NC-17 – 1.3.07

Well my first party photos of 2008 did not exactly get off to a bang.  It was far too cold to be outside and it seemed like most of my friends are smarter than I am.  Lit had a decent crowd around 3AM but it was very slow for a NC-17.  Still, I think everyone had a lot of fun and I ended up staying until 4:30 or something.  I did not shoot much and while I shot pretty well, I didn’t get anything too exciting.  I did however dance to some oldies for a minute, and if I am dancing, that is a pretty good sign.  There are also some shots of me looking like some sort of deranged hobo.   Click to see some extremely average photos!!!!

PS. Yes, I know the date on the gallery is wrong, but it is a pain in the ass to change it so just party like it is 2007 all over again.




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Comments (4)


  1. a
    January 4th, 2008 | 8:17 pm


  2. January 4th, 2008 | 10:51 pm

    guilty as charged… however i only post really horrible photos of me… so maybe that is weird..

  3. Amanda
    January 5th, 2008 | 4:27 am

    oh hello worst night of my life
    I have the shortest fattest fingers on the east coast. AWESOME

  4. January 5th, 2008 | 6:24 am

    my fingers are also very short
    and um… you have issues.

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