TAKEOVR- 3.30.10

So these are really the firs photos I am putting up from this whole trip, mostly because I didn’t have a client who needed them first. I went to Orlando, FL after WMC for two reasons.  One of them was to shoot the party Carnival which I did on Wednesday night, and the other was to go to Disney World with my friend and muse America.  We spent all day at Disney and I was falling asleep on the Monorail on the way back to the car.  I thought I was going to pass out as soon as I got home. Fortunately my friend Vegas had other ideas.  He brought me to a club in Orlando called Roxy which I guess is some horrible guido club 6 days a week, but on Tuesday’s Smile For Camera “takeover” and throw a hipster party.  All the bar staff wear Roxy shirts with TAKEOVR scrawled over them.  It’s pretty cute.

I am a big fan of clubs that mix crowds so having a hand full of guidos mixed in with hipsters and just random Orlando kids made for a pretty good party.  People got naked, girls danced on poles, Vikki Blow’s cousin bit my tongue until it bled and I met a ton of cool kids and had a blast.  The party was still going 30 minutes after last call when Vegas and I left.  I would hit it up all the time if it were a party in NYC.  It sort of reminded me of Playhouse at Cain but with slightly less pretention and a lot more randos.

Click here to see the NSFW pics from TAKEOVR at Roxy in Orlando, FL.








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