Product Placement

I got in a conversation last night with my friend Keith about product placement.  I think that a lot of people find product placement in films unbearable.  My friend Teddy is constantly screaming about it.  People hate having advertisements forced on us all the time.  But for me, for some reason, I find creative advertising really fun.  I like things marketed at me in interesting ways.  I think good advertising can be high art.  Now, if you are changing the script of your film to involve a product, or are just doing something boring like holding a Coke can label first at me I am not for it.  But if you can come up with an interesting way to integrate ad placement in a film that makes sense, I am all for it.  Why make up a fake product for your film, when you can get paid to use a real one.  Keith sent me to videos to prove his point which I thought I would share with you.  The first is a short documentary about product placement that is pretty funny, but very biased against product placement.  I agree with some of what they are saying, and some of this stuff is just out of line, but the guy interviewed in this video is a little out of control.  He seems so unreasonably upset about product placement.  Speaking of being unreasonably upset the second video is David Lynch being interviewed about what he thinks of product placement.  His succinct answer to the long winded question is priceless. It is even funnier than his take on the iPhone.



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