Music Gym SXSW Music Opening Night Party – 3.16.10

I have been putting up all these spring trip photos all out of order and today will be no exception. I haven’t put up anything from SXSW Music yet, so today I am going to put up the very first SXSW Music pictures I took and the very last.  But for the sake of some sort of delusional organization, let’s begin with the first.

I planned on making it an early night.  I had photographed the film awards and had to be up early to photograph Bill Murray.  I was ready to go home around one AM.  I met the guys I was staying with in Austin over at Pure Volume and they wanted to go to this club Mohawk and I had no choice but to tag along with them.  On the way there I ran in the The Death Set and they demanded I go to Beauty Bar with them.  Who the fuck am I to say no to that? So I told my friends I would meet them at 2 and headed off to Beauty Bar.

At closing time my friends weren’t picking up their phones and I was once again dragged to this music co-op space called the Music Gym. The only time I ever DJ’d in my life was there last November.  I just played YouTube videos while people mingled. Anyway, evendently Franki Chan was doing something with Flosstradamus there and a bunch of us rolled over.  Somehow it cost like $15 or something but Flosstradamus managed to drag most of us in with him.

The party was hot and my friends finally met up with us.  As locals they knew the door guy and got in for $2 which is hilarious.  Why not just get them in for free? $2 just seems really weird. Whatever, I’m ranting.  I wasn’t really planning on shooting because I had so much shit to do allready but things were cooking up pretty good and a lot of my NYC friends were there so I had to take some shots. I had been in Austin for a week with only a handful of friends in town, so when everyone started showing up for the music week, I was ready to party.  I even kissed this cute local girl, but she tragically never called me.

I feel like there are some okay shots here, and probably a few less than okay ones.  I was getting warmed up. Just click here and look at the fucking photos already. I have more work to do…








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