Wet Hot Brooklyn Summer Part 2 – 7.10.09

So most of the night consisted of people rocking the fuck out. Ray Contour was promoting the night and started shit off. After getting the crowd going pretty nuts he let HeartsRevolution take over. They killed it per usual and as soon as they got off Anton Glamb and Star City took over while Lo from Hearts rode Star City to start their set. Shit just went bananas after that. Mics were passed around and Memberz Only took care of shit with a bunch of people grabbing the mic and doing guest spots. Ninjasonik sort of oversaw the whole thing and kept the crowd hyped. After that madness my girl Jane Bang performed her perverse lesbian rap stylings live for the first time. She brought all the cute girls on stage with her including her two sick back up dancers and they put on a fucking show. The night was a lot of fun and I ended up getting home at like 7am. Good fucking times.

Once again, here are all the photos from the night and below are all my favorite performance shots.








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