Fearless Ninja Page!
So the other day I was reading the OLD archives of this site and found this really stupid website I made years ago. It was called the FANTASTIC FEARLESS NINJA PAGE A-OK!!!!!!!!!! I did all these horrible drawings of Ninjas in MSPaint that were mostly based on these Hypercard cartoons that my friend Jamie and I made called the Kamikaze Kids. We did these little animated cartoons that were based on these two ninjas who could kill themselves and then come back to life, so they were constantly doing it in order to win battles. I would love to find that stuff but I am pretty sure I do not own any computer that can run Hypercard. For those of you who are too young or too old to have any idea what I am talking about it was like Flash but for old school Apple computers and was extremely ghetto. Wiki it.
Anyway, these Ninja drawings are amazingly stupid. Check them out.
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