Chloe Cherry Returns

I shot Chloe Cherry a few years ago and I really loved taking her photo but then the whole end of the world happened and I didn’t go to LA for a while. When I went back in June I hit her up to see if she wanted to shoot, and she said she would be down but she got a really terrible sunburn. She was free because she couldn’t work with it. To me that sounded like an even better reason to shoot. We had to document this, and so we did!

The hotel room I was staying in was actually pretty cute, but the light was garbage with the curtains closed. It was a motel and you could easily see in the room so we couldn’t open them so we had to make due with some ugly light. But she has really cool eyeballs and looks good naked so it honestly doesn’t matter. We also took a few pictures outside which are okay but she was really back lit so the best ones of those were the 35mm shots I took because I used a flash to get both her and the background exposed properly. I honestly love this picture

The whole time we were shooting outside the hotel (it was a whole minute and 15 seconds) I was filming the shoot, so there’s a great video if you want to check it out on my OnlyFans. There’s also several other videos from that day and it turns out I still have one other video I never posted so that will be up eventually. I sometimes forget what I have already posted.

And speaking of pay sites, all these photos have been up on Girls of DBB in high resolution for a minute now, and there are a bunch of bonus shots of her sunburn and some other more graphic stuff I don’t post on this site. I keep my pay sites real cheap so you guys can lurk my content, so go support me because subscriptions have been down on both sites the last few months. I know it’s my own fault because I am not shooting new content, but I hurt my back and haven’t been able to work. I have been able to sell NFTs though, so if you want an NFT from me, now would be a good time. I would try and sell you books or zines but honestly it sucks walking to the post office.

Anyway, that’s all I got for now. Enjoy these photos!

Click here to see a bunch of NSFW content of the amazing (and sunburned) Chloe Cherry! 

Chloe Cherry

Chloe Cherry

Chloe Cherry

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