Alexis Janicki: American Hero

My friend AJ from way back in the day got arrested for jumping the White House fence. I read about this in the news, but I had no idea it was him until he sent me a myspace message today and I found this video on his profile:


While this video is extremely heartfelt and I feel for every single person who has had to fight in Iraq, but he was not always so heroic…  Although in some weird way Janicki may be some sort of bizarro world hero…

From the article:

The agents scour his service record. It shows that he joined the Army in 2000, when he was 18 years old. Growing up in Alexandria, Virginia, Janicki had rolled with a posse of slackers. They threw beer and weed-fueled bashes at an older friend’s apartment. He quit school and earned a GED. They spray-painted graffiti in Georgetown; Janicki’s tag was “Hero.” One day, he walked into an Army recruiting station hoping he had found a place to belong. The desire to join an alpha crew overwhelmed him.

“I figured the military was the same close-knit group, just more legal,” he recalls.

Evidently I too rolled with this so called “posse of slackers.”  Only I don’t remember much beer at those parties, mostly Special K, E and Cough Syrup… maybe the occasional baggie of meth.  I actually broke my straight edge in that apartment, smoking crack out of a light bulb just so I could say that I smoked crack before weed or drinking beer.  Although I didn’t touch anything again until I got drunk for the first time several years later on my 21st birthday.

I found this video today of him fighting a Teddy Bear on New Years eve 2000 at the same apartment with the same slacker friends. I always thought this was strangely funny and now I have a reason to post it.  Also, featured in the video is my “friend” Dylan who is now fucking this girl who got me jumped about a year ago and spread lies about me supposedly molesting her… I have done a lot of things in my life to get jumped before, but I didn’t do shit to her. I guess it is karma and thanks for taking my side Dyl… you’ve only been one of my best friends for a decade. Way to let mediocre pussy get in the way of that.


Lastly,  I posted this video of him setting his face on fire a few months ago. It is probably the best thing I have ever put on youtube.  Enjoy the hell of it again…


God that is hilarious.

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Comments (2)


  1. Dylan
    November 26th, 2007 | 10:26 pm

    no way man. we’s still friends. just a bit of a silly situation is all.

  2. knuckles
    June 3rd, 2008 | 5:37 pm

    Thats my basement! i had to clean that shit up! Great times though…

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