Trash – 2.5.10

Yikes. Looks like I took a three day weekend. I accomplished nothing over the last three days and I am not super upset about it. I have my excuses and things to talk about (BBQ’d meat, Super Bowl, Caps hockey, etc), and I might get to them later, but for now I just want to give you some pictures that are a few days old.

I shot these photos at Trash at Webster Hall on Friday.  I don’t have a lot of things to say about them but there were a bunch of cute British girls and Mitchy C was hosting and brought out a bunch more cute girls. At that to the fact that South Park’s Satan got naked and my friend Sahra Starr took off her shirt and we have some sexy pics.

I took an odd combination of really bad photos, with some shots I actually really liked.  You can check out all the shots from Webster by clicking right here.  NSFW.








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