Kimberly Kane

I have two announcements to make it this post. The first is that my site seems to be working finally. And the second is that I have a girlfriend for the first time in four years and her name is Kimberly Kane.

My site has finally switched fully over to Constant Hosting. Those guys have been awesome and I cannot thank them enough for helping us with my site’s problems. Next step is working on the new design and I just got off the phone with both my designer and back end guy and my new site is well on it’s way to becoming a reality.

In other news I have been seeing the amazing Kimberly Kane since January and we just made our relationship official which is really adorable. I have known Kimberly for a while but when I photographed her for the first time I realized how amazing she is as a human. I don’t think I have ever had so much fun shooting a girl and we talked for maybe an hour after the shoot before she had a meeting she had to deal with. We didn’t really talk after that but I ran into her in Vegas when we were both there for the AVN Awards and we hung out non stop the rest of the weekend. She came to visit me in New York in April and last week I went out to LA to visit her. I stayed with her for eight days and on the last night I asked her to be my girlfriend.

Aside from being a beloved adult film actress and director she is also an amazing photographer. She currently has a fashion layout she shot in Vice, she just shot the newest Mishka lookbook and she has a pretty sick Tumblr. She also has a web show on that was shot years ago and is just running now (which explains why she has a boyfriend in it that is not me). On top of all that she has her own Clips4Sale store where you can buy super creepy videos of her yelling at you about how small your penis is or sitting on peoples faces or whatever fetishists are into these days. You should buy some so she can afford more plane tickets to NYC.

So anyway, I am notoriously single and haven’t had an official girlfriend since 2007 so this whole thing is a big change for me but I am super excited about it. But I promise I will shut the fuck about it and not be one of those annoying friends of yours who Tweet non stop about their significant other. I also promise that I will take lots of naked photos of her and post them on my Tumblr whenever possible.  Speaking of naked photos, when I was visiting her I took a bunch of photos of her on her couch. I also shot her with Kory Minx from Gods Girls, but I will get to those photos later. For now I have this awesome NSFW set of my lady hanging out on a couch which you should look at and be super envious of my amazingly radical porn star girlfriend.

Click here to see all the naked pictures of my amazing, adorable girlfriend: Kimberly Kane.

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

Kimberly Kane

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Lily LaBeau

Last year at the AVN Awards I met Lily LaBeau. She was signing at the AEE with my friend Zoe Voss and I ended up hanging out at their booth all weekend. At one point she signed a fans penis which was kinda hilarious. Last time she was in LA I was out of town so I was happy to hear that we were both going to be in Vegas again that we were gonna get a chance to shoot. I ended up staying in this pretty amazing hotel suite and Lily came over and we did a pretty quick shoot.

Lily is amazing to photograph. Before she got into porn she was a model and was super easy to shoot. She is obviously beautiful, her legs are like nine feet tall and she is just a fun human to hang out with. We spent as much time talking about bullshit as we did actually taking photos. I really want to convince her to go on a road trip one day where I just take her photos in front of things like the World’s Largest Onion. I seriously could shoot Lily every day for the rest of my life.

Anyway, I have a meeting right now to try to figure out how I can fund a similar road trip this summer so I gotta go, but you guys really need to take a look at the rest of this gallery. Most of the photos we shot are NSFW so I couldn’t post too many of my favorites below.

You would be doing yourself a great diservice if you don’t click here to see the full uncensored gallery of Lily Labeau in my hotel suite in Vegas.

Lily LaBeau

Lily LaBeau

Lily LaBeau

Lily LaBeau

Lily LaBeau

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Katie St. Ives

Katie St. Ives was the first girl I photographed on my recent West Coast trip.  She picked me up in Hollywood and drove me up to some hills. I was getting freaked out because it was getting darker and darker every second and I had no idea where we were going but it was taking forever. I had been flaked on by two people the day before and now I thought I was going to lose another day.  Fortunately, we made it right as the sun was going down and we had about 20 minutes to bang out a set and 20 minutes was all we needed.

Katie is an amazing model. She is so damn cute but as soon as she got in front of my camera she would turn deadly sexy in an instant only to start laughing about something a few seconds later and go back to being super adorable again. It was pretty amazing to go through these photos and see the mood of the shot change instantly with just a little smile.

After running around these hills for a bit we got back in her car and she started smoking weed which freaked me out because the park closed at dark and I figured some park police was gonna come by any second and throw us in jail for being deviant drug addicts, but she just pulled out her medical marijuana prescription and explained to me that the worst thing that would happen would be she would get a ticket for smoking outside of her apartment. I totally forgot that California is all about smoking the dope even if they can’t make up their mind about that whole gay wedding thing.

After the shoot we ate a bunch of food and and shot some black and white film and drove around LA. I went from being all grumpy to start the shoot to having as much fun as I have had on a shoot in ages. Katie rules and I ran into her a bunch in Vegas at the AVN Awards and pretty much without fail she pulled out her boobs in public for my camera every time I saw her. Long story short, she is good peoples and I am really happy with the photos we took.

Now click here to see all the fun NSFW photos of Katie St. Ives naked on some horse trail in the way up in hills of Los Angeles.

Katie St. Ives

Katie St. Ives

Katie St. Ives

Katie St. Ives

Katie St. Ives

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Zoe Voss

A year ago I spent a lot of time in LA hanging out with Zoe Voss but we never did a real photo shoot. Zoe and I took a bunch of photos, but we didn’t sit down and do a real shoot.  We have been in the same city a few times since then but doing a photo shoot just never worked out. Luckily when I was in Vegas in January I caught her before the AVN Awards. I came up to her hotel room at the Hard Rock and we did a quick shoot before she had to jump in the shower. Luckily she let me get a few shots of that too. After that I left to let her get ready and clearly she was did something right because she ended up being the best dressed porn star at the AVN’s.

Also shout out to Zoe for letting me shoot her even though she just got new boobs and they haven’t quite settled yet. I thought she looked pretty rad before the boob job but I am not gonna complain… She is a babe no matter what.  Plus Zoe was a model for 5 years before she ever did porn so she is really easy to shoot. I think we got some fun shots.

Click here to check out all the obviously NSFW shots of Zoe Voss in her hotel room at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas.

Zoe Voss

Zoe Voss

Zoe Voss

Zoe Voss

Zoe Voss

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Brooklyn Lee

A few weeks before I went to LA Brooklyn Lee hit me up about possibly doing a shoot when I was in town. The day of our shoot I was 15 minutes late and left her waiting sitting on a giant rock at a subway stop (who knew LA had a subway…) because I had to eat two insane hot dogs from Pinks. I then made her go to a pawn shop with me before we drove to downtown LA to look for a building to break into so we could shoot on a roof.  Unfortunately it was Sunday and all these textile factories were closed for the weekend.

We decided to just park my rental car and walk around and try to open doors and perhaps find a parking garage we could get onto. We finally found a textile factory that had a mall on the bottom floor that was open. We walked around and it was basically a sweat shop on the upper floors and groups of little latino kids were just playing by themselves. I personally wouldn’t leave my four year old to play on an escalator but what the fuck do I know… We climbed back stairways until we got to the roof. When we got on it we were bummed to find out that there were tons of people parked up there and walking around. We pretended like we had a reason to be there and went back down the way we came.  We were about to give up when we found a stairwell that seemed blocked off. There was a cone in front of the door to the roof so we figured no one would use it. The only problem was that we were clearly visible from the street if anyone just bothered to look up.

We banged the set out in 10 minutes and took some awesome shots. Brooklyn Lee is super hot and not afraid to get dirty or get caught. She was covered in black dirt which looked awesome with the beautiful light and the cute white outfit she picked out. It was a great quick shoot and we got away with out getting arrested which was probably a good thing since the next day we went to Vegas for the AVN Awards where she ended up winning the award for Best New Starlet (as well as several other awards). It would not have been awesome if she was in jail for that…

So congrats to Brooklyn Lee on the huge AVN win and congrats to everyone else because you get to look at a bunch of fun NSFW photos of her for free.

Click here to see all the photos of Brooklyn Lee in the stairwell of a sweatshop in Downtown LA.

Brooklyn Lee

Brooklyn Lee

Brooklyn Lee

Brooklyn Lee

Brooklyn Lee

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Alesandra Nicole

What seems like 10 years ago but was probably about 10 days ago before I was out shooting naked girls on this LA/Vegas road trip I was back in NYC shooting naked girls.  I shot three people in 24 hours before I left and I want to try to get at least one of those sets up right now.  Unfortunately I am at the AVN Awards in Vegas and I have to go take pictures at the Adult Entertainment Expo and get ready to shoot some porn girls who texted me at 8:30 AM today wanting to shoot in my hotel room in a couple hours. So long story short we need to make this story short.

This is Alesandra. I met her through the legendary Whitty Titty. She is an Inked Magazine cover girl and a total babe. We were going to shoot a long time ago but then she went and got giant new boobs and we had to wait until they healed.  Well they are healed and we took a bunch of photos in her bedroom.  She wanted to shoot in some old band shirt so I brought a bunch of mine over. I also brought my favorite shirt ever which is a Jessie Jackson 1984 presidential campaign t-shirt that I got in a thrift store more than a decade ago.

Anyway, check out these photos of Alesandra Nicole by clicking here right fucking now! They are NSFW of course and now I gotta get my shit together and do some damn work!

Alesandra Nicole

Alesandra Nicole

Alesandra Nicole

Alesandra Nicole

Alesandra Nicole

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Soon, There Will Be Magic…

You may be wondering why I haven’t updated in 5 days. The truth is I didn’t realize that I hadn’t. I feel like just yesterday wa New Years Eve, but it appears that is not the case. Luckily for us there is magical things happening on DBB and we just have to wait a little bit longer but good things are coming!

So things have been a bit slow around here but for good reason.  I have been busting my ass organizing my life and working on projects that will hopefully make everything awesome in the very near future.  So let’s break down the exciting shit coming up for Driven By Boredom.

1) Wild Adventures. I am going on a three week trip that should bring some crazy fucking photos to the site. I am going to LA to shoot a bunch of naked girls, Vegas to shoot an party and the AVN Awards, then back to LA and the finally to Aspen to shoot the fucking Winter X-Games.  Expect a LOT of amazing content coming soon.

2) Driven By Boredom 4.0. I put a down payment on getting this site finally redesigned properly. This site has out grown it’s design and by March things should be a lot cleaner and a lot more functional. As far as you guys should be concerned the galleries will work properly, mobile viewing will be greatly improved and there is going to be a secondary blog which will make it easier to do little updates daily without moving the quality posts off the front page. On top of that the site is going to be much improved on my end making my job easier and improving boring things like SEO and social networking integration.

3) DBB.TV. I can’t give away too much here but there is finally going to be a proper video component to my website and it is going to launch with the new site design. Right now I have to mini web shows in development and hopefully I will have a few episodes of a third show by the time we launch.  The shows are going to be really simple things that I can keep up with without spending too much of my time on it so don’t expect anything too crazy but they should be a fun change of pace for the site.

4) Love Me When I’m Gone. Although this isn’t really anything most of you care about I have been busting my ass working on the tribute album to my deceased friend Ross Harman. Everything is done on it and I am going to be releasing the album in late February. It has been taking up a TON of my time and will continue to do so for a little bit longer but it’s a big deal for me and will lead to things you might care more about like…

5) A Web Store. With this record coming out and this new design in place I am going to be relaunching a web store. I built one a long time ago but never really pushed it but with the launch of the new site the store will be featured into the design.  You will be able to buy a bunch of stuff including DBB T-shirts, stickers buttons and tote bags as well as other stuff like the tribute record, Fucking Bullshit t-shirts, and prints. Plus other things I have created over the years that I have in boxes in my apartment like The Gaskets merch and some of my friends projects that I have worked on.

Anyway, there are also a few other things going on that I can’t really talk about yet but just know that even though things are a little slow around here right now there is A LOT of magical stuff coming. I hope you guys are at least 15% as excited about this stuff as I am… Cause I am pretty fucking psyched about all of it.  See you guys tomorrow.

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And There Goes 2011…

It’s New Years Eve and we are all about to be partying and what not like we all do at  this time of year but I wanted to look back on the year and talk about three things that really made a difference in my life in 2011 and I am looking forward to them still being a big part of my 2012. 2011 was a pretty great year for me and I hope 2012 is even better for me and you and everyone who reads this damn website.  Thanks for paying attention.

1) Fucking Bullshit

I worked in some way with music for most of my life. When I was 15 I started a zine and shortly after founded a record label. I started booking shows and taking photos of bands. Later in life I managed a band for 5 years, I started booking dance parties and went on tour with bands and DJ’s and even worked in the studio with bands. I did everything you could imagine except be in a band. And like every single person who works in music all I really wanted to do was be in a band.  Finally in 2011 I got my chance and I started my punk rock cover band Fucking Bullshit and we are somehow way better than we ever should have been and it’s more fun than I ever thought it would be.  We get the New Years started with a bang with our next free show January 5th at Don Pedro’s in Brooklyn. Come see us!

2) Dolfans NYC

I have been running the New York City Miami Dolphins fan club for a few years but this year I think we really established ourselves. Even though the Dolphins have sucked we have had a big group at our bar, Third & Long, every single week. We brought a HUGE group to the Meadowlands for Jets and Giants games and we are starting to be taken very seriously by the Miami Dolphins organization. Their Weekly TV show did an interview with us and we have had more and more contact with the team. 2012 seems like it is going to be even bigger for us as we are helping to promote the 40th Anniversary reunion of the 1972 undefeated Dolphins team in North Jersey. If the Dolphins ever started wining some games we would be in Phin Heaven.

3) Travel

2011 was amazing for me as far as adventuring is concerned. The year started off with a trip to LA and Vegas and then my yearly trip to SXSW but this year really got crazy when I went back to LA and ended up driving across the country. I ended up being out of town for 28 days and I did almost no actual paid work and was living on savings and ad money. Fortunately when I got back in NYC I met the Sailor Jerry Rum PR girl Dana Dynamite who over the last six months has become a great friend and Sailor Jerry has hired me to work Lolapalooza and then Voodoo Fest in New Orleans and then Fun Fun Fun in Austin and even Art Basel in Miami. Even though I rarely drink alcohol, Sailor Jerry is the perfect client. Their brand is all about tattoos and partying and half naked tattooed girls. They send me out to amazing parties and I get to talk bands into getting free Sailor Jerry tattoos. I even got a free tattoo out of the deal. It’s been pretty fucking amazing.  2012 is looking like it will be just as adventurous as on the 12th I head to LA for a week vacation before heading to Vegas to shoot the AVN Awards and then back to LA for a few days before heading to Aspen to cover the X Games for Sailor Jerry.

So yeah, 2011 was fucking amazing and assuming the world doesn’t end 2012 should be even better. But looking back there was some sadness too and I want to take a moment to remember the people I lost last year. My friend good tragically Colin died of brain cancer in his mid 20’s and my closest grandparent, my grandma Jo finally passed in her 90’s. My grandmother has been one of the closest people in my life so losing her killed me but losing a friend at 25 was so much more tragic. But with death comes new beginnings and 2012 will mark the release of a project I have been working on since the week my best friend Ross Harman died in late 2010. His tribute album will be released in late February and while it will never bring my friend back it will go a long way to helping me deal with his loss.

Let’s hope no one reading this has to deal with any of that loss in 2012 and as a fantastic year.  Happy New Years everyone!

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Ash Hollywood

Let’s keep on going with more girls that I shot on my two week naked girl vacation in LA.  I don’t even know how many people I shot exactly but I have at least four more sets to go up and that doesn’t even include the madness I shot on my road trip. By the time I get all this stuff up I will probably be on the road again, so let’s get into it already.

This is Ash Hollywood. She is rad as shit. I met her at the AVN Awards in January and we talked about shooting last time I was in LA but it never happened. I sort of forgot about her until I was hanging out with her roommate Tori Lux and I ran into Ash as I was coming out of the bathroom in my underwear. The next day I sent her a text that said “Sorry you saw me in my underwear.” and she wrote back “Three porn stars live in this apartment, we are used to it.” to which I responded “You misunderstand me, I am apologizing for wearing underwear.” Well, whatever, I thought it was funny.

Also funny is that I spend like 45 minutes explaining juggalos to Ash’s boyfriend Xander and a few days later I ate Thai food with them while we watched Short Circuit the greatest movie about a talking robot ever. EVER.

Anyway, Ash and I shot in her parking garage and I think the shots that we got are pretty rad.  I hope you dig them as much as I do. They are obviously NSFW or you probably wouldn’t give a fuck. Oh, and I also took some really nice 35mm shots of Ash that should end up on my Tumblr sooner or later so you should paying attention to that, obviously.

Click here to see all the naked photos of Ash Hollywood in her parking garage.

Ash Hollywood

Ash Hollywood

Ash Hollywood

Ash Hollywood

Ash Hollywood

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