April Fools

So a lot of people sent me emails, texts, Twitters, Facebook and Myspace messages concerned about how my website got hacked for April Fools day.  Well… I “hacked” it myself.  If you missed checking out DBB yesterday, after the page started loading, the site was immediately redirected to THIS IMAGE.  I wanted to make my site look exactly like one of those Myspace spam pages.  It looked pretty great I think… probably too good since everyone thought it was real.  I got an email from someone who is working on trying to get some good advertising on the site and he and his boss looked at my site  yesterday only to find that someone had hacked it.  Oops.  If you guys had just clicked the porn spam you would have been directed back to the site, but alas… not everyone figured that out.

I was pretty into it, but it was pretty spur of the moment.  I had some other ideas for April Fools jokes but they didn’t really work out.  I think my joke last year was the best so far.  I had a TON of people think I was actually stabbed… Some people even blogged about it.  I even went as far as wearing a bandage over my stomach the first few days I went out after the 1st last year… Although the most time I spent on an April Fools joke was when in 2002 if you tried to go to my site you ended up on this one instead.  I spent quite a bit of time crafting that beauty, so I hope you will take another look.

Lastly, we are taking a break from SXSW coverage to bring  you party photos from Tuesday and Wednesday and I will be getting to those in about 10 hours when I wake up.  In the mean time, enjoy the embarrassing media coverage of one of my favorite April Foolers…. Improv Everywhere.  You would have thought that at least their fans would have been in on the joke… Jesus people are gullible.


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