
It's Not A Tumor!

Let’s Talk About My Tumor

My entire life I have had sinus issues. I am allergic to dust which is just everywhere so I spent my life not being able to breathe very well. I have this memory of going to an allergist as a kid and asking him why it doesn’t help when I blow my nose and he told me that my nasal passages were just swollen so I would just sort of have to deal with it. I just accepted that as fact for the next three decades.  A few months ago I was listening to a podcast and one of the hosts was talking about how he had sinus surgery to help open up his nasal passages. I had no idea

Early 90's Me

Reintroducing B-Sides

One of the things  I am most excited about with the new site design is the “B-Sides” section. I came up with this idea probably more than a decade ago and then idea was to have a section of my site where I could just blog without having to do a full proper post. For YEARS this site a blog where I wrote about whatever I wanted to, but somewhere around 2009 when photography became my full time job this site became a photoblog only and the random blog posts disappeared. I wanted you to see images when you went to this site and my take on the movie I just watched or the YouTube video my friends made didn’t