New Project: Vacation Photos Album

More than a month ago I had this idea. I wanted to go to Vegas to photograph a few models there and I couldn’t really afford the trip. I remembered a few years ago I made this “What Happens in Vegas” photo album to pay for a trip to Vegas and I thought maybe I should do a second edition of it. And then I started thinking about other ideas and I ended up with the idea of doing a “Vacation Photos” photo album, but we will get to that in a second. I organized a good edit of photos, put it for sale in my Etsy store, and was getting ready to release it when my life fell apart. If you don’t want to be guilt tripped into buying stuff, feel free to skip a paragraph. 

First my website got hacked and I was dealing with that for weeks. People suggested I should do a GoFundMe to pay for fixing it, but I always want people to get more than they pay for, even when just trying to support my work, and so I figured this Vacation Album would be a perfect way to pay for my website fees, so the project was still a go, and maybe I could just go to AVN in January a few days early. I was all ready to post about this when my roommate died. Aside from the trauma and depression from all of that I currently don’t have a roommate and the place is nowhere near ready to show. All her stuff is still here. Long story short, is that for all the people who wanted to help out with my website being fucked, or help with my other horrible situation, this is your chance. This album is fairly expensive, but buying anything from my store right now (or signing up for Girls of DBB) would help a lot. 

Anyway, let’s talk about the “Vacation Photos” album. The album will be an actual old school photo album, one of the cheap corny looking ones that you would get at a 1 Hour Photo lab. I bought 10 of them already and they are a mix of different colors so each color will be super rare. Each album will contain 64 actual 4″x6″ prints of my 35mm road trip work. It will be a good mix of nudity and roadside attractions and landscapes. The idea is that you would put it on your coffee table and people would pick it up thinking it’s an actual photo album from a vacation, only it will have a bunch of porn stars getting naked in public in it. Each album will be hand titled and signed on the inside back cover. There will be a VERY limited number of these. The Vegas album ended up being an edition of only 15 and my plan is to do 10 of these unless I sell a bunch this week, but at $150 each I cannot imagine I am going to sell a ton. But they make one hell of an Xmas present. Oh, and they come with a free postcard!

Speaking of Christmas, my plan was to get these to people before Christmas and I am still going to try but it somewhat depends on my photo lab. I am going to finish the edit this weekend and send them to print Monday, so hopefully they will all go out on the 20th, but if not I will ship them on the 30th when I get back from seeing my family for the holidays.

Below I am going to post some examples of the type of photos you will see in this photo album, but keep in mind this isn’t the final edit. I would imagine most of these will make it in the album, but I haven’t made any decisions yet. There are a few more on Girls of DBB too. 

So click here to buy a copy of Vacation Photos.

And click here to see a gallery of examples of photos that will end up in my Vacation Photos album.

Kimberly Kane

Charlotte Stokely


Dana DeArmond

April O'Neil



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Saying Goodbye To Alex Magnetic

11 years ago I met Alex “Magnetic” at a party in the Lower East Side. My friend Justin introduced me to her and I thought she has the coolest eyes I had ever seen. I got her number at that party and she was in my phone as “Alex Eyes” for years. We went on a single date that didn’t go anywhere but we were friends for over a decade.

When she first moved to LA from NYC we kept in touch. When she came back to town she was always one of the first people I would photograph when I walked into a nightclub. When she moved back home to Ohio after leaving Columbia we still talked all the time. I had a layover in Detroit and she came all the way there just to have lunch with me before taking me back to the airport. When her parents worried about her visiting NYC again I let her stay on my couch and made sure she was sober the whole time. She was briefly my intern and was the best one I ever had. When she moved to LA in 2016 I flew to meet her and drove with her, showing her all my favorite things on Route 66. 

So when she needed a place to stay when she was looking for work in NYC back in January I of course let her stay with me. She got the first job she applied to and moved in full time. She got back into nightlife quickly and was partying a lot, but she also was killing it at work and was in bed early every night she wasn’t working. She had taken up kickboxing for a while and we were both trying to encourage each other to eat healthy and I honestly thought she was doing great. 

When she would complain to me about the shitty dudes she was dating or the nightlife drama I felt like it was 10 years all over again when I was telling her she should be paying more attention to school than this nightlife bullshit. I have met a lot of people in nightlife over the years but very few of them were as obviously as brilliant as Alex. She wanted to a writer but she also wanted to be Edie Sedgwick and really live this crazy life before she could write about it.

I found myself having this same conversation with her the night before she died. She seemed manic and troubled, worried about some drama with her love life and what she was doing in life and her mental health. We sat on the floor of our kitchen for hours just talking about her life. We talked about how this nightlife shit didn’t matter and how smart she was and how we were going to try and find her a therapist on Monday. She eventually calmed down and I put her in bed and got her kindle for her. She was going to read before bed. I hugged her goodnight and told her we would figure everything out.

The next day I woke up and saw she had made some food. I didn’t hear her in her room so I figured she was out doing something. I went out to watch football, but I checked her Instagram a few times because I was worried about her and hoping she would post a story like she did every day so I would know she was alright. 

When I got home I didn’t immediately check on her. I was in a bad mood from the football game and starving. Nothing had been moved in the kitchen and I still didn’t hear anything coming from her room so I assumed she was still out. I ordered some pizza and was just finishing it when I got a message from one of her friends asking if they had seen her. My heart sank. I just had this horrible feeling. Immediately stopped what I was doing and knocked on her door. I didn’t hear anything and I opened it and found her. I could tell instantly she was gone.

The next five hours were some of the worst of my life. 17 different people came into my home and asked me the same questions over and over again. It felt like a dream. By midnight I was alone, in my home of 13 years, feeling like I didn’t belong there for the first time in my life. 10 days later I still feel my stomach drop every time I walk into the kitchen. It still doesn’t feel real. 

Alex died of what appears to be an accidental opiate overdose. From what I hear from her friends she hadn’t touched the stuff since she went to rehab for it 10 years ago. Just one slip up ended her life. Addiction and depression are both diseases. They are trying to kill you just like cancer does except no one ever stigmatizes you for getting chemo or tries to get you to have just one more tumor before you go home. And boy do they ever like to work together. 

I have lost way too many friends to addiction and mental illness, and I have written way too many of these posts. Alex was so brilliant and beautiful and fun and she could have done anything she wanted if she could have just somehow figured out how to get it all together. But her dad told me something that I try to remember every day. Drugs almost killed her 10 years ago, and we should be so grateful to have Alex for as long as we did. I am so glad to have known her and I am so happy to have so many good memories with her and before I end this post I want to leave you with one of my favorites.

When Alex was moving to LA in 2016 I had plans to be out there already so I told her I would meet her in Detroit and we could drive together. I drove Route 66 as part of my first book and I had always wanted to do it again. We had such an amazing time. We stayed in a giant teepee at the WigWam Motel, we fed burros in Arizona, she rooted me on when I ate a 72oz steak at the Big Texan in Amarillo, and we comforted each other in Oklahoma City when Trump won the election. It was such an amazing trip and I am so fucking thankful I got to spend it with Alex. I am so thankful I got to spend that last night with her. Alex was one of my favorite people of all time and I am so fucking thankful I had her in my life at all.

I went through all the 35mm photos I took on our road trip and want to share them with you all. We took a few nude photos in the middle of the desert in Arizona and in the Texas panhandle and I know she loved those photos but I also feel a little weird posting those now. One of those photos is my favorite I have ever taken of her though, so I took it and two others and put them at the very end of this gallery so that if her friends and family see this they can just avoid the last three photos in this gallery. 

Alex, I love you and I miss you. 

Click here to see 35mm photos from my Route 66 road trip with Alex Magnetic. 






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Rhode Island Road Trip 35mm

Another 35mm post? Didn’t we just do that? Don’t you want to help me pay for some film? Why am I asking questions instead of starting the post?

My friend Olivia Luccardi is an actress you might know from Orange Is The New Black, It Follows or Channel Zero. Recently she finished up the third and final season of HBO’s the Deuce and decided to move out to California like all New Yorkers do when they get too old to live in a 100 year old building in Queens with 8 roommates and no air conditioning. Part of that move involved buying a car, and that’s when this post comes in. 

When I found out Olivia had a car the first thing I did was ask her if she wanted to go on a road trip and take a million photos. She is a photographer as well and I love taking her photo and I figured it would be a really fun trip. She was down, but we didn’t know where to go so I suggested Rhode Island because it’s the only state east of the Dakotas that I haven’t been to. She was down and off we went.

The first day we went to Providence, but of course I had to stop at a giant milk jug and a pest control company with a giant blue bug on their roof. I live for that shit. But before we even got to Rhode Island we ran into the Pez factory which was fucking amazing. Oh, and also, I realize all of this is out of order and I could just go back and fix it but obviously I am not going to do that, but we got caught taking topless photos in front of the bug by an amused security guard.  

On day two we went to the beach in Newport but they wouldn’t let Oliva in the water with her giant inflatable llama and there was a big red algae bloom that she was kinda freaked out about so we didn’t stay there long. We did go on a scenic hike, ate some really good clam chowder and got stuck in a rainstorm. It was all pretty fun. On the way there we took a bunch of photos of Mr. Potato Head. Apparently he was invented in Rhode Island and they are really psyched about that for good reason.

Day three we actually spent in Connecticut because there is a weird castle that someone built way after castles were being built and they turned it into a state park and that all looked photogenic so to Gillette Castle we went. We did the tour and looked at a bunch of frogs in a pond and then were trying to figure out where we could go swimming when Olivia realized we weren’t too far from her cousin Brie’s place where they had a pool and would feed us and that sounded great and it was. The pool was honestly amazing and we got crabs and pasta and it was the best. After that we drove Brie back to the city but not before stopping at a little stream and taking some more photos. I really want to go back there when it’s not getting dark and take some more photos and go swimming and stuff.

Oh! We also saw a movie and shot some topless photos in a completely empty movie theater… at least we thought it was empty. At some point I looked up and saw that someone was sitting in the back row and neither of us knew when she got there but she might have seen the whole shoot. Whoops. 

Speaking of topless photos, none of the topless photos are on this site. This is a very safe for work gallery, but there are a bunch of movie theater photos and some topless bug photos that you can pay to see if you really want. The movie theater ones are legitimately great but gonna keep those behind a paywall. Go look at them here. They’ve been up since yesterday and they are in way higher resolution. 

If you don’t wanna cough up a couple dollars a month to support the site you can always look at them below, but I hope you use that money saved to pay for HBO even though Game of Thrones is over so you can watch The Deuce season 3 this fall so that Olivia becomes famous enough that I can make a zine of all these photos called something corny like Rhode Trip and all of the Olivia stans will buy it.

Now click here to see the photos from my Rhode Island Road Trip with Olivia Luccardi in 35mm!

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip

Olivia Luccardi Road Trip




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2019 LA Trip In 35mm

I got back from LA a few days ago and my first stop was to my film lab to drop off the 31 rolls of film I have shot over the last month. I was gone four weekends in a row after going upstate with some friends and then a road trip with my friend Olivia and then immediately going to LA for two weeks. As you may have noticed I went like three weeks without updating the site. I didn’t update Girls of DBB in even longer. I just figured I should make up for that and I had a pretty good idea of how to do that. 

On my LA trip I shot more than 20 rolls of film and I figured I would just upload a ton of that stuff. I put together a gallery of over 300 images and aside from having a ton of naked pornstar photos for you to look at as you are wont to do, it’s also an interesting look at the way I shoot. When I am doing a shoot I shoot the stuff for this website on my digital camera, but then I shoot with a bunch of other cameras too and I have something a little different in mind with each camera.

I keep black in white film in my Leica M6 and with that camera I tend to slow down more, partially because the range finder takes a second to focus, but also because I tend to enjoy stiller black and white stuff. I also tend to shoot more documentary style stuff in black an white. I keep my old Nikon SLR filled with high ISO color film. The Fuji Natura/ Superia 1600 has such a great look to it, especially in cool light, and I am so bummed they stopped making it. Fortunately I still have about 15 rolls in my freezer. I also keep just your average 400 speed film in my point & shoot camera that I keep on me at all times. I use this when I don’t want to pull out a bigger camera, or because I want to use the flash on it. I also like capturing the in between moments with it as well. I tend to get frustrated when looking at that stuff side by side with my cameras with nice lenses but I have shot a ton of my favorite photos on p&s cameras so I won’t complain too much. I shoot a bunch of Instax too, but we are talking about 35mm today…

The gallery I uploaded isn’t in chronological order, but the order my film lab scanned them in, so you might see one photo, and then several pages later in the gallery you see almost the identical photo shot on a different type of film. The black and white stuff was scanned first so it’s at the beginning of the gallery but otherwise everything is pretty random. As you go through it you can see my process if you care about any of that. If not you can just look at the nudes. Whatever works.

This gallery also serves as a preview of the 17 girls I photographed in 14 days. Some of these will be exclusive to Girls of DBB, but I also did multiple shoots with Chloe Amour and Ella Nova so it’s more like 20 galleries total. Here’s the list of the other 15 girls in chronological order: My friend Tessa, Jade Baker, Jane Wilde, Audrey Noir, Bunny Colby, Raya Blade (with Jasmine Grey), Charlotte Sartre, Damia, Kasey Warner, Khloe Kapri, Arya Fae, Jennalyn Ponraj (non nude), Chloe Cherry, Ginger Banks and Nikki Hearts (also non nude). Aside from all those shoots there’s a ton of other stuff in here like shots from Jules Jordan’s 4th of July party and just hanging out with people. There’s some real weird stuff of Charlotte, Nikki & Leigh Raven for example. I didn’t shoot anything digital there, but the film photos are way worth lurking. Oh and I shot a bunch of 35mm photos of my neighbor Kirra who happened to be in LA at the same time. 

Anyway, I am gonna end this post and let you look at this truly massive gallery, but I should plug a couple of things real quick. The first one is of course Girls of Driven By Boredom. There are more than a dozen more photos in that gallery than this one, they were posted on there earlier and in way higher resolution. Signing up also keeps me shooting film because film is expensive. Speaking of which, the second thing I need to plug is my “Sponsor a roll” idea. If you pay $25 which is roughly the cost of film and processing for one roll, I will send you a bunch of photos from that roll and you can pick one and I will send you a signed 8″x10″ photo from that roll. I get my film paid for and you get a cheap print. People seem to be really on board and I sold out in one day, but there’s an option of sponsoring 5 rolls and getting a single 16″x”20 print which means once they pick there are still 4 rolls up for grabs. In total I have 9 rolls left in this batch before I start a waiting list for future rolls, so if you want a print and to help me keep shooting film, sponsor a roll now!

Okay, now click here to see a massive gallery of 35mm photos from my recent trip to Los Angeles. 

Jade Baker

Chloe Cherry

Jane Wilde

Leigh Raven Measuring Charlotte Sartre's Butt


Kirra Huges

Chloe Amour

Kasey Warner & Chloe Cherry

Gianna Dior On The 4th Of July

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Savage Apple Release Party – 5.22.19

Sailor Jerry is one of my oldest clients and for the first time in the 9 years that I have worked with them they released a drink. The other night as part of a Fleet Week celebration at Lucky Strike they debuted their first flavored rum, Savage Apple. I didn’t actually work the party, but I had to finish a couple of rolls of film so I could get them developed so I figured why not hang out, get a free tattoo and take a few photos in the process. 

Speaking of free tattoos, Three Kings was on hand doing Sailor Jerry tattoos for party goers. I got a little snake from Alex who I have known since way back when Three Kings had their first anniversary party and I shot it for Inked Magazine. It was cool to finally get tattooed from him even if it was late night in a dark bowling alley with tons of free rum on hand.

There was also free SJ rum raisin ice cream from Van Leeuwen ice cream which honestly tasted more like a Cinnabon than it did normal rum raisin ice cream but it was fucking good even if it fucked up my diet. There was free food too which I managed not to eat so I have no real opinion on that, but it was a good party.

Oh right, and there was bowling so this seems like a good opportunity to discuss my hatred for bowling. Given infinite attempts I could not possibly hit a home run off an MLB pitcher, I could not dunk a basketball, I could defend a pro hockey player or run over a NFL linebacker. Yet, I have, on many occasions bowled a strike. Bowling is about consistency and nothing is as boring as being consistent. Even golf requires a varied skill set and some sort of athleticism. Still, after a few Savage Apple drinks it appears people had a lot of fun bowling and who am I to judge?

Okay, that’s it. Go look at these film photos I shot. It’s a mix of the very end of a roll of Fuji Superia 1600 that was shot on a Nikon SLR and most of a roll of Kodak 400 shot on my point & shoot GR1 so it’s a pretty small gallery, but at least it’s something different to look at. I gotta change it up once in a while.

Click here to see all the 35mm photos from the Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Fleet Week party at Lucky Strike. 

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Release Party

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54 Photos I Don’t Hate

A few months ago I posted on here about a Kickstarter I did for a book of photos I don’t hate. I wanted to do a small project for Kickstarter’s Make 100 project where you create an edition of just 100 copies of something. It’s basically a creative prompt they do every year and I thought it would be a fun thing to do using photos I had already shot so it wouldn’t be a ton of work. It was still a bunch of work but I shipped it on time and made a little money and created something I am proud of so it all worked out.

I finally shipped the last of the books this week. I did a special edition of 25 that came with one of 5 prints and they came in some special packaging that I couldn’t silkscreen until I made sure the books and prints fit inside the envelopes. They ended up looking really great and hopefully everyone who spent the extra money on the special edition feels like it was worth it. The special edition also had 4 extra pages and even a different name

Since the book has come out, a ton of people have asked me about getting a copy but since I only made 125 copies it’s all sold out (well almost, I have a few extras but not selling them in case anyone’s book gets lost in the mail). I still want people to see this thing so I decided just to upload a gallery of all 54 photos in the special edition.  If you have the regular edition you can try and figure out which 4 photos you don’t have. You could then print them out and glue them into the book like some sort of maniac. 

In related news, I just printed a dozen new postcards and probably half of them are from this book. If you want to get a set of 13 postcards you can do so here. They ship after May 17th. 

Okay, so that’s a wrap on this project. If you got a book I hope you love it and if not I hope you dig the photos. Check out the gallery of 54 images below.

Click here to see all the photos from my very limited edition book 54 Photos I Don’t Hate. 

Photos I Don't Hate

Photos I Don't Hate

Photos I Don't Hate

Photos I Don't Hate

Photos I Don't Hate

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Galapágos In 35mm

So I got a ton of film back from the Galápagos Islands last week and I am happy with a bunch of it so I figured I should just let you guys see it all instead of posting the occasional photo on social media. You guys probably have had enough of my family vacation photos, but I promise this is the last update. 

A quick rundown in case you have missed all the previous posts… In April 2017 I went on the first family vacation I’ve been on in probably 20 years. We went to the incredible Galapagos Islands but within 24 hours of being on the boat my dad tripped on a rock and cut his head open and we had to return home so he could get medical attention. You can read all about that first trip here. 13 months later, thanks to my parent’s brilliant decision to get travel insurance, we returned to the Galapagos and this time we made it through the whole trip with no serious injuries (my horrifying sunburn doesn’t count). You can read about the second trip here.

Okay, so now that we are up to speed let me give you some information about the photos in this gallery that you might need to know. First of all, they aren’t in any sort of order because I was shooting on two different cameras on different days and the rolls are all mixed up and who cares. That being said, there is a break in the gallery where there are like 5 terrible underwater photos. I shot them with a plastic camera that I bought more than a year ago and the film was expired and looks terrible. You will notice the difference. Everything AFTER those photos are from 2017. So you have about 10 rolls of film from 2018 and like 3 or 4 from 2018. In total there are almost 200 photos and most of them are of cute animals.

The two cameras I used (not including the underwater one) were a Fujifilm Klasse (point & shoot) and my old Nikon N80 (SLR). The N80 was the first camera I ever bought with my own money after working a summer job. I still love the camera and I actually just bought another one on eBay for $33 because the flash is broken on my old one. The Klasse is also sadly broken and it put small scratches over nearly ever photo. I thought I had fixed it before the trip but I was wrong. You should be able to tell the difference pretty easily between the shots if you look for the scratches (please don’t look for the scratches). 

Aside from all the beautiful beaches and adorable wild life (baby boobies are real fucking cute and kinda terrifying) you will find some photos of my family. However my mom doesn’t want to be on my website so it’s pretty much just my dad and my brother. There’s also a few other people from the trip in there including this great old guy who told me his eyebrows made him look like an iguana so he counts as wildlife which his pretty hard to argue with. Lastly I should mention that if you don’t want to see my father’s skull through his ripped and bleeding flesh maybe stop looking at the photos when you get to the underwater shots. It’s not often you need a trigger warning for family photos but this shit is honestly pretty gruesome. 

Okay, that’s about it and thanks for putting up with my vacation photos. The Galapagos is the most incredible place I’ve ever been but I promise to get back to the drunk and naked people ASAP.

Click here to see all my 35mm photos from two different trips to the Galapagos Islands.

Galápagos Islands

Galápagos Islands

Galápagos Islands

Galápagos Islands

Galápagos Islands

Galápagos Islands

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One Year Later: 2017 AVN Awards In 35mm

Today I am headed to Vegas for another trip to the AVN Awards. I have covered the “Oscars of Porn” for the last decade and it’s always a solid mix of weirdness, fun and horror that people keep paying me to capture.

Every year I tend to have a bunch of clients but this year I oddly just have one. It’s one I am pretty excited about it and it’s paying for my trip, but it’s been weird to see local media just disappear. The Village Voice was sold and I don’t know anyone there anymore. The LA Weekly was sold and they fired their entire staff. Gothamist/DCist/LAist/Chicagoist/Etcist are all gone and I am sure there are a lot more to follow.

Last year one of my clients was Vice. I had shot the AVNs for them in 2016 and they assigned it to me the day I landed in Vegas last year. I was actually really happy with the stuff I shot for them, and they had every intention to publish it, but the AVNs took place the day of the Women’s March last year and with all the political stuff going on they never ran it. Amazingly I still got paid (I was not so lucky with a Gathering of the Juggalos client that never published my work because it happened in between the Republican and Democratic National Conventions), but the photos never saw the light of day… until now!

This huge gallery of 35mm photos from the 2017 AVN Awards (and the Adult Entertainment Expo and surrounding madness) was the large edit I sent to Vice. This would have been edited down to a dozen or so images but I figured I would give you guys everything.

It’s cool to look back and see how some of it seems like it just happened and other stuff seems like it was ages ago. The very first photo is of Blair Williams and her friend Belen. When my Instaxxx book came out I ended up staying at Blair’s house and actually photographed Belen at her place. It feels like I’ve known Blair for ages even though we have only hung out a few times.

I shot Keisha Grey on the ledge of her hotel room which was totally fucking insane and ended up as a full spread in Instaxxx. My friend Lucy Everleigh introduced me to a bunch of cam girls including Ana Mercury who is now a pretty good friend and I finally got to shoot Holly Beth who I ended up staying with once and she actually crashed with me in NYC. There’s even a photo of my girlfriend in here who I didn’t even know at the time and didn’t even notice until just now when I looked at the photos again!

Oh, and there’s also some stuff I shot when we filmed a segment for the actual AVN Awards broadcast on Showtime where Jillian Janson and I were interviewed. I uploaded it here if you want to watch it. 

It’s almost 100 photos and there are at least 15 photos in this gallery I don’t hate. Take a look for it and hopefully I will be back pretty soon with some more AVN madness from the 2018 AVN Awards… but first I am gonna go hang out with my lady in a Vegas hotel room until this insanity starts.

Click here to see all the 35mm photos I shot for Vice for the 2017 AVN Awards weekend last January.

Blair Williams & Belen


AVN Awards

Jillian Janson

Melissa Moore

Lana Rhoades

Keisha Grey

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Florida Road Trip In 35mm

Last month I did a mini Florida road trip and I shot a bunch of rolls of film and I figured it was a good idea to post a bunch of the shots from the trip. I used to post all my 35mm stuff on Tumblr but since they changed their NSFW settings so that you have to be logged into Tumblr to view my photos I abandoned my Tumblr. I post some 35mm stuff on Twitter but honestly it looks like shit with their compression so I don’t post much.

So about the trip… I had to be in Miami for a Miami Dolphins event. My fan club/ non profit Dolfans NYC was up for some awards at a thing called Web Weekend that the Dolphins throw every year and we make a big donation to the Miami Dolphins Foundation at the same time. We ended up winning Best Community Oriented Site and Best Use Of Social Media and donated $7000 to the MDF and another $1000 to RISE. If I ever have to get a real job maybe this will look good on a resume?

Anyway, since I had to be in Florida anyway I thought it would be a perfect excuse to visit the Sausage Castle, this weird compound near Orlando run by Mike Busey. I met Mike at the Gathering of the Juggalos years ago and he had given me an open invite to visit the castle. Tragically it burned down but they ended up moving to a way better space and now have this mansion with like a hundred acres of land and all this bat shit crazy stuff like a tattoo studio, batting cage and a female pig named Richard Porkins. Mike also told me they might get a giraffe.

Now I could have flown into Orlando and then just taken a train down to Miami but I knew that this girl Magdalene lived not too far from Tampa so I hit her up about doing a little road trip. She seemed like she was down to do a whole week of Florida madness but it ended up just being two days because she is in college and had to do actual things. Still, I decided to fly into Tampa.

I ended up getting a hotel in Clearwater, FL because I am kinda obsessed with Scientology and their headquarters is in Clearwater and I wanted to check it out. The night before we left for our road trip Magda met me at my weird aqua colored motel and we did a photoshoot there before heading over to the Scientology HQ. Unfortunately there was way too much security to shoot some nudes in front of it but at least I got to lurk. After that we got some food and waited for a movie theater to close. Wait, what?

When I posted on Instagram that I was in Clearwater I had a fan reach out to me and offer her movie theater as a shoot location! Seriously. I thought it was going to be a tiny indie theater but it was this massive multiplex. I am not gonna mention the girl’s name or where exactly the theater is just incase she gets in trouble with her new owners, but let’s just she is my hero. We did a quick shoot there but we had to be up super early the next AM so I Ubered back to my hotel and slept for a few hours until Magda picked me up again.

We had this whole plan of shooting on the way to the Sausage Castle but unfortunately it was raining nearly the whole drive. Luckily it let up right about the time we got to the Castle and because it’s Florida immediately got super sunny and gave me incredibly harsh lighting for my photos. Whatever.

The Castle itself was fucking incredible. I talked about it already, but I can’t even explain how insane it is. I only got a few hours there before we went to Universal Studios for their Halloween haunted house madness so I really didn’t get to shoot enough. Mike set up a few shots of him and the Busey Beauties and I did a mini shoot with Kris Kannibal and Sir Richard Porkins the pig. It was cool but honestly I want to spend like a week at the Castle just documenting the weirdness that goes on behind the scenes. I just need to find a client to pay me to do it. It really is fucking nuts.

So right as the sun went down we jumped in a few cars and drove to Universal. They have a ton of haunted houses set up and everyone wanted to go. I kinda hate haunted houses because they aren’t scary and I don’t like being startled but Mike bought my ticket so I wasn’t gonna complain. It seemed like a good chance to get more candid stuff of everyone anyway.

At Universal we met up with WWE wrestler Mojo Rawly and a bunch of his friends for some reason. He is sponsored by Zubaz which is fucking amazing, I own multiple pairs vintage of Miami Dolphins Zubaz so that’s pretty much all I wanted to talk to him about. (Although later I found out we both grew up in the same town and went to the same high school as my first girlfriend and a ton of my good friends.) He had a big crew so we were rolling like 20 people deep through haunted house after haunted house.

Universal closed at like 1am or something like that and it took forever to assemble everyone, get food and get back to the Castle. By the time we made it pretty much everyone was passed out. Unfortunately the keys to Magda’s car were missing (we found them the next day fortunately) and all of my shit was in the car. By the time I realized that her trunk was unlocked it was like 4am and I had to get to the train early the next morning so I ended up sleeping like 3 hours in a bunk bed in a closet (seriously, they have 6 bunk beds for guests built into walk in closet). So unfortunately I didn’t get to shoot any crazy partying or any of the weird giant playground they have on the property.

I took a train to Del Ray, FL where my Dolfans NYC partner lives with her husband Alex. Two of my friends also happen to live close by so I thought I would get to see them but unfortunately one was in Tampa and the other one just straight up blew me off so aside from dinner with Michelle and fam I just hung out in the hotel room. Whatever. The next day Michelle picked me up and we headed to Miami for our Miami Dolphins weekend.

This post is already too long and I know you don’t care about the Dolphins so I will just let you look at the pictures now. I should mention that aside from the normal point and shoot 35mm film I shot there’s also a roll of black and white I shot on my Leica and a roll of 1600 film that expired in the 90’s. That stuff didn’t come out great but it’s still kinda interesting to look at.

And lastly, there’s a gallery of about 30 digital images from the Sausage Castle that I uploaded exclusively to Girls of Driven By Boredom. You can see those and a billion other exclusive high resolution images for like $18 a year or whatever the fuck it costs. Help me pay off my credit card. Now go look at photos already…

Click here to see all the 35mm photos from my weird Florida road trip! NSFW as per usual!

Sausage Castle

Mike Busey

Florida Road Trip 35mm

Mojo Rawley

Mike Busey's Sausage Castle

Florida Road Trip 35mm

Miami Dolphins Take A Knee

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