Instaxxx Kickstarter Ends Today!

The Kickstarter for my new book of nude instant film ends in a few hours! At 4:45pm EST (1:45 PST) the Kickstarter will end and while you will still be able to pre-order the book you will no longer get any of the fun rewards like the signed print that comes with all Kickstarter versions!

Kickstarter backers get more stuff too like a secret bonus zine for the price of shipping, a super cheap Kickstarter exclusive enamel pin and access to a behind the scenes blog and probably a solid discount coupon for Girls of Driven By Boredom.

Even if you can’t afford/ don’t want/ don’t want your wife to see the book you can still help out a bunch by just throwing in $1. Right now Instaxxx is the 57th most backed photo book in Kickstarter history and about 25 backers short of cracking the top 50. Would love to hit that in the last few hours. Seems a bit out of reach but raising $19,000 did too!

There are still a few Instax signed by porn stars left too. Missy Martinez (see below) and Jillian Janson both have a couple of signed Instax left. The ones of Jillian are kinda extra special because I shot them while being filmed by Showtime for their AVN Awards program so you might see one of your Instax on TV if you get one…

Anyway, that’s it I got no more promotion left in me. Just a few hours left and it’s over!

Back Instaxxx on Kickstarter now!


Missy Martinez Instaxxx

Also, just FYI tomorrow I am in a Valentine’s Day art show called “Dirty” at Tender Trap. It’s the third annual one but the first one I have had art in. I have a photo of Heather Vahn in it and will be taking some photos because I haven’t really shot any parties in a while and why the fuck not? Maybe I can take some dirty photos, make out with a stranger or two and celebrate my new book. Seems like a reasonable way to spend Valentine’s Day right?

Dirty @ Tender Trap

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Vegas Update #2

I’ve been to LA for a day and a half but just gonna give you these Vegas updates because I meant to post this two days ago and didn’t have any time to finish it/Wifi until now.

First of all I shot the AVN Awards and a ton of my friends won and it was awesome. I posted like 50 photos on Twitter so you can just look at this post and read all the replies to see a ton of photos from the AVNs. Check out the rest on the LA Weekly.

I am not posting any photos from the AEE right now because I wouldn’t even know where to begin but the LA Weekly has a gallery of that as well. I will get to that stuff myself when I get back home a week too late. Sorry.

Now for the fun part… the girls I got to take photos of while I was in Vegas…

Since the last update I got to take photos of some fairly attractive humans. I shot Blair Williams who was sick but I brought her DayQuil and shot her in her hotel room taking medicine, eating food and getting her make up done. Fun BTS stuff with a super babe. She also happened to have a really hot make up artist/best friend.

I finally got some one on one time with Keisha Grey who I am sort of obsessed with. She goes from super adorable to super sexy in an instant and she fucking climbed out of her window onto the wall of the hotel several floors up. It was amazing and then she just took a bath and we took photos and we watched Billy Maddison until she had to go to a party.

Saturday I got to shoot Moth who is an unreasonable babe. She was staying with my bff Lucy Everleigh and two other girls and they managed to destroy their room in a way that was formerly only reserved for British rockstars so of course I shot her in their room. Oh, and speaking of Lucy, her and I and our friend Hunny all got terrible $10 tattoos on Sunday.

After my shoot from Moth I met up with another super cute cam girl named Holly Beth. I took Holly’s photo at AVN last year and this year I got to shoot real photos of her. We didn’t have a place to shoot but I ran into Hunny (see previous paragraph) and Hunny said we could shoot in her room if her roommates didn’t mind. They didn’t so we went up stairs and on the way ran into two other cam girls and they wanted to be in photos so I shot some solo stuff with Holly and then more stuff with all four of them. And then the roommates showed back up and I finally shot six cam girls together. It was pretty magical.

Sadly during the shoot my Instax camera broke so I sort of didn’t shoot anyone else after that. I did get a few shots of my friend Charlotte Sartre cause we were hanging after the AVN Awards but we didn’t shoot much.

Anyway, I left for LA and I will update you on that shit later, until then here’s some highlights…

Blair Williams


Keisha Grey

Holly Beth

My Free Cam Girls


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Charlotte Sartre

Back in July I randomly went to Chicago Exxxotica because I had been trying to shoot with this girl I met on Twitter named Charlotte Sartre. We had tried to shoot when I was in San Francisco a week earlier but she got sick and it didn’t happen. We were texting back and forth trying to figure out when we were going to be in the same city again and she mentioned that she was gonna be in Chicago for Exxxotica that weekend and she didn’t really know anyone that was gonna be there and I could stay with her if I wanted to make the trip. I ended up using a few frequent flyer miles and two days later I was in Chicago.

The night I got there we went and hung out with my old pal Draven and they ended up hitting it off and have been dating ever since and that is real fucking adorable. Draven had just had me on her podcast the week before so it was cool to see her two weeks in a row given that I don’t see her that often now that she’s out in LA.

Anyway the next day before Exxxotica started Charlotte and I did a photo shoot that is easily one of my favorite hotel room photo shoots ever. She actually read me her favorite passage from the bible while we shot which was extra creepy. I seriously love the way Charlotte looks so much and every photo was great. It was so fucking easy to shoot her and I can’t wait until we get the chance to shoot again. Hopefully at AVN or something. I seriously love taking her photo.

So go look at these photos because they are fucking great. And there are some really solid extra graphic ones on Girls of Driven By Boredom. I actually thought about posting them on DBB because they were so good but I had to save something for the people who pay me $18 whole dollars a year or whatever it costs. Buy yourself something for Christmas already. Give the gift of goth.

Now click here to go look at all the photos of Charlotte Sartre in Chicago!

Charlotte Sartre

Charlotte Sartre

Charlotte Sartre


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Riley Reid Naked In Public

When Veruca James introduced me to Riley Reid years ago the first thing Riley did was grab my junk through my jeans like she was shaking my hand. That’s when I knew Riley would be a star. Last January she won the AVN Award for Female Performer Of The Year so clearly I was right. I have been trying to take photos of Riley since that moment I met her and finally it happened last time I was in LA and boy am I glad it did.

Given my average photo shoot time of about 20 minutes it was pretty amazing to get to shoot Riley all afternoon. I went over to her place and she wasn’t ready so I got to take photos of her getting ready. I kinda love that “real life” stuff. Once she had her shit together the real photo shoot started. We drove around her neighborhood until we found this really creepy underground walkway to shoot in. I walked in there with just my point and shoot 35mm camera because I figured I would need a flash, but once I took a couple shots with my iPhone I realized the light was actually pretty awesome. I ran back to my car to get my camera and we did a whole shoot in there and gave the homeless dudes on the block a pretty good show.

From there Riley took me to this bridge that stretched across the highway. We started shooting on the bridge but before she even got naked people started honking and slowing down. It was insane how much traffic we caused, but fortunately no accidents. We kept having to leave the bridge so traffic could get back to normal and then we would go back and a traffic jam would start up again. (Side note, how many different tenses have I used in this paragraph alone? Holy shit, I need an editor.) After that we went back to Riley’s place and I shot her in the huge trunk of my rental car where I shot one of my all time favorite Instagram photos (and thanks to Riley, one of my most popular). Even my mom liked it.

The whole shoot was a ton of fun and I took a million photos. Riley’s boyfriend even gave me a really good dinner recommendation so yeah awesome day. Riley is now one of my favorite people to photograph and I hope I get to do it again sooner or later.

Since I took so many photos I decided to split them up in to two posts. This first one features all the public nudity stuff and then next gallery will feature the stuff shot at her place and the shots in my trunk. I also shot a ton of 35mm photos which will show up from time to time on my Tumblr. Riley also posted some of the 35mm stuff on her blog so check that out. And I should mention that while there’s only one bonus photo from this shoot on Girls of Driven By Boredom, this set has already been up on there for almost a week in high resolution and there’s a bunch of bonus shots in the next set. So maybe sign up? Just saying.

Now click here to see all the NSFW photos of Riley Reid naked in public!

Riley Reid

Riley Reid

Riley Reid

Riley Reid

Riley Reid

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Romance & Phoebe Phelpz

I have known Romance ever since she was a Gods Girl. We had talked about shooting in Vegas when she lived there years ago but it never worked out. But then I ran into her in Vegas with Angel Beau and didn’t even realize it was her until after the fact. Then she got on Burning Angel and started doing actual adult movies and stuff and I wanted to shoot her even more but by the time we had a chance to shoot she had moved from Vegas and even though she was in town for the AVN Awards she was always super busy. Fortunately this AVN it finally all worked out.

I always stay in Vegas an extra day during the AVN Weekend. Hotels are super cheap on Sunday’s and I can just try and relax after an exhausting weekend. I have to get all my photos to clients by Monday so I spend all day editing photos in a hotel bed eating room service and watching playoff football. Plus I can usually manage to get in a shoot with someone who was too busy during the weekend but was staying an extra day too.

This year that person was Romance.

She showed up to my hotel room a bit too late for good lighting but I was just happy to have her. I threw a flash on my camera and started shooting. She had brought her friend with her who was doing her make up but her friend was this hot goth babe named Phoebe Phelpz and she was down to get in some photos too. I started shooting Romance and then threw Phoebe in there and did this little mini shoot to start.

At some point during the shoot I got super lazy and just got back on the bed and shot them from there while I watched football. I essentially got a lap dance from two babes while watching football and technically I was working. It was not the worst way to spend an evening.

Also, given that I was on the bed there are a bunch of shots of me shooting up at them which was pretty fun but also makes for some fairly graphic photos that I wouldn’t want to post on such a prude website as this. Fortunately for you there are a bunch of those explicit shots up on Girls of Driven By Boredom.

Anyway this is my last set from my 2016 AVN trip which is funny because I think I still haven’t posted stuff from 2015. I kinda suck at posting stuff sometimes. Mostly I just forget. This got a little long so let’s get to the damn pictures already.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Romance and Phoebe Phelpz!

Romance & Phoebe Phelpz

Romance & Phoebe Phelpz

Romance & Phoebe Phelpz


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Meet Lil’ Brown Eyes

Back in January I was in LA for my friend’s wedding. When it ended I drove across town to some house party to see the band Ho99o9 play. I was still wearing a suit and pretty much destroyed the only pair of dress shoes I own in the mosh pit. It was a good time.

After the show I met a girl named Skuzi aka Lil’ Brown Eyes. It came up that I was going to the AVN Awards and she happened to be going too. She was doing make up for a bunch of the girls and she asked me if I knew who Ryan Gosling was. “Yes, I am aware of Hollywood heartthrob Ryan Gosling.” “No, not Ryan Gosling… Bryan Gozzling!” I had no idea what the fuck she was talking about but apparently she was in some sort of wild daddy/baby relationship with a new male porn dude named Bryan Gozzling. She then proceeded to show me all sorts of insanely fucked up photos of them on her Twitter.

A couple days later as I was checking into the Hard Rock in Vegas I saw them again. I sort of pointed over to them and showed the people I was with the crazy shit that they were all about on their Twitter. Even porn people thought it was nuts. Most of the weekend Bryan walked her around on a leash and they were sort of all anyone could talk about.

I ended up hanging out with them a lot that week and I am sort of a huge fan of  both of them and am totally intrigued by their next level relationship. Psyched for the next time that I get to hang out with these two…

The night before the AVN Awards I ended up photographing Lil’ Brown Eyes in their hotel bathroom and then afterwards I took some insane photos of Bryan tying her up and basically torturing her until she squirted all over the floor. It was both horrifying and completely adorable. I really only planned on posting the set of Skuzi and I just sent them the other photos but I decided maybe I should put up as an exclusive Girls of Driven By Boredom gallery. I figured maybe some people would pay $5.99 or however much Girls of DBB costs to see them.

So yeah, there are two sets. One terribly light balanced but pretty awesome set of Lil’ Brown Eyes in her hotel bathroom and then another, much larger set of her getting tied up on Girls of DBB. There’s also a handful of extras from the bathroom set on Girls of DBB too. I gotta keep my subscribers happy somehow…

So click here to see the NSFW bathroom photos of Lil’ Brown Eyes and then go to Girls of DBB for the insane set of her and Bryan Gozzling!

Lil' Brown Eyes

Lil' Brown Eyes

Lil' Brown Eyes

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Yearly Samantha Bentley Post

Samantha Bentley is one of my favorite humans but I only see her once a year. I hate that, but at least I get to see her in Vegas at AVN every year and we always take some photos which is nice. She’s a DJ and actress now and is super fancy but she still has time for the pornographers in her life.

I came over to her hotel room one early afternoon during the AVN week madness. We were both barely awake but we had to take some photos anyway cause it is tradition!

She took some way better photographs with another photographs with another photographer in the exact same place and it bums me out whenever she posts them but it’s okay cause I took a few decent ones too and like I cared way less about taking photos of Sam than hanging out with her and getting to listen to her say stuff with her absurd/adorable British accent. She’s the best.

So come DJ in NYC Sam so I can see you more than once a year and we can go get you naked on the subway or something.

Now just fucking click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of Samantha Bentley.

Ps. Go to DBB Premium if you wanna see some of the better photos in this set that also happen to have way too much vagina for DBB Basic.

Samantha Bentley

Samantha Bentley

Samantha Bentley

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Blacked Vs. Tushy

Okay now that we got the release of my new zine Public out of the way it’s time to go back to my recent trip to Vegas for the AVN Awards. I got hired by AVN Director of the Year Greg Lansky to shoot a bunch of awesome porn babes in clothing from his two websites and Aside winning like 50% of the AVN Awards Greg also trusted me enough to do pretty much whatever I wanted as far as shooting his girls go so I just got to do me which was great.

That being said this massive gallery is a lot more flash heavy than I have been shooting recently but I thought it would sort of fit the aesthetic Blacked/Tushy was looking for. I also was sort of limited as far as locations being as I had to shoot everything in the Hard Rock Hotel. And I had very little time to shoot everyone because of how hectic everything is… but that being said you are about to get to see 200 photos of some of the raddest women in porn.

Let’s go through the gallery in order shall we?

  • We start with adorable German porn babe Anny Aurora. I didn’t know who she was when I met her but as soon as I saw her I was  in love. This girl is so cute and sexy at the same time which is a dangerous combination. I shot her with male Blacked contract star Jason Brown who is a real good dude and won best Boy/Boy/Girl scene with my bff Carter Cruise.
  • Next up is Abigail Mac who is instantly on my list of girls I need to photograph. I mean I did photograph her obviously but I need more time and a better location cause she is pretty special.
  • We have my old pal Janice Griffith who I shot super late night in the hotel room she was sharing with April O’Neil. April isn’t a Blacked or Tushy girl but I love her the most so I had to get her in a couple shots. (Speaking of my love for April you need to get the special edition of Public so you can get a super limited print of her!)
  • Now we have some really fun photos! I got to shoot Abella Danger and Keisha Grey having a pillow fight. I am quick to make girls pillow fight cause it’s both really corny and really awesome at the same time. Oh, and Abella and Keisha happen to have two of the best butts in this history of the universe so that’s something.
  • Speaking of Abella I actually got to shoot her twice! She was the first porn star I shot in Vegas and for some reason the photos are out of order and she’s in the middle of the gallery. She wants me to tell you that she was bloated and she totally hates these photos but she is crazy and looks amazing so you need to enjoy them extra hard for her. Oh, and Abella won Best New Starlet at AVN so fuck yeah.
  • Next I got to rip off some of my own photos when I shot Cassidy Klein at the vending and ice machines. Tiny closets make for good places to sneak away and the Coke branding is like super edgy right? I mean America and consumerism and obesity meets porn it’s like woah, so much controversy!
  • Oh and I got to shoot Amarna Miller which was great because I have had a crush on her for a year she told me she was going to come to NYC and she didn’t and it was super sad but then I got to hang out with her in Vegas a lot and she totally let me grab her butt cause she is the best.
  • Speaking of the best I finally got to shoot Cadence Lux who I have been trying to shoot for a minute now. She lives in Philly a lot of the time which is so damn close to me and I love her Twitter and she also has an amazing butt (you may have noticed a theme here). So hey Cadence you are great but could you come to NYC real quick so I can take photos of you not in a hotel room at 2am? Thanks.

Okay enough bullet points and enough of my meandering bullshit. Go look at these photos. There are a lot of them and honestly they aren’t that great photographically, BUT they are still pretty great because every girl in them is absurdly hot and I want to hit on all of them but I am a god damn professional so I will just keep my flirting to this way too long write up. Oh and thanks again Greg (and Claire Robbins for recommending me!) I had a blast. Let’s do it again soon.

Oh shit, one more thing, Blacked & Tushy are looking for a new social media manager. If you live in LA and are awesome at Internets you should apply for the job!

Now click here for a huge gallery of porn stars in (and out) of Blacked & Tushy clothing!

Abigail Mac

Abella Danger & Keisha Grey

Anny Aurora

Cadence Lux

April O'Neil & Janice Griffith

Cassidy Klein

Anny Aurora


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2016 Adult Entertainment Expo

Hi guys. I am back from west coast and I bring you a lot of photos from one of my favorite subcultures — pornography. Sometimes people act like I am in the porn industry but as I told someone this weekend I am “porn adjacent”. Like, I am not a juggalo but I am “juggalo adjacent“. I love to document subcultures and porn is a good one to document. Not only do you get a lot of photos that get a lot of page views and retweets and stuff but on occasion you also a blowjob or five.   ?\_(?)_/ ?

Anyway, today I bring you my first of several Vegas updates. This one from the Adult Entertainment Expo which is the trade show that is the processor to the AVN Award Show. There is a lot of selling of products (including weird ones that have nothing to do with porn like dentistry) but mostly it’s a chance for fans to meet porn stars and for porn stars to get their boobs grabbed by strangers that don’t know how to treat women like humans.

I shot a lot of 35mm film at the AEE for the Vice article I am working on and I hung out at the Jules Jordan booth a lot because that’s where the Blacked/Tushy crew hung out and I was working for them too all week. I am gonna have some good stuff of their girls coming soon but in the mean time you can lurk them at their booth.

I don’t really have anything else to say so you should probably just look at this huge gallery of porn girls, porn fans and a lot of stuff that isn’t a dick but is, for whatever reason, shaped like a dick.

Click here to see all the NSFW photos from the 2016 Adult Entertainment Expo at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas, NV!

Riley Reid & Abella Danger

Mia Malkova

Baby Fetish

Evan Stone

Adult Entertainment Expo

Charlotte Stokely



Cadence Lux

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