One Night Stand – 12.14.07

One Night Stand was less than packed last night due to horribly shitty weather, however that did not stop anyone from getting absolutely rowdy all night. The last time I saw so many bottles broken at a party I had a mohawk. One of the CD players in the DJ booth got broken so there was a 10 second break between every song while they switched dics. This led to a lot of screaming and clapping. Lots of dancing on tables, spit ball fights and people taking off their clothes. I have a couple nippley photos that I was asked to keep off the internet…

On top of this belligerence I had not slept in 30 hours, and am having a little withdrawel form going off some medicine and was feeling sick and really weird. Earlier in the day I almost started crying over nothing. Keep in mind I have not cried in like two yeas. Because of this I have to apologize to this girl I was a complete asshole to last night. I know some times I can be a sketchy dude. There is really just a lot of love in me, but I get into weird moods and I end up treating people like shit. I was about to leave and this girl came up to me and she seemed to really like my website and was trying to have a real conversation with me. I just decided I would hit on her, but in like a really lame way, not in a nice charming way. She totally called me out on it, and I spent the whole train ride home feeling like a prick. So, dear, if you read this, I am sorry and I hope my lack of sleep and weird mood is enough of an excuse for you not to hate me too much.

And to the rest of you… enjoy the pictures from the brawl that was last night.




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