Site Touch Up

Thanks to my amazing friend and part time webmaster Thadd Williams DBB has gotten a very minor touch up to make it slightly more social networkable…

There are now some little buttons below each post where you can send the post to Digg or Facebook or Stumble Upon or what have you.  Whatever the kids are doing these days… I used to have a button that just said Share This and you could do similar things, but I think these little buttons work better.

Secondly, we added the Retweet buttons at the beginning of each post.  Now you can press the Retweet button and this post will automatically be sent to your Twitter.  I hope people will use this to show friends the party they were at last night, or to promote whatever event they hired me to shoot.  God willing when I do a real design update all the gallery pages will have a similar button so you can easily Tweet and/or Facebook your individual pictures.

Speaking of Twitter, there is now a feed of my latest three Tweets.  Now you can see what sort of bullshit I am getting into without even owning a smart phone.  The installation actually fucked up my side bar a little bit, but we are working to fix that. Hopefully that will be taken care of ASAP.  My guess is it is some sort of CSS issue, but I don’t even know what CSS stands for, so I think I will leave that up to Thadd.

Lastly, I think we fixed the problem with my RSS feed in Google Reader.  If you don’t use Google Reader or you don’t even know what an RSS feed is, please ignore this.  If you do use Google Reader, let me know if things are working better.  In fact, if anyone sees anything wrong with this site please let me know.

I just talked to some people about doing a more major touch up on the site, so hopefully that will be happening sometime in the next 20 months. I want to redo the side bar, add more links finally, add a place for minor site updates and a place where you can see just the photo updates without having to scroll through my ramblings.  I am also considering measures to make this site load a bit faster.  Let me know if you have problems with the site speed generally.  Also, really, any advice on how to make this page easier to use for you please let me know.

Thanks a bunch. Oh, and just for contents sake, I have been listening to the Dramatics while I have been working on this site.  Their song Shake It Well might be the best song I have ever heard.  Listen to it while you browse this site and everything will look that much nicer.


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Comments (1)


  1. July 14th, 2009 | 8:19 am

    looks fixed in my google reader igor

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