Lighting & Photoshop Practice

I have been doing nothing but event photography for nearly a year now. My lighting kit that I got as a college graduation present has been hiding under my bed. Since I am shooting my Christmas Card today (I hope!) I broke out my lights an started messing with them. My friend Tracy called me on Friday night and we took some photos of her topless on my couch. For some reason I really like the way the couch and the carpet and the wall set up a shot, so I think I might do a series of mostly naked girls on my couch. I mean duh, what else would I take pictures of. It is going to be practice for studio lighting and it is also going to be practice learning how to use Photoshop. I do not know how to use Photoshop AT ALL. I do not Photoshop my images one bit. I do sharpen them slightly, but I don’t use Photoshop for that. Anyway, I spent all night watching Photoshop tutorials and trying to learn how to use the program. I edited two images. I first edited them without the tutorial and then went back and used what I learned on top of those images. I have yet to do one from scratch, but I am sure I will soon.

Hopefully taking these photos will be fun and give me a chance to take some less sleazy nudes and get to shoot girls that don’t enjoy drunken bathroom photos as much as I do, and while doing that teach me how to be a better photographer. So if anyone wants to pose nude for me, or if anyone wants to hire me to shoot head shots or something, now is the time to do it… I am in photo mode! Email me!

So, below is a photo I took of two very talented graphic designers that came over last night: Ted Blanks and Adam Shields. Ted works for Winterhouse Studios in CT and Adam works for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. If you click that photo, a new photo of Tracy will pop up. That photo is Not Safe For Work. If anyone who knows how to use Photoshop wants to critique my very amateur attempts at touch up in the comments section, it would be much appreciated.


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