One of the things I am most excited about with the new site design is the “B-Sides” section. I came up with this idea probably more than a decade ago and then idea was to have a section of my site where I could just blog without having to do a full proper post. For YEARS this site a blog where I wrote about whatever I wanted to, but somewhere around 2009 when photography became my full time job this site became a photoblog only and the random blog posts disappeared. I wanted you to see images when you went to this site and my take on the movie I just watched or the YouTube video my friends made didn’t really have a place anymore.
At some point I came up with the idea of doing a B-Sides blog that was off the main page where I could keep writing about whatever i wanted without it messing up the content on the site. But I never actually finished designing that site until more than ten years later. But it’s finally here. Welcome to B-Sides.
A few months ago my friend Teddy recommended a book called The Artist’s Way, a self help book for artists. I was stuck creatively after moving away from NYC and he thought it might help. The book is all about spirituality and has so much dumb stuff in it and I bought 20 year old edition, not realizing how out of date some of it might be. Ultimately I am not sure how much I got out of it, but one thing I have kept up is the process of journaling which I do nearly every day now and it’s really inspired me to write more, tell old stories and maybe just share my thoughts somewhere other than Twitter. I have no idea who is going to read these B-Sides, but I am excited to write them for myself.
I’ve always enjoyed writing, and I am excited to do more of it and I hope you guys enjoy it. And yes, that is a photo of 13 year old grunge me doing homework back in the early 90s. You’re welcome.