Chief Is Getting High

So yeah. I invented the future of music. You can thank me later. It is called “PopHouse”. It is just house music with inappropriate pop vocals all over it. I convinced Cobra Krames to give me a beat he was working on for me to give to Teddy Blanks. Teddy wrote some vocals and sent it back and after a few back and forths they had something that we liked so much that Krames got HallCall, HeartMe! and DJ Wool to do some sick remixes for an iTunes/Amazon release. Well that release is out now and you need to check it out. Below I have posted this little video Krames shot on a train so we could have something to post since we don’t want to give out the Mp3 release out for free. Also as a bonus Krames did a Mash-up of Chief Is Getting High vs. Party Works by Donnis.

PS. If any DJ’s wanna get on this PopHouse tip, let’s make it happen. This is clearly the future of music, and I want to be mentioned on the wikipedia page.



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Comments (2)


  1. Alfalfa
    July 12th, 2009 | 6:53 pm

    chief is getting dizzy watching that video!!

  2. d
    July 13th, 2009 | 1:40 pm

    um, “Thriller”?

    (both the track and the album, really)

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