Finally, I Am A Penthouse Photographer

In my senior year book they had these things that predicted what all the seniors would be doing  “In 20 years…”. In the original draft of it my “In 20 years…” read “Playboy Photographer”.  The censors at my school made them change it which is good because they lacked the foresight to realize that Playboy will not be a magazine in 2019 and that they will just be pushing video content on a website and publishing stills from that.  Anyway, just 11 years later I have finally made a step towards my goal by having two photos published in Penthouse.  That give me just 9 years, or until Playboy goes under to become a Playboy Photographer. Anyway, the photos aren’t what you are probably thinking, the girls have all their clothes on.

When I was in Vegas in January I covered the AVN Red Carpet for the Village Voice and my friend Jennifer who works at Penthouse asked me for some images of Penthouse pets for an article she was doing.  The photos kinda suck, as all Red Carpet shots do, but it is still a pretty funny milestone in my life although not quite as great of one as when I  had sex with a Penthouse Pet., but career wise it’s pretty good.

Anyway, here is my page in the April issue of Penthouse. It comes out March 16th.  If you click it you can download the .PDF file if you want to “read the article”. Although, now that I think about it, half the article is on the previous page, so I guess you are pretty much fucked unless you want to buy a copy.


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Comments (2)


  1. betsy schnitzel
    March 11th, 2010 | 7:53 pm

    congrats! and now we can say we know a penthouse photographer. makes us look cool too.

  2. March 11th, 2010 | 7:58 pm

    haha. you guys are missed. I think ill be in RVA in April..

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