Stupid Hippy
I was up all night Saturday night working on web stuff. I edited a bunch of the dumb video footage I have and I worked on a sweet Favorite Things about Patrick Dempsey. That will be sweet. I also was looking at the first few months of this site in from Spring of 2001. I am going to start putting some of that really old content up maybe. If it is any good. I also watched Julian Donkey-Boy again and it was way better than I remember it being. Although it was the first time I developed my man-crush on Werner Herzog.  I am not sure my point of this blog except I guess to put up the most pointless of the videos I made the other night. I shot this video at an anti-war protest in Washington, DC in probably 2002 or something. I don’t actually remember. What I do remember was that it was so cold that my feet were completely numb from standing on the frozen ground. It was one of the coldest days I can remember. I also remember watching two riot cops sit and point out protesters wearing Nike and making jokes about sweat shop labor and globalization. You know you are in DC when the cops make WTO jokes. Anyway, the point is some asshole was standing in the middle of the DC Mall wearing just underwear asking people to “sign his petition for peace”. I mean I am all anti-war and stuff, but you sir are a total douche bag. It was probably 10 degrees below 0 or something. That is about as moronic as the ad I saw on craigslist looking for “Seeking Nonsmoking & Non-beef eating Activist/Dogwalker/Catsitter“. Try to read that rambling post and then have a good fucking laugh. People like that make me want to vote for Mitt Romney and burn homeless people with money.
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