The Rest Of South By Southwest

At this point I don’t even really know what to say.  I am fucking free of the burden that was thousands and thousands of pictures that I took during a three week trip which I averaged less than 4 hours of sleep per day.  I really have one special gallery to go up in the future, but I am saving that one. It’s all 35mm and not pictures of bands.  Ignoring that, this is it. This gallery is just full of pictures that didn’t have a place anywhere else. This is the crowd shots and the people hanging out.  This is what SXSW is all about, the friends and the people you meet.  You can see these bands anywhere, but what I remember most about my trips to SXSW are the people I have met.  A lot of them I see every year there and only there. Its my 6th or 7th year in a row but it feel like I have been making the trip my entire life.  As much greif as getting these pictures up has caused me, I can’t wait to go back.  See you in March Austin.

Click  here to see the very last pictures from my SXSW trip.  There are some fun ones in here.

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