Terminate The Tumor

My old friend Colin is sick. A few months ago he found out he had a stage 4 inoperable brain tumor. That is not good. His only chance now is to fight it with chemo and hope for a miracle. Colin, despite not hiring me at Starbucks many years ago, is a rad fucking dude. I have spent a lot of weird and hilarious times with him. I think the last time I saw him I watched the election results come in with him and his girlfriend Christine. I do not want him to die. You do not want him to die. He needs help. He now has website that is documenting his treatment. The goal is both awareness and fund raising. Chemo is not cheap. Not being able to work because you are too week to stand up is not cheap. Colin is selling “Terminate The Tumor” bracelets in the style of the Livestrong bands. Now while Colin has never won the Tour De France, I also don’t think he has taken steroids before, and I have watched him put a cigarette out on his arm which seems just as impressive.

I bought a bracelet but I am as broke as I have ever been in my life and I live 6 hours away so I am not in any position to help him, but I can link his website and ask my friends and fans to buy a bracelet or donate some money or at the very least, retweet this post (click the button in the upper left hand corner of this post), link his site or just tell your friends about it. Anything you can do would mean a lot to me, to Colin and to all his family and friends.

And since half you people just come here to see boobs, maybe I can help you out too. Years ago Colin and my friend Raechel were in some weird scavenger hunt thing and it had a bonus round. The bonus round was to make a tape of just weird fucked up shit with extra points for nudity and violence. We happened to have found a wire grill cleaning brush that happened to make for great entertainment. If you wacked someone with it, not only did it hurt like hell but it instantly started bleeding in a very amusing pattern. We thought that hitting each other with this could garner some points… and even more points if Rae’s giant boobs were some how involved. I never got around to doing anything with the video, but when I heard about Colin I figured this was the perfect reason to get it up, and use the traffic it gained to help murder the bullshit growing in my man’s head.

So, watch this very Not Safe For Work video, and then visit Colin’s Brain Cancer Blog and send him some damn money you trust fund hipster fucks. Xo.

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Who’s From The L.E.S.?

A few weeks ago I was at Happy Endings for 66Sick and Disco Down and I was standing outside and all of a sudden this guy started screaming.  He didn’t get in the club for some reason.  Happy Endings is not an exclusive place so he either didn’t have his ID or was acting like a drunk asshole.  He went on a 3 minute rant before I realized I needed to pull out my camera.  His tirade was probably the funniest thine I have seen in a year.  He was screaming about how: A) He had been busting his ass for 26 years in the Lower East Side B) He had the number 1, 4 or 5 hit on La Mega or in Philadelphia C) HE HAS A COLLEGE DEGREE! In PR and marketing. When he started talking about his college degree I almost started crying laughing.  Just watch the damn video. So fucking funny.  Then press the Retweet button in the corner of this post to share the laughter with your friends!


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A Quick Time out

Due to Clicksor Advertising being the worst company I have ever worked with, we had to take a short break today to completely rebuild my entire web galleries.  You see, I wanted to put small banner adds on all my gallery pages due to the fact that I get between 700 and  900 thousand page views a day and I thought maybe I could make a little bit of money that way.  I ended up making pennies a day and my site started freezing up and playing audio from sever commercials at the same time.  I am not sure if you noticed this, but it has been happening.  I rebuilt the gallery and got rid of them all, but evidently I didn’t save it and my site tried to put them back.  Now I have to start all over again, but in the mean time there should be no ads. If anyone out there wants to pay me a reasonable fee to put banners that don’t make noise and don’t advertise for pornography or online dating, please let me know.  In the mean time, while we wait for my gallery to rebuild itself so I can upload new photos, let us take pause to honor those engaging in the sacred holiday of Mustache March. I completely forgot about it this year, but those who did not, I give thanks.  So dear comrades, please watch this video from last year, when the hair on my head was short, but the hair on my face was long (well, relatively speaking).

Good night and good luck.

PS. I have two posts ready to go up the very moment my gallery has pulled itself together, be warned.


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Choked Out

Jesus! It is kinda snowing out!  You can’t very well expect me to go out tonight.  That is just not reasonable. It is both cold and wet.  I can deal with one or the other, but not both.  So I stayed home and went through some random old video I had and found this video from maybe 2002.  It is me putting this guy Ian in a sleeper hold like I was the god damned Million Dollar Man.  I think we filmed me doing this to a bunch of people that night, but I only have this clip on my computer for some reason.  Also, he twitches a bunch once he is unconscious, so that’s super fun.  Hip Hip Hurray.  Probably don’t try this at home, it can’t possibly go well. In all seriousness, the first time I did this to someone they smacked head first onto the ground and started bleeding from their forehead.  I guess that Marine regretted teaching me combat moves.  Ooh Rah!


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Fighting Robots & Hitting Women

After the man talk update from yesterday I was reminded of some old video I have. I was working at a toy store and a Ben and Jerry’s during the summer between me dropping out of Penn State and transferring to Virginia Commonwealth University.  I had recently started this site and I was trying to make a Driven By Boredom movie in the vein of CKY or something stupid like that.  I kept filming my friends doing dumb ass shit.  I have a lot of that footage, but a lot of it is just horrible, and a lot of it is stuff I shouldn’t put up and a lot of it I am just to lazy to edit.

One of the things I tried to do is arrange a fist fight, but not any fist fight, a fist fight in robot costumes.  There was this kid Ian and he was a rad dude, but he was always talking shit like he was the worlds greatest fighter.  I think we had found someone to fight him but at the last minute he chickened out.   So I got all these people from Ben and Jerry’s to make these robot costumes, and found some kid who said he would fight Ian.  He sort of was under the assumption that he was just going to get the fuck beat out of him, but he was okay with that.  There was so much hype over this fight and on the day of everyone came down to the ally behind Ben and Jerry’s and we got ready to rumble.  I was working at the toy store during the best time for the fight, so I stole some toy swords and ran over during my lunch break.  We were all ready to go, but after a few punches all the costumes were off and Ian had his cartilage plug ripped out of his ear.  He immediately quit because he didn’t want the other side to get ripped out.  It was insanely disappointing; the whole thing only lasted three minutes.  Unfortunately, I taped over two of those minutes so in the video is only the first round.  If it makes you feel any better I taped over it with topless girls, but whatever, I digress.

So after that everyone was really pissed off, so I said I would take all comers.  I had just cut my hair into a mullet, and I didn’t want my work clothes fucked up, so I stripped down to my boxers and fought this really cool girl named Ana.  I am not sure why she said yes, but we went at it until her skirt started falling off, so I then gave her my pants.  Being as she was a female and half my size I clearly did not fight her for real, but I did throw a couple of half speed punches at her head.  It was pretty amusing.  In the end I was victorious, and the world lived happily ever after.

Oh, and then she hit me with a shovel.

Please, relive the summer of 2001 with me, it was a glorious time.


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ShiraGirl Featuring Devyn Simone From Real World Brooklyn

Back in September at Jessie Lee’s birthday I shot this little video of ShiraGirl whilst I was photographing them. It is their song Anthem and Devyn Simone of Real World Brooklyn was singing on the track.  I sort of forgot to post this video way back then but I am having some computer issues and I needed to get some update up while I am trying to figure out how to get my Miami photos online.  So yeah, enjoy this little video.   I have 4 photo updates and a bunch of little videos I could post in the near future.  Hopefully I will get some of that stuff done this weekend.


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Good Morning Driven By Boredom

Okay here is the video from Good Morning America. I will post about the experience and the fall out when I wake up in this same post. I am just going to update it. I’ve been up 24 hours, must sleep a bit…

Okay.  I am awake.  The other day I got a phone call from Good Morning America while I was at work.  They wanted me to come in that day to shoot something about the cheating video on You Tube.  My boss let me leave for a few hours, but I had to come in early yesterday to make up for it.  Anyway, I coincidently was wearing the sweater that I had on in the video.  It was probably the first time I have worn it since then.  I also hadn’t shaved in a few days so on the way to the studio I bought a razor and a hoodie from Duane Reed.  I then shaved in a Starbucks bathroom homeless style.  I got lost on the way to the studio due to bad directions, so I was running and when I got there I was thirsty and sweaty and my hair was a mess.  I thought they would have some sort of stylist or something, but they didn’t even give me a mirror so I just sort of pushed my hair down which is why I sort of look odd on TV.  Anyway, they interviewed me for like 10 minutes and aired about 5 seconds.  I figured they wouldn’t show much, but it was even less than I expected, but they did show a lot of my video which was cool.    I am not sure why I went on, when it was clear that I am a bad guy for teaching kids to cheat, but its not every day 5 million people watch you do anything, so why not, good story.  My mom was not pleased with this response, but what can you do?  She was even less pleased when my fundamentalist Christian aunt saw it, but what can you do?  Such is life.  I have gotten a bunch of hate mail from it, but mostly positive stuff.  Anyway, watch it, it’s pretty silly.  I’ve been emailing with the girl in it, and she’s doing something for CBS next week and has gotten even more hate mail than me!  I hope nothing bad happens with her, she’s young enough that this video might get her in trouble.

Oh yeah, the video was posted on the main page of Yahoo.com all day yesterday too… Jeez.. If only it mentioned this site some how, I might have some traffic.  Honestly that is the most disappointing thing is that all this exposure has done almost nothing for my traffic… Sigh…  Make me feel better, if you have a blog, link to this!  Or not…  I am going to go finish season 4 of Weeds.  The very late photos from Wednesday will be up before midnight…


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Happy Endings Fight Movie

Oooh.  So I told you I would have video from the fight Tuesday night.  It is pretty blurry and I wasn’t looking in the camera when I was filming so I miss a lot of shit, but the audio is nice.  This is after the fight and this dude is just threatening the bouncers that he will be back.  There is also a little surprise at the end!


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DayRobber.com Pilot

If you have seen me recently I have been packing a video camera. I have been working on a web show for DayRobber.com. I shot a bunch of footage in May and that led to three episodes of the show the first of them is up now. Hopefully, things will go well and there will be a lot more videos to come… So if you see me out, think of your best stories of sex, drugs and rock and roll. I will be looking. Let me know what you think of the first episode.

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