National Book Awards After Party – 11.17.10

The Village Voice usually lets me just shoot whatever the hell I want for them and usually that ends up being photos of my drunk friends at random dance parties. I like that arrangement quite a bit and the Voice seems pretty happy with the results. But once in a while they assign me something and last night they sent me to Cipriani’s for the National Book Awards after party.  Let’s just say I was a little under dressed. When I checked in on Foursquare I got a Real Housewives badge. Weird.

Anyway, the party was actually a lot of fun.  All these literary nerd types were getting down on the dance floor and everyone was getting seriously wasted on the open bar.  I actually overheard someone say “Is this really your first National Book Awards party?” That person happened to be Foster Kamer who was there reporting for the Village Voice.  He has made a career out of lambasting people as a media reporter for Gawker and the Voice and was quite the celebrity and gossip at the party. He was in his element; it was fun to watch.

I got to meet Patti Smith who won the award for the best non-fiction book for her book “Just Kids” which was pretty cool.  Tom Wolfe was at the awards but I didn’t see him at the after party which was pretty disappointing. I kept telling people I saw him on the dance floor getting loose, but I was lying. Sorry.

I would write more about the actual awards but I was just there for the after party and I am not really literate enough to have any sort of reasonable conversation about book awards. So instead you should read Foster’s epic tale of book awards and after parties by clicking here.

Then what you should do is click here to check out all the photos from the National Book Award’s after party at the Cipriani Club.

Patti Smith @ National Book Awards

Andy Borowitz @ National Book Awards

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