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I just spent the last several hours hanging out in DC with 4 out of 5 of my best friends. The only one missing, my friend Sam, lives in NYC and I see him pretty much every other day. The others I do not see often so it was great to see them. Combined I have been friends with them for roughly 78 years. Other than these 5 kids I don’t really have any close friends so it is pretty great to see them. My friend Jamie just got a raise and everyone (not including me) got drunk on his tab and then we played Buck Hunter for far too long. I was dead last until the very last round when I somehow became victorious… and ended up second to last. This is a really boring post, but I just wanted to post this picture of four of my best friends in the world since they don’t show up on my site that often.  Anyway, that is that. I should have good updates later today if I have internet access in Richmond.