New Music From Some Friends

I came up with the idea for the “B-Sides” section of my website years ago. The idea was to have a bunch of really quick posts where I could post about anything instead of sticking to the photo heavy posts on the main part of my site. I had a whole new web design where the B-Sides would have their own section of the page, but that design never happened and I haven’t posted a B-Side since 2015. 

Well recently a bunch of my friends have released new music and when I was going through my emails today I saw I had saved the emails about the music to read later, and well it’s later. I figured I would crank out this B-Side post to promote their jams. So enjoy some new tunes from my friends.

First up is new music from Nick Catchdubs featuring Nasty Nigel. I love both these guys so now you gotta listen to their song Hot Line:

Next up, my buddy Prince Terrence started a new record label with Mattie Safer called Cell Laboratories.. Terry’s first release from his new project Rare Form is out now. It’s called All Night and you should fucking listen to it:

Lastly we got some music from my friend Krystall’s new band USE (untitled social experiment). I hung out with them on the 4th of July and watched fireworks the fireworks with them in Malibu, but then I totally missed their show a few days later so I clearly have to promote their music both because it’s worth listening to and because guilt. Go listen to Face Matter and watch the video.