I Call Shenanigans On These Fish!

For the last two days, for whatever reason, I left my apartment intending on taking pictures of something. I failed both nights in a row.  My motivation for taking party pictures that I am not getting paid to take is probably the lowest it has ever been.  So hire me already so I can have a reason to blog about your parties… I need to be shooting more than twice a week.

Around 2am last night my phone died so I decided to go home.  I can’t really deal mentally without having my phone on me at all times because it seems whenever I don’t have it some how I miss a dead line or some crazy happening. Or maybe it’s just my OCD acting up again. On my way home I stopped in the Skinny for a few minutes to say hi to people at the Atomic X party which used to be at Beauty Bar on Wednesdays.  They played 5 Beatles songs in a row so I ended up staying for slightly longer than I planned to. The gimmick to that party is that they give away free candy and I was sitting at the bar shoving Swedish Fish in my mouth like I was a gummi grizzly bear. That’s when it happened. I picked up a bag of fish with only two fish in it. Two fish!! I call Shenanigans on that! You can imagine my outrage.  Yes, admittedly the fish were free, and admittedly there were plenty more bags of fish in the candy bowl, but this is America and I don’t have to stand for no Shenanigans!

I decided to write a letter to the makers of Swedish Fish, Cadbury Adams. Please enjoy.

And yes, I actually did send it.

Swedish Fish Shenanigans

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Comments (3)


  1. vadim
    December 11th, 2009 | 9:19 am

    I see someone’s read the Lazlo Letters.

  2. December 11th, 2009 | 12:31 pm

    Someone probably had, but not me. Didnt know what it was till I googled it. Looks worth reading though….

  3. December 11th, 2009 | 2:28 pm

    Beatles songs always make me stay at a bar. I can’t leave when they’re on. It feels rude.

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