Enter Shikari – 3.14.08

Enter Shikari got on stage and I thought they were going to suck. The lead singer was wearing mesh shorts and sandals and the bassist was wearing a Transformers shirt. I then immediately had my face melted. These dudes were fucking awesome. They were a hardcore band at a show full of electro groups (although they do use some sequencing). They jumped off stage and played all around the very small crowd. This band should be playing in a packed dark club full of moshing and circle pits, yet they had to play this out door show in the middle of the day to 30 people. They had a few dedicated fans, but they were playing at 3PM and during SXSW no one is awake then. People drink from the time they wake up until 2Am and no one wakes up for day shows. Still, these guys rocked the fuck out of everyone who was there and their lead singer jumped in the pool during the middle of the set. Fucking awesome. Check out the somewhat surreal photos.




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