got this girl Sailor naked in the bathroom and then the Swing Shift Side Show did some more stuff. There was a girl who shot darts out of her vagina which was cool. Zamora Torture King did what he does best and stabbed himself with long skewers. Hick, Nick And Jew and a Half (of the dead) played some songs right before I left with Jess and Sarah 2.0 who are featured in these photos in the back of a limo. The highlight of the party was talking to Mystery about picking up women and then he did a mediocre job of making my business card disappear. Interesting dude. Everything took so damn long at Minxx that by the time we got back to my car it was pretty late. We tried to go to the VividAlt party at Beauty Bar but Bronques said it was dead so we turned around and went to this fetish party at the Venetian. I am not a big fetish guy and I didn’t know many people and they wouldn’t let anyone take pictures so I did not stay long… but there were a lot of naked people and some interesting stuff going on. I saw a guy getting peed on and the oldest boobs I have ever seen in real life. I was leaving the Venetian and I ran into Ron Jeremy which was cool. I then called it an early night and now I am awake during the day with not a lot to do. Everyone is at the AEE Convention but I applied for my press pass to late and I don’t want to pay for it, so I am watching football instead. Anyway, I have no idea what I am doing to night but I am sure it is weird.

If you are looking for a casino and can’t make it to Vegas check out bcasinoreview.com.

Here are a bunch of random photos from the night.




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