Obama In 30 Seconds

MoveOn.org had a contest to make a commercial for Barack Obama. Over 1000 people sent in video and it seems like they posted them all. I watched them for over an hour and I didn’t find the one that had some people I know in it. Hopefully I will get a link to it from them and can post it. So many of the videos I watched were exactly the same. They just had people of different races talking about hope or reciting his speeches. Or they had little kids saying cute things and talking about he future. Or they just had Obama talking over patriotic images. Or they compared him to Lincoln. It was pretty much those four commercials over and over again mixed with various talking points and bullshit about hope and change, but I did find two that I really loved. The top one is an interview with a 100 year old republican who is voting democrat for the first time in her life. She probably voted for Calvin Friggin’ Coolidge. That is if women even had the right to vote then (they did). The second uses images of toys to illustrate Obama’s political platform. Check out the ones below and then watch the others here. If you find any you really like, post them in the comments. Word.

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