Janice Griffith

I have known Janice Griffith for while now and we have been though a lot. I actually met her before she ever did any porn or nude modeling or anything like that. She was only 17 but somehow had snuck into the last Is Anyone Up party and was wearing a Pokeball bra. Let’s just say I am very glad I didn’t try and get her out of it. A year later someone Tweeted a photo of her and I thought she was a babe so I followed her on Twitter. She immediately followed me back and DMed me that we had met before and sent me a link to that Pokeball photo.

A year ago when was in Vegas for the AVN Awards we met for the second time. I ended up photographing her with Veruca James but I have yet to publish the photos for some reason. A few months later I was in LA and we took photos again. Then a few days later we both had one of the worst days of our life together which for both legal and emotional reasons I won’t mention. After that horrible bonding experience we became pretty close friends and I have hung out and taken her photograph a ton of times since then.

Despite the amount of times she has been in front of my camera we have only done two proper shoots. One in Vegas and one in a hotel in LA. The Vegas one I will get to one of these days but for now I have the second set we did shot in LA maybe 9 months ago. Janice is such a babe so I know you are going to dig these. Also, we shot these with the idea that they might end up in a certain men’s magazine which would required a lot more graphic photos than what I normally shoot so if you want to see those photos I put them all on Girls of Driven By Boredom. Go lurk them there.

Now click here to see all my NSFW photos of Janice Griffith!

Ps. Janice is in Fuck LA and my Vegas album.

Janice Griffith

Janice Griffith

Janice Griffith

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Love//War Photos

Last night I had photos in Love//War the art show about conflict at MAMA Gallery in LA (Curated by Mint&Serf and Paperwork NYC). It was an amazing show with amazing artists and there was an amazing turnout. When the gallery first got really packed I looked at my phone and it was 7:03pm. The show started at 7. It was packed all night long and I assume people who didn’t hang photos of dead birds and crackheads probably sold some artwork. I of course only like putting completely unsellable work in galleries so I have a feeling I wasn’t so lucky.

When I get back to NYC expect a full write up but for now you can just look at photos. I didn’t shoot a ton because I had a lot of friends there and I was just hanging out, but I took enough that you can get the idea of the thing.

Oh, and this blog Drunken Stepfather ran a bunch of my Vegas photos. I uploaded most of the stuff I shot in Vegas to Girls of Driven By Boredom and you can get 10% with the code “stepfather” for the next week.

Now click here to check out the photos from the Love//War opening at MAMA Gallery in DTLA.


Dana DeArmond & Greg Mishka

Packed All Night

Mike Krim Of Paperwork NYC

My Terrible Photos


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Adriana Chechik

Next week I am headed to LA and Las Vegas for the AVN Awards and the LA Art Book Fair. I got some cool stuff going on and I am hopefully gonna shoot a bunch of naked babes. One person I know I am gonna see is my buddy Adriana Chechik so I figured I should get these photos I shot of her this summer.

She was in NYC to do the Howard Stern and she had me come by her hotel room for a quick photo shoot while she chugged Bombay Sapphire and had phone sex with one of the people who pay her an unreasonable amount of money to talk to her on the phone. I took a bunch of photos but we were really just hanging out while I happened to be photographing her and she happened to be naked. It was a good time and then we got pancakes. (She is of course in Dinner With Igor.)

Now photographically I am not super proud of these photos. The light in the hotel room sucked and one of the disadvantages of being too impatient to use proper photo lighting is that sometimes your photos look like shit. Fortunately for both of us you don’t actually care what my photos look like as long as there is a hot girl in them and Adriana is really hot. Also there are a bunch of really funny photos of her chugging on a bottle of a gin and crying.

On top of that Adriana doesn’t really know how to pose for photos without shoving her vagina in your camera lens every few seconds so there are a ton of bonus extra dirty shots that I saved just for the Girls of Driven By Boredom app. I gotta keep it classy around here right?

Now click here to see all the NSFW photos of the babe Adriana Chechik. 

Adriana Chechik

Adriana Chechik

Adriana Chechik

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Asphyxia Noir

I met Asphyxia Noir years ago when I picked her up at a bus station in Vegas as a favor to the Burning Angel crew while they were trying to organize a party they threw during the AVN Award weekend. I ended up shooting her in a bathroom at that party with Skin Diamond and then years later I shot the two of them again right after the AVN Awards. I really loved that post-AVN shoot but I still wanted to shoot Asphyxia on her own.

Luckily a few months ago I got the chance. I was in LA and I hit Asphyxia up and we made plans for a sunrise set but it’s hard to get anyone awake at 5am so I had a feeling it wasn’t going to work out. I called her to wake her up and she told me she was sick. I figured she was just flaking on me because it was super early but I was happy to go to sleep anyway. Later that day she hit me up and told me she could shoot so I met up with her and it was immediately clear that she didn’t flake on me. She really was sick.

Despite her being reasonably close to death the shoot turned out really well. Asphyxia is such a rad model and easy to shoot even though she would get dizzy every time she held a pose for too long. She had a dress she wanted to rip up and we spent about 20 minutes destroying the thing. Usually something like this would be a bit contrived for me but Asphyxia killed it.

At some point she could barely stand up but we still took some bonus dirty shots that are exclusively available on the Girls of Driven By Boredom app (all in high resolution!) and then I let her finally go back to sleep.

In conclusion, Asphyxia rules, she didn’t die and her boobs are so rad it makes me cry a single tear every time I think of them.

Now click here to see all the NSFW photos of Asphyxia Noir!

Asphyxia Noir

Asphyxia Noir

Asphyxia Noir

Asphyxia Noir

Asphyxia Noir

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Moni Love Returns

I met Moni Love in Vegas (speaking of Vegas, go buy my book!) a couple of AVNs ago and we did a photo shoot at the Circus Circus hotel. I checked in there a day after the AVNs were over just so I could have a place to edit photos before I drove to LA the next morning. My friend had a 4am flight so she just wanted a place to store her bags so we split the $25 it costs to stay at the Circus Circus on a Sunday night.

Anyway, the point is that the photos were mediocre because we were shooting in an ugly hotel room at midnight so clearly we needed to shoot again. Fast forward to March and I was staying on my friend Mike‘s couch in Austin, TX for South By Southwest. Moni lives a couple hours away so she came down to check out the festival and to take some photos with me. We shot in Mike’s guest house/ garage area that is just covered in stuff and smelled like gasoline. They told me I could sleep in there but I opted to share the couch with two giant dogs instead. I figured getting no sleep on the couch was better than dying from fumes from motorcycle fuel.

So yeah, we shot, there are photos and you should look at them. You should also go give money to Moni when she is doing her web cam thing and she’s also a Suicide Girl hopeful so you could lurk her there. I also should point out that there are a bunch of spread leg shots on my app that you could do creepy things to yourself with if you had my app. You should have my app.

Now click here and go look at the NSFW photos of Moni Love!

Moni Love Aka Mew Mew

Moni Love Aka Mew Mew

Moni Love Aka Mew Mew

Moni Love Aka Mew Mew

Moni Love Aka Mew Mew

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Throwback Thursday: Best Of 2009

Over the past I have no fucking clue how long I have been organizing every photo I have taken since I moved to NYC in 2006. The idea is to eventually have a big fucking folder of images with all the best stuff from the last 8 years and to have things organized so that I can pull images that I need. I also notice I have found a ton of stuff that didn’t stand out at the time, for example just today I found a photo of Adam Scott I took before I even knew who Adam Scott was.

Since I started this project I have done a great job of organizing my 35mm archives. I worked pretty much 10 hours a day on that for a couple weeks and got it done. The digital stuff is a lot harder to do because of the sheer volume of the images. On a slow month I might shoot 4000 photos but during an event like South By Southwest I might shoot twice that many in five days. Getting through stuff has been fun, but I can only do so much a day without going insane.

Just today I finished going through 2009 which is a pretty serious accomplishment because in early 2008 I had a shitty camera so could go through that stuff very quickly and by the end of 2010 I had started shooting a bit less nightlife. In 2009 however I was going out nearly every night and sometimes shooting two or three events a night. So despite having more than five years to go I think I am nearly halfway through my digital archives. The last couple years are pretty organized anyway…

So, in celebration of finishing 2009 I decided a Throwback Thursday post was in order. I have put up a pretty massive gallery (over 300 images!) from 2009 that includes a lot of my favorite shots from the year. It’s probably less than a third of the images I pulled, but it gives you a nice look at one of my best years photographically. It’s amazing to see how far I progressed. The early 2009 stuff is terrible while the late 2009 work is better than anything I am doing now. It’s inspired me to work harder when shooting nightlife and makes me miss how much fun I used to have.

In this gallery you will find mostly party photos although there is some random stuff thrown in including a few old school naked girls in bathroom photo shoots. There are a ton of photos from the party Playhouse at Cain that was a really great party both photographically and on a hot babes I made out with kinda level. Unfortunately they stopped paying me and still fucking owe me money. There are also a bunch of images in here of kinda celebrity stuff or blast from the past images that are noteworthy for whatever reason. They might not all be fantastic photographically but they are cool to look at.

I think the big winner of 2009 was Roxy Cottontail who through two parties that were some of the most fun times I had in ’09. Check out her birthday party that year and the Pepsi party with Diplo that she through that year. Both great events. Speaking of Diplo… I photographed him and Steve Aoki a weird amount of times in 2009. Ninjasonik comes up a lot too and I shot a couple of great shows by Monotonix and Spank Rock who both happened to play the best Siren Fest I ever went to. A lot of girls show up a bunch in 2009 Alex Magnetic, Jocelyn and Chloe are particularly muse-worthy. Since then Alex was my intern and Chloe is a super famous model so that all rules.

Honestly there is way too much in here to cover… tons from Webster Hall when Trash and Boys & Girls were both happening on the same night… a bunch of big events like SXSW, Sundance, AVN Awards… live bands… burlesque… zombie crawls… comedy… fashion… Driven By Boredom tattoos… the list goes on and on.

But lastly I will mention there are a lot of pictures of my good friend Ease DaMan who sadly died recently. I met him in 2009 and took so many photos of the guy that year. He was so fun and so photogenic, rarely had his shirt on and once I showed up to a  party and the cops had shut it down because a fight broke out and Ease fucking bit someone. We all miss you tons Ease. Rest in peace.

I have no idea how I am going to come up with selects since I love so many of these photos, so I am just gonna put some random shit below here. Just make sure you look at the full gallery… and yeah, these photos are significantly NSFW.

Click here to see a bunch of photo highlights from 2009!


Macaulay Culkin

Amanda Lepore & Caswell

The First Ever DBB Tattoo

Theophilus London

Jersey Shore

Star City & Johnny Nelson

Alex Magnetic

Prince Terrence & Maluca


Ease DaMan

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Ashlee Graham

Hi kids. Check out these lovely photos of my pal Ashlee Graham. I met her at AVN in January and she got really drunk and told me I should take photos of her so when we were both back in LA I did just that. The sun was setting so I rushed over to her place but I couldn’t figure out where the hell she lived so she had to come out and get me and by the time we got into her place the sun was taking a nose dive. This lack of light gave me the perfect excuse to try out my new fast 28mm lens that lets in ton of extra light and I got to take some photos of her in her kitchen. It was a fantastic time for everyone involved.

Also I took a bunch of extra dirty photos of her for some reason so they all ended up on the Girls of Driven By Boredom App because they are far too fun to give you guys for free. I mean clearly you guys want to keep paying for my increasingly expensive coffee and caffeine pill habit right? Let’s get excited!

By the way I am headed to LA today (honestly I am probably on a plane right now depending on when I post this thing) and I won’t be back for a week but then I leave again to go on my yearly fishing vacation. The whole thing is incredibly exciting obviously, but whatever the case it means I will be gone a lot. Luckily for you I have a couple updates ready to go so you won’t miss me too much, but if you do I will be of course updating my newish Instagram account, my Tumblr and the love of my life, my Twitter. In the mean time look at Ash Graham naked.

Click here to see all the exciting and properly NSFW photos of Ashlee Graham!

Ashlee Graham

Ashlee Graham

Ashlee Graham



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I met Stoya many years ago and we have become pretty good friends but until recently we had never done a proper photo shoot. I have a ton of photos of her drinking milkshakes and things like that but none of her naked on my Interents (okay ALMOST none). Fortunately, Stoya saw this shoot I did of a naked girl on the Subway. Stoya does naked acrobatics for a living and she thought it would be a fantastic idea for a shoot and who was I to argue? It makes the third time I have done a naked photo shoot on the train and it will not be the last. I even got Hustler on board and photos from this shoot were published in March 2014 issue of Hustler Magazine.

Stoya is very fancy and bi-costal so I met her at place in Brooklyn that she lives in when she’s in NYC. We took a bunch of photos there because we needed full nude stuff for Hustler and she only wanted to get topless on the train. It’s technically legal to be topless in NYC but not fully nude and she had a big photo shoot the next day and didn’t really want to be in jail for it. So we did a mini shoot at her place and I got some nice shots including some adorable ones of her brushing her teeth topless.

After that we headed to the M train. We got totally lucky because their was construction and they were running a shuttle train between three stops. So all we did was take the shuttle train back in forth in the middle of the night. We did it about four times and only once did we have a person in our train car. It would have worked out perfectly except Stoya quickly realized that it’s really hard to do her circus tricks on a moving train because it throws off her balance. Luckily she was able to do a few fun moves and she is totally fucking adorable so it doesn’t really matter.

In conclusion, Stoya is amazing and I am glad she exists and I am really glad I got to finally photograph her and even get us both paid for it. I hope to do it again one day soon…

Oh! By the way, these photos were shot for Hustler so I had to shoot a bunch more explicit shots. I don’t really like to post that stuff on my website so instead I put them on the Girls of Driven By Boredom App. So yeah, there are like 20 extra high resolution extra sexy extra photos on my app. So go sign up already. It works on all smart phones and even on your web browser!

So click here for a bunch of adorable NSFW photos of Stoya topless on the subway and naked in her apartment!








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Suicide Sirens – 1.16.14

For someone who is not a big fan of burlesque I seem to shoot a lot of it but for once I was looking forward to it. When I was in Vegas for the AVN Awards I not only got a chance to check out my friend Angel Beau’s sideshow burlesque troop called the Suicide Sirens but I got paid for it! I pitched the idea of doing a story on them to Hustler Magazine and I shot portraits and behind the scenes shots of Angel and her Siren pals Chelsea La Vone and Jesabella Marie. The back stage stuff was fully nude and a lot of fun and Chelsea’s mom was there which was kinda awesome and slightly creepy at the same time. My favorite line of the night was “Chelsea you promised me you wouldn’t shoot nudes, but at least I am here for it.” Classic mom!

After the photo shoot I stuck around for the show and photographed their insane performance for you guys! They mix burlesque with sideshow and in Jessabella’s case contortion and it’s pretty rad. Since it was AVN Week it was hosted by porn ladies Shay Lynn and Eliza Allure. Also my friend Felony Melanie from the Objex was randomly there and sang and got naked for me backstage for the Hustler article. Highlights of the performance included Jesabella’s strip contortions on broken glass, Shay Lynn’s flaming sword act, Chelsea’s painful mouse trap act and Angel in a giant hamster ball. They also hit internet gold with naked girls in Darth Vader and Hello Kitty masks which is obviously very important plus they let people staple dollar bills to them which makes for entertaining everything.

Anyway, just go look at the photos and I will shut up and go back to whatever the hell I am doing today and be on the look out for a bunch of naked photos of all the babes in an upcoming Hustler Magazine!

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of the Suicide Sirens burlesque sideshow performance at Backstage Bar & Billiards in Las Vegas!

Suicide Sirens

Suicide Sirens

Suicide Sirens

Suicide Sirens

Suicide Sirens

Suicide Sirens

Suicide Sirens

Suicide Sirens

Suicide Sirens

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