The End Is Nigh

In the future the world will be full of clones and no one will know how to communicate in real life anymore because we will be all plugged into our computers at all times. We will sit in little pods 24 hours a day digesting information from all over the world with out moving out of our cells. Some people will gain the infinite wisdom of the universe, but most people will just spend their time coming up with creative ways to use emotions and to buy novelty pop culture t-shirts to decorate the flesh-shells of their clones that are living their sim life. Or something.

Today I had the shocking realization that time is much closer than we think, and this revelation had nothing to do with monkey cloning or the fact that Gmail insisted on letting me know about their new emoticons. It has every thing to do with one of the videos posted on myspace’s main page today. Watching this video was absolutely spine crawling. The video consists of Chad Vader being interviewed about his political leanings by Obama Girl. For those of you who have a life and are not aware of Chad and Obama Girl, they are two fictional characters featured in over played viral videos. They are representative of the down fall of media and entertainment and now they have crossed over into a world that should not exist. They are FICTIONAL characters, from different spheres of the internets, talking to each other. This video is like that weird movie in the 80’s where all the beloved cartoon characters of the day teamed up to teach you lessons about drugs, except 100 times more horrible and upsetting. I would much rather watch Alf talk about heroin than have to get my political incites from an minimum wage earning Sith Lord and a model who’s entire career is based on a three minute song she didn’t write or sing, or have really anything to do with. What is going to come next? Chris Crocker interviewing Goatse about gay marriage? Maybe LonleyGirl15 and Ms. Teen South Carolina could learn to Crank That. Or a major right wing presidential candidate reciting Chuck Norris facts? Oh wait, that happened. The apocalypse is upon us. Repent!

I am part of the problem. All your base are belong to my dick in a box.


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Comments (2)


  1. Anonymous
    December 1st, 2007 | 12:43 am

    what… the fuck.

  2. Barry
    December 5th, 2007 | 2:10 pm

    I have noticed a considerable decline in my communication skills since beginning to engage in regular use of the internet and alcoholic beverages.

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