
I met Xochitl at this insane Whores N Gold party a few months ago and I ended up photographing her topless in a refrigerator.  There was something about her I really liked so a few weeks later we decided to do a photo shoot. I showed up at her place and called several times to no answer. I started walking home, since my cab had already left, but a few blocks away she called me back. She told me to just walk in. It turns out she didn’t hear my phone because their was a party at her place and everyone there was pretty fucked up. I was sort of taken back by the whole thing since I don’t normally do photo shoots during house parties, but I pressed on.

Her room was totally insane and there was a party going on in the living room so I just started taking photos. She rolled a cigarette, poured another glass of wine  and started showing me her clothes and her stuff and we just took photos and they started turning out. What started out as me just wanting to get the shoot over with and get out of there turned into one of my favorite shoots in a while. I feel like it’s very personal and real and weird and amazing. Xochitl is strangely beautiful and sort of nuts and really awesome and I had a blast taking  her photo and I hope I get to do it again soon. I think you guys are really going to dig these shots.

In other news, two days ago I decided to shoot the Indy 500 so I am driving to Indianapolis today. Turns out it’s only 12 hours away so fuck it. Let’s get weird. Gonna stop in Pittsburgh tonight and probably stay in Indy til Monday or Tuesday so don’t expect any more updates until I get back. Check my Tumblr for updates while I’m gone!

Now click here to see some fantastic photos of the amazing Xochitl.






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Comments (2)


  1. FrankB
    May 24th, 2013 | 6:07 pm

    Why are so many hot girls such utter slobs?

  2. OphidianJaguar
    May 24th, 2013 | 8:04 pm

    You got my hopes up, I though you were rolling a spliff…who rolls a cigarette!? I was gonna say, a spliff and a glass of wine, my kinda girl.

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