Happy Tea Bagging Day!

 I have been intentionally quiet about politics on this blog for a while.  I felt that we needed a break after all the pre-election posts I did.  And frankly you don’t need a rant from a party blogger to tell you how to think.  But I have been watching clips of that fucking worthless fuck Glenn Beck recently and he makes me want to throw my computer through a fucking wall.  I know he is just being outrageous to get viewers… after someone passed out on his show he gloated about the high ratings it would cause… but I you have to think that he believes at least some of the ignorant bullshit he is spewing.  These crazy right wingers are just saying things that aren’t true.  Like, they are just making shit up.  They are like parodies of McCarthy era red scare types.  They keep screaming about socialism and stuff… Glenn Beck is screaming about how he wishes Obama would just kill him now instead of ruining his life.  I seriously can’t get through 5 minutes of him speaking.

So all these idiots are spending today protesting high taxes and socialism today by holding these tea parties.  I am sure you have read about them… They are trying to remind people of how the American revolutionaries threw English  tea into the Boston Harbor to protest taxation without representation. I would get into how fucking retarded that is, but fortunately I don’t have to because MSNBC’s David Schuster did it for me.  Homoerotic tea bagging jokes aside this video spells out EXACTLY what I have been thinking about these protests.  Thanks David, you are my hero.


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Comments (2)


  1. April 15th, 2009 | 10:34 pm

    this video is so full of win.

    lol @ the double entendres

    seriously though, i didn’t think somebody could attain bill o’reilly/ann coulter levels of douchbaggery but glenn beck’s 912 thing proves I was wrong.

  2. April 15th, 2009 | 11:04 pm

    I believe that it was Winston Churchill that said it best when said, and I am paraphrasing now…

    “The Truth is absolute, but it must be protected by a wall of lies for it to remain pure.”

    Consider that for a moment.

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