Crush – 3.31.08

So these kids who do the Carnival party in Orlando invited me down to shoot their party today. I was in town Monday and yesterday too though so they took me out. They took me to this party Crush which was pretty fun. They let 18 year old kids in so I got to flirt with some cute underage girls. I think more of that will happy on Wednesday. From what I here there is some Crush Vs. Carnival animosity, but the kids who seemed to be throwing down the hardest at Crush were Carnival kids. And they brought me to the party… so I guess it is all good.

I noticed a few big differences between the scene here and in New York. The first is that the parties don’t get bar money, so everything is about the cover charge, so getting guest listed at the party is a hassle. I also noticed that people seem to be all about supporting the scene, which I was all about when I lived in DC and VA. As soon as I moved to NYC, I didn’t care any more. Why support the scene in NYC, it’s fucking New York. There are like 50 parties a night in New York. Here they get one a night, and instead of people being competitive about a certain night, people are competitive about every day of the week. People told me that Thursday night was the best night, and then other people were telling me that Thursdays were bullshit and fuck Tuesdays because it is all about Monday or whatever. If these kids all got together they could all put in on DJ’s plane fare and get DJs to do three nights in a row so it is worth them to come to town. But what the fuck do I know. I do know that they have some cool photogs here.


Here are the photos from Monday.





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  1. that dude
    April 4th, 2008 | 6:03 am

    “supporting the scene” and “cover charges” is EVERYWHERE but NYC. trust.

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