Hey Virginia! Vote Barack!

Hello my Virginia brothers in the South! Outside of New York City, Las Angeles, and strangely Germany, I get the most traffic from my former home state of Virgina, mostly from Richmond where I spent 6 of the last 7 years living. And, I found out today I am not going to be able to make it to vote, so you need to vote for me and Vote For Barack Obama… who is in no way Muslim. Barack is the man to make real change in this country. He is going to make us believe in America again. In case you missed my endorsement, it is available here. So go Vote.. and in case for some reason you are an asshole and a registered republican, vote Huckabee, because despite the fact that he is a religious wacko and would be a worse president than Bush, him winning VA would be a major blow to the McCain campaign.

Okay! Go vote! And Vote Obama!

PS. This video makes me cry.


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