Birthday Party Madness

So the depravity and madness of my last birthday party were not quite recaptured this year, partly due to the fact that I was sick and decided it would not be a good idea to try to make out with everyone I saw.   As I got drunker, I did end up making out with a few ladies (sorry!), but hopefully they will not get too sick.  I had a bunch of fun, and I only managed to upset a few people which is par for the course I guess.  I am just not very good at drinking, there is a reason I do not do it but twice a year.  My friend Victoria brought cupcakes, but I was far too drunk to enjoy them and my friend Christina brought icing because she didn’t have time to make me a cake.  At some point late in the evening she started eating the icing and if I am not mistaken several people licked icing off my nipples.  Weird.  Saturday I woke up in serious pain and felt so god damned sick.  I made a quick appearance at Savalas on Saturday for part 3 of my birthday but I did not take any pictures despite the abundance of Burning Angel Girls.

Anyway, on Friday I did not take pictures, because I don’t trust myself with a camera when I am drunk.  The only photos of the eve taken as far as I know were by TK who shot my party last year.  This year he did not show up until about 3:30 and by the time he got inside there were only like 30 people left, which explains why all these photos were of the same 15 people.   I am extremely drunk faced looking and half the photos are of Keyle and Apathy trying to take off my shirt, but it is what it is.  Merry Xmas.





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Comments (6)


  1. June 1st, 2008 | 9:44 pm

    can you take those pictures of me down? they’re really terrible…

  2. June 2nd, 2008 | 1:47 am


  3. June 2nd, 2008 | 4:39 pm

    the last picture is my favorite..

  4. lotto
    June 2nd, 2008 | 8:31 pm

    haven’t seen good pictures on this site in a while actually….

  5. Karen
    June 2nd, 2008 | 9:22 pm

    And I took some pictures of you with my cell phone. But maybe you don’t remember!!! I’ll myspace them to you soon. They’re really artistic!!! They look like drunk white blurs! x

  6. June 3rd, 2008 | 1:14 am

    thanks lotto… i am glad you thought there were some good shots on here at some point

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