Jillian Janson Under The Boardwalk

If you watched the 2017 AVN Awards on Showtime you saw this segment featuring Jillian Janson. You might also have noticed that I am in that segment. In fact we did a whole photo shoot for Showtime to film. In the segment Jillian talks about the first time we shot and a handful of the photos were featured in the video, but weirdly enough I never published those photos myself. This was clearly a mistake and I am making up for it now.

I actually met Jillian in an elevator I think. Someone else introduced us and I honestly don’t even remember what porn convention it was but I remember I brought her one of my zines on the floor the next day and told her I would love to shoot with her and at some point when I was in LA it actually happened. I met her in Santa Monica and shot her under the same boardwalk  where I had ended my epic Route 66 road trip that resulted in my first book. I got some good feelings about that place even if it’s also a complete tourist nightmare.

There are a ton of photos of Jillian in this gallery and most of them aren’t naked because people were watching us shoot and honestly it was a little too cold to be shooting and she was freezing. It was nice outside, but the wind under the boardwalk was fucking up her life. Still her bikini is one of the smaller articles of clothing I have photographed and I don’t think anyone is going to be too mad about these photos. She did get fully naked for a few minutes but most of the other nudity is just the random flash here in there, including a couple slightly too graphic shots that are available only on Girls of Driven By Boredom because I am a monster and want your money. 

Speaking of wanting your money, Jillian signed some original Instax photos for an award for the Kickstarter for my book Instaxxx. The Kickstarter is way over, but I found a few extra signed Instax that didn’t sell and I put them up for sale with the book for the same price as they were on Kickstarter. There’s only one Jillian Instax left so hurry and buy it!

Okay I am done trying to sell you stuff, just go look at these photos of Jillian because she is a babe. I can’t wait to shoot Jillian again when we aren’t in public so I finally have the time to catch her off guard and get some photos of her that aren’t super posed and fancy AF.  

Click here to see all the photos I shot of Jillian Janson under the Santa Monica pier!

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson


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Best Of 2014

These “Best of” posts keep coming as I slowly get all my images organized. The 2013 best of gallery was a bit of a turning point though because at some point during 2013 I got a little more organized and so a lot of the work is already done. It goes a lot faster. I am actually done with 2016 too but I will wait to post the best of 2015 first. But, not one bit of this is interesting so let’s start talking about the reason we are here: 2014.

I think I peaked as a photographer in 2014. I lost my favorite client in the middle of 2014 over some shit that I had very little to do with, and then my life sort of detonated in 2015. I have shot a bunch of stuff that I am fairly proud of since then, but looking back at the first half of 2014 I really shot some stuff I loved. My shoot with Raven Rockette at Rock-a-Hoola and my shoot with April O’Neil and Shay Laren at Murphy’s Ranch were two of my favorite shoots of all time and they happened in the same week! 

Some other highlights of 2014 included following Hannibal Buress when he opened up for Aziz Ansari at Madison Square Garden, hanging out with Iggy Pop in Miami, and watching Joey Chestnut propose at the Coney Island hot dog eating contest. I got to shoot Motley Crue from a million miles away on their “last tour” and I got to shoot Miley Cyrus which was surprisingly enjoyable. I shot MIA and a hologram for a tequila and a ton of fun stuff for Sailor Jerry including the Sailor Jerry House at SXSW

I shot a ton of stuff for the Village Voice including two of my favorite assignments of all time, Antiques Roadshow and the Westminster Dog Show. I shot some festivals for them as well including 4 Knots, Fool’s Gold Day Off, and of course the Gathering of the Juggalos. The girl I was dating for a bunch of 2014 was a writer for the Voice and we covered a bunch of stuff together, but the one thing we did together that didn’t end up in the Voice was our trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. It was so fucking insane. 

I feel like I got a couple more things left to mention before I let you guys get to the 300+ photos. 2014 Art Basel was the last time I went down there after I managed to somehow lose money. It was still a great trip though and I got to see a Dolphins game so I shouldn’t complain too much. I got to shoot John Amos for an article that I don’t think ever ran, but it was great to meet a legend like that. Speaking of legends I also got to shoot Robert Rodriguez, Robert Duvall and a bunch of other actors and directors not named Robert during the SXSW Film Fest including the cast of Silicon Valley. Oh, also I should mention that I shot this Rockabilly convention in Vegas incase you are wondering what all the insane haircuts are all about. Fair warning. 

The one thing I hate about looking back on all these photos is seeing the people I will never see again. The last photo I ever took of Dust La Rock is in this gallery. My really good friend DJ Jess died three years ago this week. I feel like I don’t have a ton of photos of Spam because he was usually behind a bar working but I found a couple and included one in this gallery. My brother from another mother Denny is in this gallery too. Too many people gone.

Lastly, I  should mention that I only found one naked girl gallery I hadn’t published. That’s a good thing because I have way too many that I still need to publish. The one I did find was of a girl named Alison Faye who left the adult industry shortly after we shot and I just never got around to posting them. The set was fairly small anyway, so I just decided to upload the whole thing to Girls of Driven By Boredom so it’s there if you want to see it. 

Okay, now click here look at this massive gallery of the best photos I took in 2014.

Miley Cyrus

Westminster Dog Show


Diarrhea Planet @ SXSW

Alia Shawkat

Nina Hartley At The AVN Awards

Gathering Of The Juggalos

Hannibal Buress & Chris Rock

Raven Rockette

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Chloe Carter & Charlotte Sartre

I took these photos of Chloe Carter and Charlotte Sartre nearly a year ago. I have no idea why it took so long to post these, especially because Charlotte is one of my favorite people to take photos of, but here I am writing about photos I took last February.

I think I met Chloe Carter at some porn convention, but honestly I don’t remember. What I do remember is that I went straight to Chloe’s place from the airport when I landed in LA and Charlotte met us there. I feel like I hung out with them for hours in this really cool house where she was renting a room.

I was working on my Instaxxx book at the time and that was sort of my main focus so I shot Chloe by herself for that since I had a ton of shots of Charlotte already. At some point Charlotte jumped in and we did a quick shoot outside. The backyard was so great but the light kinda sucked and those girls are so pale that I wasn’t loving the stuff we were getting despite the location. We ended up going inside and shooting some stuff with my flash and it actually turned out pretty well. I could not tell you the last time I liked the flash stuff better than the natural light stuff but here we are.

I feel like I am just gonna stop writing this post now and just give you the photos but I should try to sell you on some stuff first, because I like being able to pay my rent. First of all, these girls are both in Instaxxx and you should buy it. Secondly, there’s a pretty solid handful of photos of these girls that are a bit too NC-17 to post on here that you can find only on Girls of Driven By Boredom. Sign up already.

Okay, it’s time to go look at photos, but thanks a bunch to Chloe and Charlotte for letting me take photos of them. Charlotte you know I love you and Chloe I hope to see you again one of these days. I think you were actually the first person I saw at AVN this year but I was in an Uber and we drove past you.

Now click here to see all the photos of Chloe Carter and Charlotte Sartre!

Chloe Carter & Charlotte Sartre

Chloe Carter & Charlotte Sartre

Chloe Carter & Charlotte Sartre

Chloe Carter & Charlotte Sartre

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Gia Paige

Earlier this year Gia Paige followed me on Twitter.  I lurked her Twitter and saw that she was a babe and had a ton of followers so I figured I would follow her back. We might have Tweeted back and forth a few times but I didn’t really think anything of it until I was in LA for my Instaxxx book release party. (Buy my book!) I was on Twitter looking for someone to shoot a few days before the party and I saw that she was in LA. I hit her up on Wednesday, the party was Friday, we planned our shoot for Sunday.

On Thursday night I went to a party at the AVN offices. It seemed like the perfect excuse to promote my book party and make a little money in the process since I knew the LA Weekly would want the photos. I had been there for a while when I saw the cutest girl I had ever seen. Almost everyone there was dressed scandalously as you would imagine at a porn party but this girl was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Her shirt said “I don’t dress up for boys”.

I took her photo and told her I liked her shirt. We talked for a second and I gave her my business card. She looked at it and screamed “You know me! I’m Gia Paige!” I have no idea how I didn’t recognize her since I was planning on shooting her in a few days, but I guess I somehow didn’t really look at her photos except for that first day when I followed her on Twitter.

I hugged her and we started talking about the shoot on Sunday and I told her about my party on Friday and she said she would come. The one thing I remembered from her Twitter was that she had a bunch of weiner dogs and we talked about them and  honestly I can’t remember much else. But at some point she scratched my beard with her nails and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I had known this girl for five minutes and she had me fucked up.

The next day at my party I was super stressed out like I am every time I throw a party but when Gia showed up I was really happy to see her. She brought one of her absurd dogs with her and I got to pet it for a second before I had to run off to deal with something. When I finally had a spare moment I went to look for her and I couldn’t find her anywhere. I texted her to see if she left and she said she had because it was too crowded for her dog but she would see me on Sunday. And then she sent me another text “Hey I don’t ever do this, but I just wanted to tell you that I think you are really handsome.” And that was it. It was all over for me.

After texting non stop for two days we finally met up for the shoot. She picked me up and we drove to Griffith Park. We didn’t really have a location but we figured we could just walk around until we found some place cool to take photos. She parked and before we even got out of the car we were just staring into eachother’s eyes like some sort of Disney cartoon. I barely even remember taking photos of her because all I can think about was the time we spent in the front seat of her car falling for eachother.

So anyway, we took some photos. I managed to drop my camera but it didn’t break and cut up my hand climbing up a hill but it healed. We didn’t get arrested and I feel like I have some photos you guys will want to look at so as far as photo shoots go it was as success, but meeting Gia was way better than the photos.

Since then Gia came with me to the Gathering of the Juggalos and visited me in NYC and we went to the Poconos together for a day. I went to Detroit to visit her and played with all her dogs (she has three plus she had three puppies at the time!) I was supposed to meet her in LA next week but a job fell through but hopefully I will see her soon. I don’t even know what else to say but I am sorry you had to read this sappy post but at least you get to see a bunch of photos of her naked.

Also, I should mention that because it is my ultimate goal to sell you things so I can pay my rent, I decided to take a bunch of the 35mm photos from all my adventures with Gia and post them exclusively to Girls of Driven By Boredom. There’s some real sexy stuff in there and some real adorable stuff in there and you can only see em on Girls of DBB. You can also give Gia your money too so she can afford to buy me more giant pizzas.

Now click here to see all the photos of Gia Paige naked in public at Griffith Park!

Gia Paige

Gia Paige

Gia Paige

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In The Woods With Holly Beth

Hey! I am in Detroit right now but I set this post up so you guys can read it even though I am probably doing something fun with Gia Paige. I hope we are exploring an abandoned car factory or eating hot dogs that are named after a neighborhood in Brooklyn and yet are only famous in Detroit. Whatever the case I have some photos for you.

Back in March after SXSW was over I hung out with Giselle Palmer and Holly Beth and we went for an adventure into the woods. I took a ton of photos of both of them and I figured I would post the Holly Beth ones first because I already posted some photos of Giselle Palmer and the only photos I have posted of Holly were these ones in Vegas that were part of a much bigger gallery.

Holly is great and she came to NYC and we hung out a bunch and for whatever reason didn’t really take any photos. I feel like that was a regrettable choice but whenever people come to visit I tend to forget to shoot like a proper set with them unless they have some fancy hotel. I always just shoot a bunch of random 35mm stuff and forget about the rest. I feel like she should come back soon.

We also shot a bunch of non nude photos for a magazine but then I got into an argument with them and they didn’t even send me a copy of the magazine so I haven’t even seen our spread. But if you want to see the photos I put them on Girls of Driven By Boredom. Usually I put like the secret explicit stuff on there, so making the non-nude stuff exclusive seems like radical twist. Or not. Whatever, there’s a lot of photos on there for you to lurk including the full set of the stuff we shot in Vegas.

Okay, I am going to get back to whatever totally fun thing I am doing right now and you guys should go look at these photos.

Click here to see a bunch of photos of Holly Beth naked in the woods!

Holly Beth

Holly Beth

Holly Beth

Holly Beth

Holly Beth



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Meet Belen

Back in January when I was shooting Blair Williams, she introduced me to her friend Belen who was doing her make up. Belen was pretty amazing and I had to take some photos of her too. She didn’t do nude modeling or anything so we didn’t try and make plans for another shoot or anything but when I was out in LA last month hanging out with Blair she came up.

Blair and I got lunch right when I landed in LA. I Tweeted something about killing time before I had to check into my hotel and Blair responded and we met up. I mentioned that I only had the hotel for a few days and she out of nowhere offered to let me stay in her place while she was out of town. I love Blair but we had only hung out a handful of times and it meant so much that she trusted me to take care of her place for a few days. Her only rule was that no one could come over… except Belen.

She knew how hot I thought Belen was and texted her about shooting with me. Belen had never done nude modeling but was down to take photos in her underwear. A few days later Belen met me at Blair’s place and we shot a bunch of photos of her in a bunch of different outfits. Belen was so easy to shoot and we got some really nice photos really quickly.

As much as I loved shooting Belen she also seemed really comfortable with me and actually shot some implied nude stuff which she had never done before. Before the shoot was over she had actually flashed Blair’s entire neighborhood from a fire escape. It was so much fun.

Anyway, this set isn’t naked or anything but I think you are going to love it anyway. I personally can’t wait to shoot Belen again. Maybe some more of Belen and Blair together.

I want to keep promoting Girls of Driven By Boredom since that’s what this week is all about, but honestly I don’t have anything extra for you from this set. Still you can see all of these in high resolution and you could have seen them yesterday if you had signed up. So sign up.

Oh, and buy my book. Belen and Blair are in it together.

Now click here to see all the photos of Belen in Blair Williams’ apartment!









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Arya Fae

Arya Fae is great. We had been friends on Instagram for a while and we met in reality at the AVN Awards back in January, but it wasn’t until I was in LA for the LA Art Book Fair that we met in real life. The LAABF trip was a Kickstarter stretch goal for my Instaxxx book. The idea was I would go out there and try to find a good printer or maybe some distribution for my book, but nothing came of it and it just added to me spending way too much money on the book. On the positive side I took a lot of fucking rad photos that week and I think the best of them were of Arya Fae.

I met Arya at her place and we did a shoot in the alley behind her place. There were a ton of people coming in and out of the apartments that connect to the alley so we had to be pretty sneaky. We shot on her steps and in the parking garage and got some good stuff before heading back inside. The idea was to take a few quick photos outside and then shoot more in her bed but I took so many damn photos in both places that I am gonna split this up into two different posts. Sorry.

Anyway, after the shoot Arya and I got food and then we ended up having to drive all over town and then I got stuck at her place at rush hour and we ended up hanging out until I was supposed to shoot Jojo Kiss. Well, it turns out her and Jojo are tight so we went over to Jojo’s place together and met up with my friend Alondra and Arya’s friend Charlotte and we went in the hot tub and partied and we shot a ton of Instax for my book. There’s probably six or 7 pages in Instaxxx taken on this one day in February alone. BUY THE BOOK HERE!

So here’s what you get today. You get the photos from outside on this site. And then if you subscribe to Girls of Driven By Boredom you get all the photos in high resolution, PLUS you get a few more explicit shots from outside AND you get a bunch of random photos from that party we had after the shoot. They are not very good photos technically, but I have a feeling you are gonna really like them anyway.

Not sure when, but I will get up the rest of the shoot on here in the future. I feel like I should hold off a bit and spread out the Arya magic… oh, and did I mention I shot her again a couple weeks ago?

Now click here to see the first round of photos of the amazing Arya Fae!

Arya Fae

Arya Fae

Arya Fae

Arya Fae

Arya Fae


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Meet Giselle Palmer

When I was in Austin for SXSW back in March I was bored waiting for a band to play. I started refreshing my Twitter over and over again and I noticed a notification from someone named Giselle Palmer. I lurked her page and almost instantly knew I needed to take her photo. I DMed her and said “if we are ever in the same place I would love to take your photo” and she messaged me back that she lived in Austin. A few hours later I was in her apartment taking photos.

I was in the middle of working on my Instaxxx book (goes to print today!!) and I knew I could get some good shots of her in her apartment using the flash of the Instax camera. I was right. She has her own spread in my book and another photo in my next zine. Unfortunately it was nighttime and  her apartment sucked for taking digital photos. We decided to plan a second shoot during daylight hours but I only had two more days in Austin so I figured I should shoot some digital stuff just incase and I am glad I did.

Turns out that Giselle is hot enough that shitty lighting and mediocre photography doesn’t really matter! I have a gallery of more than 70 photos for you and not one of them is correctly white balanced but every one of them is real hot. I feel like I spend a lot of time telling you why I took terrible photos, but to be honest no one really cares but me. You guys are just gonna look at these photos and think “holy shit Giselle is hot” and not even notice that most of them are underexposed. I get it. Let’s move on.

So a few weeks after I left Austin, Giselle took a trip to LA to shoot some porn. She started webcamming in December of this year so in January she went to Vegas to check out the AVN Awards. While she was walking around Naughty America noticed her and flew her back out to Vegas to shoot her first porn scenes. When I met Giselle that is all she had ever shot. I don’t even think the scenes were out yet and no one had ever heard of her, but when she went to LA she never left.

Within days of visiting LA she got the biggest agent in porn and seems to be shooting nearly every day. She blew up instantly like I knew she would. She is so hot, so rad and a total creep and I mean that in the best way. Real glad I got to shoot her before she gets way too big to shoot with me.

Anyway, I thought this would be a good introduction to Giselle but just wait until you guys see the rest of the stuff we shot. On my last day in Austin we went out with Holly Beth and spent all day in a park shooting some really pretty stuff. I think you guys are gonna really love it.

Finally, I should mention there are some extra explicit shots on Girls of Driven By Boredom that you should go look at if you are into that kinda thing. All the images on there are in high resolution too… but if you don’t have Girls of DBB just go look at the rest of the photos!

Click here to see all the NSFW photos of Giselle Palmer!

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

Giselle Palmer

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Jillian Janson For Showtime

Tonight the 2017 AVN Awards air on Showtime. Yes, I agree, airing an awards show that happened four months ago does seem strange, but it’s happening tonight nonetheless. It seems like something you’d want to watch if you like award shows or the porn industry or if say you really wanted to see a performance from Flo Rida flanked by dozens of drunk porn stars. I have covered the last 7 or 8 of these things so I have actually never watched them on TV but tonight is special… because I am on it.

Jillian Janson is a fucking babe and I got to shoot her a while ago under the Santa Monica Pier. I just now realized that I have yet to post those photos but I will because they are awesome because Jillian is unreasonably hot.

Jillian was featured as part of Showtime’s AVN coverage and she has her own little segment. I was fortunate enough to be part of that segment. We did a photoshoot in a penthouse of the Hard Rock in Vegas which was pretty fantastic but Showtime wanted something a little more exciting so we went and shot on the roof.

After that we actually tried to sneak into the kitchen of the Joint nightclub to shoot. We made it all the way into the kitchen and were setting up a shot when we got caught by security. We ended up just going around the corner and shooting anyway, but the photos didn’t really come out because I am a mediocre photographer but hopefully the video looks cool.

Anyway, watch the AVN Awards tonight at 11 after you look at all these photos. They are also available in high resolution at Girls of Driven By Boredom.

Now click here to see all the photos I shot of Jillian Janson for Showtime’s AVN Awards.

Jillian Janson AVN Awards

Jillian Janson AVN Awards

Jillian Janson AVN Awards


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