Poling Place Photo Project

On Super Tuesday I went down to my polling place and tried to take some photos. A friend of mine had just designed the website to the New York Times/AIGA Polling Place Photo Project and thought it would be fun to see if I could get anything cool. Unfortunately they would not let me photograph there and some cops hassled me a bit. I ended up submitting three pictures, they all were kinda terrible. The only one I liked was a photo of the “Vote Con Esperanza” flyers I had seen around my neighborhood the week leading up to Super Tuesday. This means “Vote With Hope” en english. I really liked that, so I took a photo of one on the wet ground. It is not a great shot, but the flyer is great. The other two photos were just shots take outside the school/polling place. Not so exciting.

Anyway, my friend who did the design told me that a few of the best images were selected and now rotate as the main photo when you go to the site. They used my Vote Con Esperanza shot. I just wish I had some good photos to submit, because it is almost embarrassing to have this one up… Although… I think this means I can put the New York Times on my CV right? Ok… Probably not.

Check out the site, and send in some pictures in November…


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