The Popeyes Riots

Popeyes Fried Chicken is by far my favorite food on Earth. My last meal would be 3 mild breasts, red beans and rice, mashed potatoes, 2 biscuts and one of their Mardi Gras Cheesecakes. I’d probably have to go to Ben’s Chili Bowl in DC to get the drink, because they have the greatest milk shakes of all time. Anyway, I know that Earth Day is every day and all, but on Earth Day Popeyes gave away eight pieces of chicken for $4.99 and Popeyes all over the country turned into block parties. It is times like this when I wish I had a TV so I could have been informed of this deal VIA commercial. Fuck that would have been amazing. Anyway, not everywhere was it all hugs and kisses… several Popeyes ran out of chicken and at least one refused to honor the deal. Popeyes are independently owned (it’s a life goal to own one…) so they don’t have to go along with national promotions, but like fuck that guy in Minnesota. He denied people a dream come true… a bucket of the most delicious chicken for only $4.99. Anyway, I found all this out cause of Twitter… Specifically Nick The Duke’s Twitter… and then I spent 20 minutes watching videos about Popeyes online. So once again, I need to thank technology for bringing me closer to the things I love… like fried chicken. I am going to leave you with these Popeyes related videos and by the time you are done reading them all I will be at the Popeyes on Delancey St. Come holla.

Ps. If anyone leaves any racists comments on this post about these videos I am not bringing anyone back biscuits for anyone.




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Happy Tea Bagging Day!

 I have been intentionally quiet about politics on this blog for a while.  I felt that we needed a break after all the pre-election posts I did.  And frankly you don’t need a rant from a party blogger to tell you how to think.  But I have been watching clips of that fucking worthless fuck Glenn Beck recently and he makes me want to throw my computer through a fucking wall.  I know he is just being outrageous to get viewers… after someone passed out on his show he gloated about the high ratings it would cause… but I you have to think that he believes at least some of the ignorant bullshit he is spewing.  These crazy right wingers are just saying things that aren’t true.  Like, they are just making shit up.  They are like parodies of McCarthy era red scare types.  They keep screaming about socialism and stuff… Glenn Beck is screaming about how he wishes Obama would just kill him now instead of ruining his life.  I seriously can’t get through 5 minutes of him speaking.

So all these idiots are spending today protesting high taxes and socialism today by holding these tea parties.  I am sure you have read about them… They are trying to remind people of how the American revolutionaries threw English  tea into the Boston Harbor to protest taxation without representation. I would get into how fucking retarded that is, but fortunately I don’t have to because MSNBC’s David Schuster did it for me.  Homoerotic tea bagging jokes aside this video spells out EXACTLY what I have been thinking about these protests.  Thanks David, you are my hero.


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Battlefield Atlantis

I just wanted to give you a heads up that the power cord to my computer broke and since the battery doesn’t work I could not turn on my computer for several hours today.  I drove to Philly for the opening weekend of the Backseat Film Festival but I picked up a charger and a battery (only a $240 purchase for shit I allready bought once [and in the case of my charger, twice]) on the way.  After watching some weird horror movie about a burning house, eating cheese steaks and hanging out with some friends I finally got a minute to update my site.  Hopefully later today (it is 8am now and I haven’t slept yet) I will have some time to up the photos from Friday, but don’t count on anything… I have 8 hours of sleep, 2 movies and an after party ahead of me.  Anyway I thought I would take these short moments I have before my sleeping pills kick in to tell you about what happened a few nights ago after my sleeping pills kicked in.

Before I went to sleep the other night I read this article about some new species discovered in the Tasman fracture, a trench that is 4KM below sea level (I am not sure how deep that is in American, but my guess is pretty fucking deep).  Anyway, it was about a Venus fly trapesque sea squirt that eats shrimp.  It was pretty interesting and I soon drifted off to sleep.  About an hour later I was awoken by a text message and for some reason I pulled up my laptop and decided I had something super important to say about the new found sea life.  I completely forgot about it when I woke up the next morning but when I woke up the next morning I found this typed on my computer screen:

The day I have always been fearing is here.  Scientists have found new canibal plants living at the bottom of the ocean.  And if I knowa nything about sea monsters is that they are huge and man eating.  These ones may seem sall and harmlesss, but undoubtably they are only babies.  In the future when we have poluted the earth so badly that we are living in under water colonies, we will be forces to defend our watery homes from these killer fish-like monster plants that will soon develop an unsateable taste for human flesh.

And while I admit there are a lot of misspellings (I would like to argue that unsateable is a better word than insatiable despite the fact that it is not actually a word) I think I have made some excellent points here.  If nothing else, it is pretty hilarious that I would get up in the middle of the night to write about man-eating fish-plants.  I just have been emailing this thing to friends over the last few days and I figured I would share it with you.  I hope you are happy, I am going to sleep.


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Obama To America: Get Your Own Damn Fries

The Boston Phoenix did something that should have been done a long time ago… They went through Obama’s audio book and pulled some hilarious audio.  According to the Pheonix the samples are from Obama doing an impersonation of his friend Ray who enjoys a colorful phrase or two.  Phrases like “You know that guy ain’t shit.  Sorry ass motherfucker ain’t got nothing on me.” and “There are white folks, and then there are ignorant motherfuckers like you.”  It is pretty brilliant.  These would have made for such good viral videos during the campaign.  At least someone needs to start working on a really great Obama soundboard.

Anyway, since I don’t know how to make soundboards and I don’t do clever video editing I turned to the easiest meme creator possible and I made an Obama YTMND site out of my favorite quote and an amazing photo.  Play the quote below and then click the photo to enjoy  my phenomenal new site.



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IFC On Demand Press Conference – 1.19.09

Ah, my first proper Sundance post… with many more to come…

My friend Joe Swanberg is a great director. I have talked about this on DBB a number of times. He emailed me the other day to ask if I was going to be at Sundance. I was, so he invited me to a breakfast/ panel he was on with Steven Soderbergh. They were announcing IFC On Demand’s new Festival Direct. Festival Direct is on demand movies that come out at the same time that they premiere at a film festival. The first 5 films are premiering this March at the SXSW Film Festival. One of those movies is Joe’s new film, Alexander The Last. When it opens at SXSW it is going to be on IFC at the same time. Janet Pierson, the producer of SXSW Film, was there to explain her decision to work with IFC On Demand as was Jonathan Sehring of IFC. Pierson is the wife of John Pierson who along with making Spike Lee and Kevin Smith famous, was one of my little brothers favorite college professors. Joe was at the event to talk about why he decided to forgo a festival run for on demand and Soderbergh was there to talk about releasing a big budget movie like Che On Demand while it was still in it’s original theatrical run.

To read more about the press conference click here, but to se my photos of the event, click over here.




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My Man Barack

I have been so insanely busy at Sundance that I haven’t had time to shower much less update, but I had to give a shout out to my main man Barack on his big day.  I am getting on a plane in a few hours and headed to DC.  I was going for the inauguration but I won’t make it in time.  It’s okay, it will still be great to be in DC and hopefully I can party with some people. I am staying with my parents for a day and hopefully will have time to get a good update together.  In the mean time, read my original endorsement of Obama from way back in February and watch this clip of the speech that got the ball rolling just over 4 years ago.


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Bush: Shoe Dodger

I am sure everyone will have seen this in the next 24 hours, but oh man, this is so brilliant.  An Iraqi journalist threw two well hurled shoes at George Bush, but Bush ducked them both.  He was so quick on his feet.  This is why I am glad we elected Obama president.  He is even more mobile than Bush is.  I am not sure McCain could have ducked those shoes.  What is also amazing to watch is how slowly the Secret Service reacts to this.  Anyway, this is just fucking amazing.  “All I can report is that it is a size 10.” should be in every famous quote book from here until the end of history.  Thanks Nick for the link.


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Porn Stache

So okay, this is super weird. I am a really big fan of this site 23/ They are an off shoot of Huff Po. It is satirical political blog that I found because some comedians I used to see all the time did videos for it. Eugene Mirman does political coverage, John Benjamin does fake Swift Boat ads and John Glaser… well John Glaser is just a weird, weird man. They also have animated Get Your War On comics which are pretty mind blowing. Oh and Bobby Tisdale and Joe Mandy do videos too… Lots of East Village regulars…

Anyway after the election I sort of steered clear of politics in general. This week I drove from Richmond to DC and back listening to right wing talk radio the whole way for some reason so I am back into it a bit. I guess I need to give a fuck who the Secretary of Commerce is all of a sudden. I guess that is the price you pay when your team wins. I know who the back up left guard is for the Miami Dolphins, I guess I should be able to defend the questionable choice of retaining Robert Gates as Secretary Of Defense some how…

Okay, the point is I checked 23/6 for the first time in a few weeks and I was catching up on videos and I saw this video where you had to guess if a person was a pornstar or a Democrat based only on a close up picture of a mustache. I have to tell you I was not doing well. In fact I got everyone wrong until I noticed a specific mustache… “That’s Ron Jeremy!” I exclaimed to no one in particular. I was right, but when they pulled back and showed the full photo I realized why I recognized it. I took the photo! It was pretty amazing, although it is on his Wikipedia page, so I guess that is where they got it. They didn’t credit me though, and I was in a strangely litigious mood (I am in the process of taking someone to small claims court) and I emailed them to complain about this. They were very cool about it, apologized and added my credit to the video.

Now admittedly this blog is long and rambling, but we are finally getting to the pay off, the money shot as Mr. Jeremy might say. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you… Democrat Or Pornstar: Mustache Edition!


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Three Videos From Friends

I am still in the process of editing photos from my Miami trip. I have not had a lot of time to do anything but I had a bunch of videos I wanted to blog about so I am going to put them all in one post even though they have nothing to do with each other other than the director is a friend of mine.

1. Girl Talk Interview by Joe Carabeo

The first time I saw Girl Talk he played right before the Gaskets, the band I used to manage. The next time he played before us in Richmond. The next time we played before him. He started getting bigger and bigger and we didn’t. I would have killed for them to have played this show that Joe taped as part of his RVA House Show series. I have seen Girl Talk like 4 times, 3 times with the Gaskets, but never with more than 100 people. This weekend at Terminal 5 will blow that away.


2. We Are The Champions – Vadim Newquist

Vadim was alerted to a party in the street shortly after my man Barack won the election. He grabbed his camera and went out in to the streets. He edited his one camera shot into an amazingly cohesive documentation of the pure joy that New York felt when Obama won the election. I have seen a number of things that Vadim has done, including a video about me, and this is by far the best. I am breaking my temporary ban on politics to post it.


3. Nassau Chainsaw Video – Doug Sakmann

You guys probably saw the Nassau Chainsaw photos the other week. They were insane as you know. Doug directed their video for Behind Enemy Lines. It is extremely fucked up. Lots of hooks and fire and violence. Not safe for work, but not in a sexy way. Holy fuck.


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