High Voltage – 9.12.07

Sorry this is a day late.  I have not been in much of a blogging mood for whatever reason.  That being said it is 7AM and I have two posts up already today.  I went out last night and I didn’t shoot.  People just did not seem interesting.  On the night of these photos were taken I was not in a shooting mood either but I got some good shots anyway, although they look a bit contrasty for whatever reason.  After the party I got pulled away by this girl to get a drink (or watch her drink) which I did… then we went to a small get together at this lovely apartment in Alphabet city and I met a bunch of people and talked about a bunch of stuff.  Then I went to these East Hampton kids house and there were like 7 kids from East Hampton there and we listend to Arcade Fire and played with a small kitten that may or may not have been named after June Cash.  There was a lot of Wild Turkey involved and then I walked home at 10 AM and was asleep by noon.  Crazy.  Here are the pictures from High Voltage featuring a special DJ set by Josh Madden.



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Comments (2)


  1. les
    September 18th, 2007 | 6:37 pm

    Isn’t this party now at 200 Orchard?

  2. September 18th, 2007 | 7:47 pm

    yes, but if i change the name of the gallery its going to fuck up all my old images
    im not sure what to do about that

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