Six Six Sick – 1.8.08
It sort of feels like a while since I have been to Happy Endings… the first time this year at least. I was hanging out with my friend (see last post) so I didn’t do that much photoing… I usually go out alone for that reason, but like she’s okay, so it’s okay. I did however talk to someone about doing a party, convince Antwan to help me with a photo project that doesn’t involve tits, and had a conversation with someone who cut off all his hair when he was drunk and when he saw himself the next morning in the mirror he almost lost his shit. I also lost my lip ring on the subway so I think I am done with it for good. I have had it for nearly 7 years so I guess it is about time to let that go… That means I have had my lip tattoo for like 8 years now. That is fucking sensational. It still looks as good as the day I got it. Praise Jesus… Click for photos.
PS. On another completely unrelated tangent, my near complete lack of commentary on the current primary elections is intentional. For those who don’t know, I have been very politically active in my life and am following the elections very carefully… I just don’t love any candidate yet and I am going to wait until this whole Democratic primary shakes itself out before endorsing anyone… my last two primary favorites did not fare so well…