Ash Hollywood & Sasha Pain

I have no idea how I haven’t posted these photos. This is the only shoot left from my AVN Awards behind the scenes shoot for Hustler Magazine. This was actually the first shoot I did for the story and it was very spur of the moment.

Before I went out to Vegas I spent a few days in LA. I generally like to make a longer trip out of the AVN Awards so I fly into LA, rent a car, drive to Vegas for the awards and then spend a few days in LA after the trip. I do that because if I meet anyone in Vegas that I want to photograph we can set up a shoot in LA after the awards.

So back in January the night before I was supposed to leave for the awards I had dinner with a friend and then no real plans after that. I hit up Ash Hollywood about shooting or hanging out and she said she was already in Vegas. We talked a bit more and I decided just to drive to Vegas in the middle of the night. Her and her boyfriend got a big suite and they said I could sleep on their couch since my hotel reservation wasn’t until the next day. I said fuck it and I started driving to Vegas.

By the time I got there around 4am I had lined up Sasha Pain to shoot as well. I followed her on Twitter for ever and she is both super hot and super hilarious. She happened to be staying in the same hotel as Ash so they met up while they waited for me to get to Vegas. I finally got there and took some photos of them smoking weed and then I suggested a pillow fight.

The pillow fight was really fun and they pretty much tried to kill each other while I took photos. The photos were taken with my on camera flash so they look more like my old night club bathroom photo shoots than my new work but I knew I only needed a few good shots for the magazine. I thought we got some great shots even if the whole shoot looks pretty amateurish but when you have two naked girls pillow fighting who the fuck is going to complain about the technical photo quality?

I should also mention that if you had my Girls of DBB app you would have seen these photos already because I posted them on there first.

Also I should plug my book again because Ash Hollywood is one of the stars of it. If you are a fan of mine or Ash’s you need this book! It’s only $20 and is available from the Mishka stores in Brooklyn & LA as well as from this Etsy store that I set up. There aren’t many left so I would order soon.

None of these images are safe for work enough to post on the main page so click here to see all the uncensored photo from the sexy naked pillow fight between Ash Hollywood & Sasha Pain!

Ash Hollywood & Sasha Pain Naked Pillow Fight

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Annalee Belle At The Cadillac Ranch

So today I am headed to Los Angeles for the release of my Route 66 book “Get Your Kicks”. If you somehow missed it I traveled all of Route 66 from Chicago to LA with a bunch of hot naked girls taking photos of them and roadside Americana and them in front of roadside Americana. I am doing a big photo show and book release party at Mishka LA this Friday. There will be another smaller event at Mishka’s Brooklyn location on Oct 17th. If you want to know more you could read my original post, or check out write ups on Animal New, and Fleshbot

In honor of the book release I am going to post this set of Annalee Belle at the famous Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX. The Ranch is a Route 66 classic built by the eccentric oil billionaire/ artist Stanley Marsh 3. It was one of the main attractions I really HAD to see on my road trip and I wanted to shoot a naked girl in front of it. Unfortunately I didn’t have a model for that leg of the trip so I went to the internet to find someone. I only managed to find two possible models in Amarillo and I emailed them both. Annalee Belle hit me up and not only was down for the shoot but was actually a fan of my work. I was pretty psyched.

I picked her up and we headed to the ranch and she kinda ruined my excitement when she told me Stanley Marsh was a child molester and was currently  on trial for sexually assaulting several teen boys. Despite this awful news we headed to the Cadillac Ranch and despite insane winds, dust and tons of people spray painting the Cadillacs we managed to shoot a few photos including the cover of my book! On top of that we only got caught like twice and I had Annalee home in less than an hour from when I picked her up. It was a pretty successful trip.

But yeah, check out these photos and get excited for the release of my first of what will hopefully be many books.

Click here to see Annalee Belle naked in public at the famous Cadillac Ranch near Route 66 in Amarillo, TX!

Annalee Belle @ The Cadillac Ranch

Annalee Belle @ The Cadillac Ranch

Annalee Belle @ The Cadillac Ranch

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April O’Neil

I met April O’Neil years ago when she walked past me at a Vegas casino. I did one of those things terrible dudes do on the street where I just told her she was adorable when she walked passed my seat. I try not to harass strange women unless I have a camera in my hand and am working an event, but I needed to photograph April at some point and I had to talk to her.  She smiled and said thanks but kept walking and I am not so creepy as to chase her down, but luckily that same night someone introduced me to her. I had just picked up the first iPad and I showed her my photos and she totally wanted to shoot. She lives in LA and I was going to be there a few days later so we exchanged numbers. I was totally excited to take her photo.

Unfortunately when I got to LA something came up and the shoot didn’t work out. For YEARS this kept happening. I was sure she hated me and I kept giving up but every time I would run into her she would seem really excited to see me and promise that we would shoot soon. I felt like Charlie Brown. She was Lucy and her boobs were the football that she would yank away from me at the last moment. It was pretty frustrating but April is not just a total babe. She is also really fun, really tiny and has the best boobs ever so I kept try to get her to shoot with me.

And then it finally happened! I was in Vegas this year working on this thing for Hustler Magazine AVN Awards behind the scenes thing I keep mentioning (I still have one more post from that shoot!) and of course I asked April. She told me she didn’t want to do any work on this trip but she did really want to shoot with me. I knew I needed shots of people getting ready so I pitched her the idea that I would come over while she did her hair and make up and just shoot while she got ready. To her credit she was totally cool with getting photographed without her make up finished and let me come over before she went out to party.

We shot a pretty fun shoot in less than 20 minutes and I thought the shots were a perfect addition to my Hustler article. It’s a small set and the hotel bathroom light is really ugly but I was so glad to have finally photographed her! Don’t worry, I won’t give up until we get to do a real shoot! One of these days April! One of these days!

By the way, there are three bonus April butt shots that are on the Girls of Driven By Boredom app and all the photos were posted yesterday. Clearly you need to get on that shit for exclusive content, higher res images and photos up before anyone else gets to see ’em.

I had to put stamps on her boobs below cause I didn’t actually take any photos that weren’t NSFW. My bad. BUT make sure you click here to see all the uncensored images of April O’Neil!

April O'Neil

April O'Neil

April O'Neil


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Charlotte Stokely

I first shot Charlotte Stokely at the AVN Awards in January and we instantly hit it off, and then a few days later we went on a road trip for an article in Hustler and then a few months later she came on part of my massive Route 66 road trip. She has become pretty much my favorite model to shoot and I pretty much scheduled my 66 trip around her availability. I have posted a ton of photos of her on my Instagram and Tumblr but I realized I have never actually posted any photos of her on Driven By Boredom (although our first shoot is available on the DBB Girls App). So clearly it is time for some Charlotte Stokely!

Back in January we went on an adventure to Joshua Tree National Park for a 10 page interview/photo shoot that was published in the October issue of Hustler (which actually came out several months ago). It was one of the first time Hustler has ever combined a feature story about someone with a girl pictorial. They used a mix of 35mm film photography for the interview and digital photography for the pictorial. It ended up looking pretty awesome.

On our trip we stopped off at the Cabazon Dinosaurs, the world famous giant dinos in Cabazon, CA. They were in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure and the Wizard, two of my favorite movies ever as a kid. It was the middle of the day so there weren’t any kids around so we snuck about the park taking photos until we got inside the T-Rex and did a photo shoot in his head! There were cameras in there but we did the shoot anyway.

Originally the dinosaurs were built as a tourist attraction to promote the Wheel Inn Restaurant but they are now their own separate park. The Wheel Inn is still there so we stopped off for some food. On the way out we did one more shoot in front of a giant brontosaurus. She got completely naked and then ran to the car and drove us all the way to Joshua Tree naked! Well, almost all the way. She put some clothes on when we got off the highway.

By the time we got to the park it was getting dark so we had to do the whole shoot in about 20 minutes. We had bought some cheap champagne to spray all over the place because she was wearing pearls and figured it would be classy. The only problem was that we were in the desert in January and it was pretty damn cold once the sun started to go down. She was naked, covered in champagne and freezing her ass off but she didn’t complain. She even fucked up a brand new pair of heels but she just shrugged it off. I became a huge Stokely fan at that moment.

After that we headed back to her place in LA but we stopped off for dinner at Denny’s. I thought it would make for a funny couple of shots. We finally ended the day back at her place where she smoked and relaxed in some hilarious bunny slippers and not much else. The whole day was pretty great.

Because I shot these photos for a Hustler pictorial there are a bunch of much more graphic photos that I had to shoot. I don’t post stuff like that on this site, but I posted all the extra dirty shots on the DBB App. As I mentioned there is another whole set of Charlotte on there as well so if you are a Stokely fan it’s probably worth a gander. But if not there are still a TON of free NSFW photos in this gallery! So get excited!

Click here to see a ton of photos from my Joshua Tree road trip with Charlotte Stokely! 

Charlotte Stokely \Charlotte Stokely

Charlotte Stokely

Charlotte Stokely

Charlotte Stokely

Charlotte Stokely

Charlotte Stokely

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Bonnie Rotten

Way back in January I was working on my AVN Awards behind the scenes coverage for Hustler and I ran into Bonnie Rotten who was hanging out with Malice McMunn. I had met Bonnie the year before and even though she wasn’t even doing porn at the time she stood out to me because she was adorable and covered in tattoos. So when I ran into Malice & Bonnie I pitched them on the idea of doing this AVN behind the scenes shoot and they were down to shoot for it and after the article ran in Hustler I posted the gallery of my shoot with Malice & Bonnie here.

When I told my editor at Hustler that I was shooting Bonnie for the AVN story, he got excited and asked if I would shoot Bonnie for an interview feature as well. She had totally blown up in the adult world in under a year and he wanted to get her in the magazine. So right before I shot Malice & Bonnie together, I shot Bonnie by herself in her Vegas hotel room. A few months later I was in LA and Hustler asked me if I wanted to do Bonnie’s interview as well so I met up with her on a film shoot and interviewed her. If you want to read that you have to pick up last month’s Hustler but I will mention a couple of things.

There aren’t many super tattooed girls that are really successful in the adult world. There are a ton of tattooed girls out there that do sites like Burning Angel but not a lot of really featured girls. Bonnie is a legit star. I asked her about this and other things in the interview, but I can tell you why Bonnie has done what a lot of other tattooed girls haven’t. Aside from being really adorable Bonnie is a god damned professional. A ton of girls flaked on me at AVN and it’s a constant problem when shooting naked girls but Bonnie not only didn’t flake, but she woke me up to ask how she wanted her make up done. She hired her own make up artist and was ready right when she said she would be. When we did the interview she was dealing with some stuff, but she stopped in the middle, did the interview and then went back to what she was doing. She’s also very smart, very cool and very aware of her brand and what jobs to take and which ones not to take. I guarantee you are going to be seeing a lot more of Bonnie Rotten… on both sides of the camera.

Also, since I shot this for Hustler they asked me to shoot some graphic spread legged shots and stuff. I don’t like to post stuff like that on Driven By Boredom, but since I am always looking for new reasons to get you to sign up for my app, I posted all the extra dirty shots on the Girls of Driven By Boredom web app. Go sign up already!

Now click here to see all the NSFW outtakes from my Hustler Magazine shoot with Bonnie Rotten!

Bonnie Rotten

Bonnie Rotten

Bonnie Rotten

Bonnie Rotten

Bonnie Rotten

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Skin Diamond & Asphyxia Noir

Two of my favorite naked girls on earth both are so called “alt” girls that have made it in the mainstream porn world, and they also happen to be dating each other. I have wanted to shoot Skin Diamond and Asphyxia Noir since the moment I heard of their existence. I got to meet them both when I picked them up at a Vegas bus station several years ago as a favor to Burning Angel. BA was throwing a party in Vegas and everything was running behind so they asked me to pick up the girls. I figured I couldn’t say no and I ended up shooting them quickly in a bathroom that night.

Fast forward several years and I hadn’t managed to shoot them for real, outside a night club bathroom. Skin always seemed really interested in shooting with me but she is an amazingly busy human and I am only in LA so often so it never happened. Fortunately at the AVN Awards this year I was shooting a behind the scenes story for Hustler and I caught them right after the awards ended. They just wanted to go smoke weed and relax after wearing high heels and getting their pictures taken five million times, but I told them they could just go smoke and since they were changing out of their AVN dresses anyway all they had to do is be themselves and I would take photos. Easiest photo shoot ever.

We ended up in comedian Brian Redban’s room and they got naked and just started smoking and getting super posey because they are both amazing models, but I sort of wanted more real life shit. Fortunately after a few puffs they were just laughing their asses off and it quickly became one of my favorite shoots ever despite shooting it with an on camera flash in a hotel room. These are probably technically the worst naked girl photos I have posted on here in a while, but they are some of my favorites anyway. These girls are so rad and so hot that it was just amazing to shoot them while they were just fucking around after a long day. My guess it was one of the easiest photo shoots they have ever done, and as much fun as you could have on a shoot without anyone having sex.

Thanks again to Redban for the use of the room and the photos he took of me in my AVN suit (Driven By Boredom was nominated for best website) and thanks to Skin and Asphyxia for finally sucking it up and shooting with me. You guys rule. And thanks for Hustler for actually paying me to party with hot naked girls all the time.

Click here to see these amazing and uncensored of Skin Diamond and Asphyxia Noir relaxing after the AVN Awards.

PS. These photos were posted to the DBB App long before they were on the site. Check the app for early updates, exclusive images and more!

Skin Diamond & Asphyxia Noir

Skin Diamond & Asphyxia Noir

Skin Diamond & Asphyxia Noir

Skin Diamond & Asphyxia Noir

Skin Diamond & Asphyxia Noir

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The Lost Photos Of Sasha Sweet

Headed off to the Gathering of the Juggalos today but I wanted to get up a naked lady gallery quickly before I split town again. I have more than 20 girl sets ready to get up on my site but I like to spread them out for max value. Of the 20+ sets I have to post this one is by far the oldest.

I photographed Sasha Sweet over a year and a half ago when I was in Vegas for the AVN Awards. That night when went to dump the photos of Sasha onto my computer I realized that the memory card was dead. I tried to recover the images but I couldn’t get the card to even be recognized by the computer. I always had hope for recovering them but I just set the card aside and forgot about it.

It’s sort of a long story about how I ended up recovering the images a few weeks ago, but the point is you get a bunch of lost photos of Sasha Sweet. She is a total babe and sadly I haven’t seen her since we shot these. She’s living in New Orleans and I hope to shoot her again one of these days.

Bonus trivia about these photos is that they were taken in Kimberly Kane’s hotel room. She was staying with Sasha and Nate Liquor and after I shot Sasha her and Nate left and I started talking to KK. We had a long conversation and we ended up continuing it at a party they next day. A few months later we were dating and even though we aren’t dating anymore I still love her tons and still talk to her all the time so this shoot ended up being a huge moment in my life.

So yeah check out these photos and come back soon for all the Gathering of the Juggalos coverage you can handle. Oh, and there are a bunch more NSFW photos of Sasha on the DBB Girls App and the images are twice as big. If you want exclusive pics, photos sets in advance and higher resolution images you should download the app now!

Enough bullshit, click here to see all the naked photos of Sasha Sweet taken way back in January 2012!

Sasha Sweet

Sasha Sweet

Sasha Sweet

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Sovereign Syre, Ela Darling & Alaina Fox

Back to NYC and back to boobs! Here are a bunch more photos from my AVN Awards behind the scenes shoot for Hustler Magazine. I shot Sovereign Syre, Ela Darling and Alaina Fox in the Cosmopolitan Hotel where my editor at Hustler was staying. You can see him in the mirror in a few shots. It’s pretty funny.  A couple of these shots were in Hustler a couple months ago, but the current issue of Hustler has 10 pages of photos I took of Charlotte Stokely. It’s all pretty rad.

Anyway, I have already posted mini solo shoots I did with Sovereign Syre and Alaina Fox. If you haven’t seen those, you should at once because they are awesome. This set is even more awesome though because it includes three girls at once and they are jumping on bed. You cannot fuck with that. I mean these photos are all NSFW so all I can show you below is a photo of them on the way to the shoot!

That brings me to an important point; in the future I am trying to make this site slightly more safe for work. I have had a ton of time finding advertisers and I can’t imagine it helps me get commercial gigs either. So the plan moving forward is to post less graphic stuff on the main page and if there is any spread shots or anything creepy like that I am going to put that stuff on the Girls of Driven By Boredom app. I am also going to feature sets early and exclusive to the app. The app is going to help me make some revenue that has been lost with ads and at the same time it’s going to make this site a little safer for work which is probably good for my business.

Now this might seem like a bummer, but in actuality it means that I will be able to shoot more naked girls because for once the nude stuff is making me money instead of costing me money and if you are willing to shell out a $2 a month for the app you will get all the naked girls you can stand.

So, in conclusion click here to see a bunch of free naked photos of Sovereign Syre, Ela Darling & Alaina Fox jumping on a bed in a Vegas hotel room. And if you want to see EVEN MORE bed jumping photos sign up for the Girls of Driven By Boredom Mobile App!

Alaina Fox, Ela Darling & Sovereign Syre

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Charlotte Stokely In Hustler

Charlotte Stokely is pretty much my favorite model on the planet and I just spent four days with her on my Route 66 trip, but I didn’t get to shoot her until January of this year when I shot her for an article about the AVN Awards for Hustler Magazine. That quick 20 minute shoot while she was getting ready for the AVN Awards turned into a day road trip and then finally into this Route 66 road trip.

A bunch of photos from the first time we shot, and a bunch of photos from our first road trip to Joshua Tree National Park ended up as a massive 10 page spread in the newest Hustler Magazine. I am actually really proud of it and you guys should get a copy if you can find one. It’s the October issue even though it’s out now. I wrote the interview too!

In celebration of the magazine coming out I am going to be releasing the full set of photos I shot with Charlotte at her hotel before the AVN Awards exclusively on the Girls of Driven By Boredom Mobile App. Once the Hustler issue has been out a while I will post the other sets I shot of Charlotte on our road trip, but for now the only way you can see my pictures of Charlotte is in Hustler or on the app.

Here are a few shots to get you excited… now go sign up for my damn app!

Charlotte Stokely

Charlotte Stokely

Charlotte Stokely

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